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    I see the children are still arguing about their middle class lives

    Let's look at what Mr Dawkins said, the anti-Christian,

    "“There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings, I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death.”"


    "“I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse,”"

    You have to give Mr. Dawkins credit, despite all the years of 'Godslaying' he has carried out, he does eventually acknowledge that the society that he has, the he values and that he treasures, is a Christian society.

    There are no people looking to commit acts against Mr. Dawkins, or Jackal, or Subteigh, because in our society which is indeed a Christian society, one is allowed to have such maneuvers of freedoms. I wonder if those individuals, Jackal and Subteigh, and individuals in their positions also, and indeed other individuals, appreciate this freedom that the religion for hundreds and hundreds of years, has woven into the fabric of morality, law and indeed how we live, and what they think will be left if indeed they did cause such anarchic destruction, if the world will still allow them the luxuries they currently posses to speak and do as they wish and to whom they wish, with as they put it, deserved impunity.

    On this, and it ties in rather well from the perspective of evolution, it could be said that Mr. Dawkins has evolved into the position that he currently finds himself in the possession of.

    I rest my case about how this conversation inevitably proceeded and indeed turned out, and also my case about how my right to choose to engage or not to engage in such a discussion with its tone and aggression, does not in any way mean I or another individual is wrong, or right, in whichever position they may hold in regards to FE.

  2. #2
    Robot Assassin Pa3s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by job View Post
    There are no people looking to commit acts against Mr. Dawkins, or Jackal, or Subteigh, because in our society which is indeed a Christian society, one is allowed to have such maneuvers of freedoms. I wonder if those individuals, Jackal and Subteigh, and individuals in their positions also, and indeed other individuals, appreciate this freedom that the religion for hundreds and hundreds of years, has woven into the fabric of morality, law and indeed how we live, and what they think will be left if indeed they did cause such anarchic destruction, if the world will still allow them the luxuries they currently posses to speak and do as they wish and to whom they wish, with as they put it, deserved impunity.
    Our modern societies only grant us religious freedom and freedom of expression because of Christianity? A very bold statement. How do you support this claim? Saying that we still have these rights despite Christianity would be more appropriate.

    You are falsely awarding the social progress of Enlightenment to Christianity.

    Atheism is dominant in several European countries, but they are no less liberal compared to more Christian countries. If Christianity has indeed brought us these liberties, wouldn't they decline once the Atheists take over?

    Percentages of people in European countries who said in 2010 that they "believe there is a God"

    Dawkins simply said that Christianity might be the lesser evil compared to Islam. That's all.
    „Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants.“
    – Arthur Schopenhauer

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pa3s View Post
    Our modern societies only grant us religious freedom and freedom of expression because of Christianity? A very bold statement. How do you support this claim? Saying that we still have these rights despite Christianity would be more appropriate.

    You are falsely awarding the social progress of Enlightenment to Christianity.

    Atheism is dominant in several European countries, but they are no less liberal compared to more Christian countries. If Christianity has indeed brought us these liberties, wouldn't they decline once the Atheists take over?

    Percentages of people in European countries who said in 2010 that they "believe there is a God"

    Dawkins simply said that Christianity might be the lesser evil compared to Islam. That's all.
    Wow, you really know very little about the history of Christianity and the civilization you live in.. The Parable of the Good Samaritan is among the most important notions for what is regarded as modern Human Rights. Out of all the cultures in the world, Christianity gave women the most protection, due to the concept of Mary, mother of Jesus and indeed in Catholicism, the mother of God, and from this, the concept of Chivalry. among other things, was born. Along with the concept of Chivalry, with Christianity, women gained powers that were never historically possible under Roman or Germanic societes, such as obtaining the position of Abbess. Christianity played a role in ending infanticide, human sacrifice and slavery. Universities were a continuation of place of learning called monastries. Christians preserved writing and history through the dark ages, the Irish Catholic missionaries taught Europe to be literate again and move out of the dark ages. Christians were the beginning of a welfare state commonly provided and seen as essential to Western governments. Indeed many scholars attribute the unique nature of Christianity to providing an environment were the society can work together to bring peace which enabled technological advances in agriculture, health, art, social progress and the sciences.

    I would like to be provided an example of a culture which provides the rights and benefits to its society such as Christianity has. You mention Islam, where a woman cannot even leave her house without permission of a man, China has been ruthless throughout history and, it pains me to write this, but sadly, infanticide is still not unheard of even recently because of the population control, with this and in historical terms, it was not unknown for female infants before Christianity to be killed because the family wanted a male child, which is another example of Christianity supporting womens rights, because it is usually the female infant that is murdered.

    I think that you do not understand or appreciate your history and how our society has advanced as far as it has, and Mr Dawkins is correct in my opinion, that the Christian society is the best.

  4. #4
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by job View Post
    Wow, you really know very little about the history of Christianity and the civilization you live in.. The Parable of the Good Samaritan is among the most important notions for what is regarded as modern Human Rights. Out of all the cultures in the world, Christianity gave women the most protection, due to the concept of Mary, mother of Jesus and indeed in Catholicism, the mother of God, and from this, the concept of Chivalry. among other things, was born. Along with the concept of Chivalry, with Christianity, women gained powers that were never historically possible under Roman or Germanic societes, such as obtaining the position of Abbess. Christianity played a role in ending infanticide, human sacrifice and slavery. Universities were a continuation of place of learning called monastries. Christians preserved writing and history through the dark ages, the Irish Catholic missionaries taught Europe to be literate again and move out of the dark ages. Christians were the beginning of a welfare state commonly provided and seen as essential to Western governments. Indeed many scholars attribute the unique nature of Christianity to providing an environment were the society can work together to bring peace which enabled technological advances in agriculture, health, art, social progress and the sciences.

    I would like to be provided an example of a culture which provides the rights and benefits to its society such as Christianity has. You mention Islam, where a woman cannot even leave her house without permission of a man, China has been ruthless throughout history and, it pains me to write this, but sadly, infanticide is still not unheard of even recently because of the population control, with this and in historical terms, it was not unknown for female infants before Christianity to be killed because the family wanted a male child, which is another example of Christianity supporting womens rights, because it is usually the female infant that is murdered.

    I think that you do not understand or appreciate your history and how our society has advanced as far as it has, and Mr Dawkins is correct in my opinion, that the Christian society is the best.
    The maxim of treating everybody equally existed many centuries at the very least before the rise of Christianity. As it is, God (who Jesus believed himself to be) discriminated heavily in the Old Testament against foreigners, women, slaves etc. Jesus in the New Testament furthers his discrimination on several occasions, most significantly in his support for Damnation. He also called a Canaanite woman a dog for not being an Israelite, and he rather that his feet washed with expensive oil then the hungry be satiated, and scorned the idea of attempting to eradicate poverty.

    In regards infanticide...the bible is full of instances where children are slain by god, directly or indirectly: the famous instance when he killed David's unborn child for David's transgression. For most of European history, infanticide was common (even though the Church at times strongly discouraged it) and not even rigorously prosecuted (particularly in cases involving the child's mother), nevermind induced abortion. It was only with the Enlightenment that Christian countries systematically prosecuted cases of infanticide.

    Dawkins never said that Christian society was the best, he said that Christianity in its modern, watered down form was preferable to the religious fundamentalism frequently seen in Islam. He would far prefer a secular society. You should note that Dawkins lives in a country where the state religion (Anglicanism) is typically seen as benign and rather toothless, even if it is still backward in many of its stances.

  5. #5
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by job View Post
    I see the children are still arguing about their middle class lives

    Let's look at what Mr Dawkins said, the anti-Christian,

    "“There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings, I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death.”"


    "“I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse,”"

    You have to give Mr. Dawkins credit, despite all the years of 'Godslaying' he has carried out, he does eventually acknowledge that the society that he has, the he values and that he treasures, is a Christian society.

    There are no people looking to commit acts against Mr. Dawkins, or Jackal, or Subteigh, because in our society which is indeed a Christian society, one is allowed to have such maneuvers of freedoms. I wonder if those individuals, Jackal and Subteigh, and individuals in their positions also, and indeed other individuals, appreciate this freedom that the religion for hundreds and hundreds of years, has woven into the fabric of morality, law and indeed how we live, and what they think will be left if indeed they did cause such anarchic destruction, if the world will still allow them the luxuries they currently posses to speak and do as they wish and to whom they wish, with as they put it, deserved impunity.

    On this, and it ties in rather well from the perspective of evolution, it could be said that Mr. Dawkins has evolved into the position that he currently finds himself in the possession of.

    I rest my case about how this conversation inevitably proceeded and indeed turned out, and also my case about how my right to choose to engage or not to engage in such a discussion with its tone and aggression, does not in any way mean I or another individual is wrong, or right, in whichever position they may hold in regards to FE.
    As @Pa3s suggests that Christianity in its 21st century form is less evil than Islam is hardly support for Christianity. I don't know what freedoms you speak of that Christianity has historically provided to someone of my kind, considering that I would have been killed by Christians for the positions I hold for most of Christianity's history, and would be considered deserving of damnation merely for not believing in there god.

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by job View Post
    I see the children are still arguing about their middle class lives

    Let's look at what Mr Dawkins said, the anti-Christian,

    "“There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings, I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death.”"
    Oklahoma Bombing.... , and though such bombings aren't frequent among Christians, we can still cite that Christians still witch hunt in Africa and burn people alive... However, your religion does say that he who does not believe shall be cast into the lake of fire... Furthermore, Christians have been known to beat and kill those who have threatened to leave the church.. All Dawkins is really saying is that Christian fundamentalism isn't at this time as profound as is what we see in Islam. But with that said, that religious is morally bankrupt by doctrine alone.. Even Jesus was a Narcissist:

    * In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting FIRE,. . ."
    * Mark 16:15-16 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be condemned to hell.
    * Matthew 10:35-37 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
    * Luke 14:26 26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
    * Matthew 10:34 34 "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
    That is straight up cult leader Narcissism .. Your religion was spread by the sword, and the horrific things done by through and by it is well documented to which includes how Christianity converted the Native Hawaiians ..., often sending those who would not conform to the smaller Islands to starve to death.

    "“I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse,”"

    You have to give Mr. Dawkins credit, despite all the years of 'Godslaying' he has carried out, he does eventually acknowledge that the society that he has, the he values and that he treasures, is a Christian society.
    Umm no it's not..., It is a secular society.. Your ability to quote mine Dawkins and then spoon feed something he never said is not impressive.. You might want to learn something about integrity as you continue to display none what-so-ever.

    There are no people looking to commit acts against Mr. Dawkins, or Jackal, or Subteigh, because in our society which is indeed a Christian society, one is allowed to have such maneuvers of freedoms. I wonder if those individuals, Jackal and Subteigh, and individuals in their positions also, and indeed other individuals, appreciate this freedom that the religion for hundreds and hundreds of years, has woven into the fabric of morality, law and indeed how we live, and what they think will be left if indeed they did cause such anarchic destruction, if the world will still allow them the luxuries they currently posses to speak and do as they wish and to whom they wish, with as they put it, deserved impunity.

    I've been threatened and so has Obama by white fascist Christians here... , and no it is not a "Christian Society"..., and you are trying to attribute our freedoms to "Christianity" to which is a load of shit.. I don't think you know very much about American History or Constitution for that matter. Our laws are not based on Mosaic law Job, they are based on British common law and 18 law givers of the Near East. Never has this nation ever been a "Christian society", it has always been a secular society.. However, Christians here in the US seek to install a Christian Totalitarian Theocracy ruled by dominion theology:

    They are as dangerous as they come...

    On this, and it ties in rather well from the perspective of evolution, it could be said that Mr. Dawkins has evolved into the position that he currently finds himself in the possession of.
    I rest my case about how this conversation inevitably proceeded and indeed turned out, and also my case about how my right to choose to engage or not to engage in such a discussion with its tone and aggression, does not in any way mean I or another individual is wrong, or right, in whichever position they may hold in regards to FE.

    This conversation ended as expected ..., that being your ongoing ad nauseam and intellectually dishonest arguments which have no real value or substance... You're intentionally trying to play the role of professional victim, and you and your ilk on the Flat Earth forums debate exactly like this while never establishing your ideas and beliefs as anything less than crank.. You play the same game of Question Dodging, evidence dodging, and all the other long list of fallacious crap.. At some point people aren't going to respect you, and you wonder why you feel the discussions are "aggressive".. In fact, you seem to find pretty much any conflicting evidence to your position as an attack, or as aggression..., and when you find yourself outmatch in a debate, this is what you rely on and resort to.. Creationists like Ken Ham do exactly the same damn thing.. You came here to phish, you didn't come here to debate, and that is obvious to the common observer.

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