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Thread: The earth is round

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post

    For things that make no sense I consult the views trusted scholarly theologians.. because some things don't. Gods ways are not our ways...
    Do you even know what the definition of genocide is? If you are talking about theologians, most all of them are crank and use apologetics... Most of them can't even read Hebrew, and more than half of them can't even understand the basic principles of Hebrew Grammar.. First party theologians have too much invested interest in a particular narrative ..., and there is a reason why you rarely ever reference them in the academic arena.. , and anyone can note this, when for example, we look at mainstream secular archaeology and anthropology vs Mormon theologians..

    We talked about this alleged "doctrine" of yours already...
    Citation is required.. What doctrine of hers are you talking about? Or are you trying to be clever and say that the Bible doesn't condemn non-believers? If that is the case, I would be more than happy to educate you further on that "Doctrine".

    My husband pointed the same sort of thing out - that the Church hasn't said so, and that this is pretty significant... But since the Church is not going to rule on the cell evolving into animal and then to man theory, then it unlikely they are going to rule on this one. Apparently, you can believe your uncle's a monkey and still be Catholic. Holy Mother Church will keep us straight on matters of faith and morals - the essentials - and tolerate all sorts of other nonsense.
    I beg to wonder if you realize the human body is made up of mostly bacteria and other non-human cells..., this and that human living cells are Eukaryota cells to which are genetically related to single celled Eukaryota.. It is further notable that those non-human cells do much of the work that not only keeps you alive, but help regulate the chemical balance and functioning of your brain..We are multi-cellular organisms.. . We know who your parents and ancestors are through genetics alone, and through the same forensic science we can convict murderers and rapists for their crimes, or exonerate them for that matter.. The Church isn't going to rule on evolution? What church are you specifically talking about as there are tens of thousands of them? The Catholic Church not only contributed to modern evolutionary synthesis, but directly teaches it.. They don't hold to the errors of the Bible even though they cherry pick from it what they want to believe and adhere to as others do.. But we can at least say they aren't ignorant of evolutionary theory. And if you can worship a deity you believe has committed mass genocide, you're in no position to be arguing about how your "Church" will keep your morals straight.. Hell, you can't even manage intellectual fortitude and integrity here.., and I didn't realize lying was a moral value...

    Becasue I am avoidant of a discussion with you. I do not think you are unkind, but your way of discusing feels so to me.
    Again you need to learn proper etiquette.. You're trying to make excuses for engaging in a discussion with assertions while thinking that you should be dissolved to answering questions asked of you, or supporting your position.. This is known as "Question Dodging":

    And these are the sort of tactics I have seen between you and Job:


    Hence, neither of you two really came here to seriously address the issues.. This entire post appears at best to be be a phishing probe with the common introduction and protagonist. Furthermore, when addressed, you seem more focused on the person who's debating you than anything of the debate itself.. This is keeping they eye off the ball, and generally leads a discussion to Ad nauseam. This is the general direction taken when the person or persons find themselves in a losing argument / debate.

    - to reach understanding and/or peace with a person because I highly value understanding people and being at peace with people.
    - to defend something higher than me, like lies spread about my faith.
    Nobody here has spread lies about your faith.. , and if anything they have presented you a much deeper understanding of your religion and its origin. You are free however to choose to ignore it and everything else.. You can convince yourself that infanticide isn't real and that Moses didn't Conspire with Yahweh to kill every first born in Egypt within the narrative of your religious doctrine..., you can feel free to convince yourself that either of them ever really gave a damn about their own commandment "thou shall not kill".., this as if the hypocritical Irony wasn't at all blatant.. It is pretty hard to argue your religion is morally sound when it begins morally bankrupt in hypocrisy. It is like reading the Island of Dr Monroe to which also places blame on the beasts of one's own creation for the wrongs they commit by and through hypocrisy. Hell, your religious institution makes children's toys and songs about it and promotes what is Stockholm syndrome... "Worship thy abuser out of fear there of..".. I am not at all impressed with your "Church" or "Religion", and this was one of many reasons why I left the Church.. I am not much into worshiping Narcissistic constructs or Egos with delusions of grandeur.. Someone once asked me ; "What is greater than GOD?"... My answer was simple: "Existence itself".. There is nothing greater for which all things require to exist and have meaningful purpose than Existence.. There is no other cause or source of origin you can cite than existence itself as it is the totality, essence, cause, meaning, function, and purpose of all that is. Literally by definition...... So when I ask a theist and my fellow former Christian brothers "What is god without existence", I get condemnation as a typical response when they realize that what they are worshiping is the ego of a Narcissist with delusions of grandeur for which derived from ancient Pagan Mythology and Pagan Polytheism.., and largely through the common practice of assimilation.. Even the fount of Knowledge is nothing more than an cherry picked and skewed abstract of that mythology.., this for which converts it into assimilated Panentheism.. Where in all this am I supposed to be impressed exactly?

    However, this doesn't mean you don't have the right to believe in it, or find comfort in it.. I understand that when someone confronts you on this, especially by an Atheist such as myself, it can appear to be without heart or emotion... That however couldn't be further from the truth..., and those that care most about others will be bluntly truthful and upfront with you even if it results in disagreement or conflict of beliefs. Hence, I respect you enough as a person to treat you as an adult and offer you my honest opinion and whatever knowledge I have on any given subject..
    Last edited by TheJackal; 01-29-2016 at 08:10 AM.

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