Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post

In fact last night I realized I could go with my intuitive Panoramic view, and confirm that you are INTp (ILI). No doubt about it. You don't read at ALL like the ISTj's I know. I say INTp, final and confirmed.

As to not reading like an ISTj, I find you read like another INTp I know - @Subteigh. Yes, Subteigh self-types as INFj (because he is so careful to be polite with people and have empathy for their feelings?) but he knows I think he is INTp instead. There is something alike in discussions with you - probably your religious discussion amplifies it. Amplifies, hmm. You aren't exactly like Subteigh - you read like "Subteigh on Steroids". Subteigh with no holds barred, and lacking in a gentler edge? Perhaps you and Subteigh are different Subtypes? (See this: http://www.sociotype.com/socionics/t...INTp/subtypes/)

You are aggressive in your posts here. And that would be typical of an INTp according to this ("These are types who exhibit aggressive tendencies in their everyday life..."). Being an NT, that would come out in discussions about theories and your opinion of what is logical.

I thought about the INTps I know in real life and I realize I never get uncomfortable around them, ever, like I do in these discussions - the one here with you and the ones with Subteigh on his view of religion. Yet I am sure you are the same types as those I know IRL. I suspect the INTp, IRL, does not insist so on asserting his opinion quite so strong as he/she might in writing, particularly in a discussion of an idea he feels confident and schooled in.

INTp's would say exactly this! It's due to their Democratic rather than Aristoractic "Reinin Dichotomy". (Democratics on this typing site particularly object to typing at times). Since ISTj's are Aristocratic I am even more confirmed I have spotted your Socionics type.

You are absolutely right, intentions are important. I like what you say here.

I suspect you are a lot kinder and nicer IRL than you have come across to me in these posts.

Great! Your idea on that came across to me a bit differently in these posts.

Thanks for explaining.

LOL, how would I respond to that statement. That it's ridiculous and strange! But I tend to withhold judgment from my initial reactions, however strong they may be, while I wait for more info. I would look for what that person was actually trying to say, vs. the craziness of how their statement sounds. Because sometimes, things aren't what they seem to be. Sometimes, anyway.

I don't' have time to read that article with the care it deserves right now, or much of any other reading right now. In fact I need to hurry and finish this post.

Okay, I am persuaded. You are not an unkind person.
If I'm ILI, then @God is ILI.

The Abrahamic God is even more aggressive.