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Thread: The strategy for provoking an LSI/ISTj by Shahrazada

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    Default The strategy for provoking an LSI/ISTj by Shahrazada

    Original source:

    ++added: see also Duality observations

    The strategy for provoking an LSI by Shahrazada.
    Posted 14 May, 2007 by Shahrazada

    As an epigraph, I will cite a compliment from an LSI: "Beauty cannot be hidden" (true Colonel).
    As an epigraph, I will quote an expression by Jim: "Princesses do not pee" (true SLI, Gabin).

    So, you are now sure that your type is EIE (Hamlet). From this realization follow a few disappointing conclusions. And one of them - is that you need an LSI (Maxim). You are surveying your current situation in search of nearby LSIs - and this is your first strategic mistake! The LSI should notice you first. If you notice him first, and even arrogantly impose your company, he will successfully masquerade as an ESI (Dreiser), and you will be left behind with a feeling of admiration and puzzlement. But if you behave yourself correctly, the LSI is guaranteed to take a notice of you.

    So where are LSIs? LSIs can found everywhere, but more frequently in places that require detalization and norms, standards, licensing, specifications, and manuals written in blood ... Take a look at your surrounding accountants and inspectors. If they are not Maxims themselves, they can easily lead to a trail of one. LSI's "habitat" is usually limited by his set of rules and norms.

    And thus, on your horizon, somewhere in managerial chair or in colonel's form, on outline of an LSI has appeared. The LSI will himself identify you as an EIE - by the look of fear in your eyes. Since you carefully hide the fact that you are afraid of every person who is above you in their position, who is stronger than you ... Rejoice - because the LSI suspects nothing of it! And you, the Proud EIE, you don't openly show your fears. So, now the LSI squints his eyes and proceeds to meticulously study you. The next move is after you, which you will instinctively undertake anyways, because you are EIE after all. In the mean time, under LSI's scrupulous gaze, you will try to somehow straighten out your posture. You aren't sure of your looks, and whether what you are wearing corresponds to what you think of yourself. And don't be certain. LSIs don't like people who are too sure. In everything, ISTjs will convince you themselves and dispel your doubts.

    Now proceed to quietly hand him over your paperwork. This could be anything: licensing forms, project details, voluntary surrender, or, if this LSI happens to be your colleague sitting in a office room across the hall, it could be that data or information that you've been struggling to make sense of for over two weeks, because there are countless ways to analyze it and none are completely satisfactory to you. The LSI takes the bait. He points with his finger at an oversight, and, upon seeing tragic helplessness in your eyes, offers you to help fix it ... Thus, it has happened ... And now again your reserves of instinctive Hamletism will guide you. This offer of assistance brings up such a violent storm of emotions and feelings of gratitude inside of you that the LSI won't likely remain standing on his feet. - Stop! - Do not rush the events now, or the LSI might mistake you for an ESE and will camouflage as Dreiser again. They, bastards, know how to do this, to extinguish an emotional storm by volitional means. Thank him, and this is all. Emotional fuel for this person must be strictly dosed.

    The LSI, seeing that his help was accepted, that he has gotten an emotional expression of your gratitude, and that afterwards you have proudly retired, might as well invite you to see you again. Such possible course of events must be foreseen. Excellent! Agree softly and not too loudly, as if going on dates with LSIs is something you do every day. The LSI loves to conquer, but he doesn't appreciate that which he can get with ease. Therefore, you should let him know that besides his candidacy you have other things to occupy yourself with for the evening (especially that for a true EIE this is actually so).

    From this point on, the scenarios of development of events branch out so much that only a real EIE can follow up with them. Don't be shy - present these scenarios to your LSI. This is a very valuable strategic move: giving him the right to determine what you should do and which way you should go. LSIs themselves have very limited choices, thus he will be glad if he can spend an evening in the company of your friends (and you are EIE after all, and in such circumstances you know how to present yourself well!) or at a quiet autumn park (where you can discuss your ideas and thoughts, starting from ancient Greek Pythias and ending with modern day futurology); you can play the fortune-teller (he will appreciate the dramatic whisper and your emotional expressions), or go to a restaurant presenting yourself as a snow queen - many variations can come into the excellent head of an EIE! Let the LSI choose himself. Once the choice is made, agree with LSI's choice, but show a tint of sadness in your eyes ... You can't be here and there, really! Why do you look so sad and upset? Everything is fine, and now you will be logically persuaded that the choice the LSI made - is exactly what you want!! That's right. Third strategic move, and the game of mutual exchange of provocations has begun. And it's an entertaining game, too! Rejoice! The LSIs also love to play it!

    The possibility is not excluded (some Maxims do this) that you will be recommended what to wear to a date ... But you - you are the "Proud Hamlet"! At this stage you cannot accept any recommendations! At the same time, introduce the LSI to the idea that the needed items have to be actually given to you, rather than merely recommended verbally. By the way, some Maxims lose their mind from Hamlets to such an extent that they may run directly to the nearest store or boutique and purchase the needed item - I have seen this happen with my own eyes. This is also a provocation. Proud Hamlets do not accept handouts. If you demonstrate a fierce outrage in this case - this will raise your status in his eyes. At this point, let us suppose that you are an EIE of female gender, not Hamla, not Hamka, not Hamletessa ... Super-sexual! Provocative! Playing both a classy lady and a prostitute. What? There is doubt in your eyes now? Then go retype yourself into Esenin - if you are unsure how to play, you have nothing to do in Hamlets!

    Traits of a real ISTj. This is important. If your LSI drove his car to pick you up, give him time to demonstrate his gallantry - he gets out and holds the door open for you. Evaluate the way he does this ... Because you may run into another logical type who has read in some blog or article that ladies like it when their cavalier opens doors before them. The LSI chops the air with his hand vertically, as if separating the space where you are with him from the space where you are without him. From here on things may take a downward dive. With all of LSI's demonstrative gallantry, the inside of his car may be a little uncomfortable. The back seats are positioned tightly upright, and there is little space where you can put down your long legs. But you are Hamlet! You will somehow sort out and organize your limbs, of which you have fewer that the variations of all that's happening taking place in your beautiful head! If the car is very comfortable inside, yet your cavalier did not come out and instead opened the door for you from the inside, congratulations - you have SLI (Gabin) - also not too bad, but conflicting ... If the door is not opened before you, turn around and leave - and forsake the thought that the EIE has to open doors for herself of a stranger's car!

    If the LSI takes you to an upscale place, he will surely demonstrate his solvency and credit worthiness. This is also a provocation, just as it was with your attire. Pretend that you are indifferent. This will agitate him. Sit for a long time holding up the menu, painfully picking out what the Proud Hamlet could possibly order to continue looking good and presentable. What's there to hide: EIEs, for the most part, don't know how to use a knife and fork, and can't eat or even look at some things without shuddering. So pick a dish that would be easy to cut, not sticky, and familiar to you. Taking time playing the role of a gourmand is not for the company of LSI - he doesn't respect such tomfoolery. Alcohol? Never! You were picked up by a car and Proud Hamlets are not moochers to drink alone. This choice the LSI simply has to appreciate - your sensitivity and consideration for him being behind the wheel, which also means that you respect traffic rules.

    You had a bite, went to the ladies' room to powder your nose, and now with a charming smile returned to Maxim. There are several possible scenarios of further development of events - but, you are EIE after all! - you know when to speak, touching a chord of the soul, and when to sit in meaningful silence. Choose your statements in such a way that there would be many ways to interpret them. But to whom am I explaining all of this?! If you aren't sure that this LSI is what you need, check him in "ethical" sense. Please don't be shy and hesitate, for he, too, isn't completely sure of your Hamletism and will too attempt to provoke and check you ... Receive compliments as granted, this will be convincing for him ... Do you like building the General Theory of Everything? Finally, you have found a suitable intellectual companion. In the pile of your thoughts and ideas, the LSI will likely find one-two grains of reason, and sweep the remaining ones aside for "lack of evidence". Rejoice! Your thoughts will be brought into a harmonious and sensible system. While your LSI is occupied by this, you will already have new thoughts ... But do not overload the mind. It was not intended for you to make logical conclusions. Quickly change the subject, else you risk blowing up much to the surprise of everyone around you. By the way, the LSI will appreciate both options: the intellectual overload and the emotional explosion. But why on earth would you need this?! And, in public ...

    EIEs never ask or beg for anything. They simply look in such a way that a wish arises in people around them to come to their aid. EIEs accept this help and care. But not from everyone. The EIE also never explains or makes excuses before anyone. If the EIE was late to a date, such was his or her strategic plan. The LSI needs to be "rocked around" a bit on his suggestive function. But! - and this is important - EIEs always supply the LSIs with warnings about what might occur ahead of time and demonstrate foresight in any engagement.

    The LSI (from personal observations) might try to kiss the EIE right in his uncomfortable car, on the principle of: "The one who pays for the music, is the one who dances with the girl." (The logic of "logical" types.) However, this is also a provocation. The EIE does not like such surprises and could reply with an angry tirade on the topic that decent girls do not kiss on the first date (actually, I will note in parenthesis, that even though EIEs don't like such surprises, they are secretly thrilled by them, which they also don't like - such incomprehensible creations are they ...) And this is it: from EIE's angry emotional tirade the LSI falls to ecstatic tenderness, and even expands his narrow eyes to the size of small saucer plates ... He was looking for a "decent girl" all his life!! So that everything would be with all seriousness, but also with sparkle and glamour. After all, the wife of Caesar must be above any suspicions. Thus, you have incited him to a second date, because now it is interesting to him when a decent girl can allow herself ... and also because he has already spent on her ... If the LSI did not hear or heed the warning, this is his problem now. The EIE won't try to justify him/herself afterward. Proud Hamlets never justify! If the LSI is impassioned so much that he tries to exert volitional pressure, the EIE responds with emotional onslaught and pressuring in return. Here the war will reveal the plan! Though the EIE likes it when he or she is being won over, and is quite capable of stretching out the process of LSI's conquest to a maximally long time. Because this is how EIEs entertain themselves and brighten the day-to-day flow of their lives ...
    Last edited by silke; 07-10-2017 at 08:02 AM. Reason: updated

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    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    lol that scenario with LSI was exactly how it was in my case. Things happened very natural. And it was great.
    The thing is that he first took me to an average place. So on our first date I did one unconscious move. In a coffee I suddenly switched the chair I was sitting on and said "I am not very comfortable sitting here" NO IDEA why I did that and why I said that both chairs were completely the same. But that got him interested in my weird behaviour.After this date the places he would take me to eat would get more and more "prestige" and I am not some spoiled bitch so naturally I acted like it is written here "Pretend that you do not care. This is his factory." I am very bad at deciding about the food and again this happened naturally "Above the menu sit for a long time, painfully picking that Proud Hamlet in a position to dine, to look good." But I did not wanted to look like a country woman so I kept my behaviour of a lady.
    Yet I was sitting near the menu and exploring the dishes for like 30minutes! I thought he would get irritated but he just sat there smiling and that made me attracted to him.

    LSI would always put me into the situations where I would have to make choices and he would become very pleased when he would notice that I am very bad choice maker and that I get very doubtful so he can make a final choice himself. This was his game which would end up with both of us being the winners. He would make me feel like I am very important and he would be happy that things are still going his way. : )

    That situation with car is also interesting. I never knew that opening the door of a car is something EIE finds hard to do. But I have problems with it once in a while.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarinana View Post
    lol that scenario with LSI was exactly how it was in my case. Things happened very natural. And it was great.
    The thing is that he first took me to an average place. So on our first date I did one unconscious move. In a coffee I suddenly switched the chair I was sitting on and said "I am not very comfortable sitting here" NO IDEA why I did that and why I said that both chairs were completely the same. But that got him interested in my weird behaviour.After this date the places he would take me to eat would get more and more "prestige" and I am not some spoiled bitch so naturally I acted like it is written here "Pretend that you do not care. This is his factory." I am very bad at deciding about the food and again this happened naturally "Above the menu sit for a long time, painfully picking that Proud Hamlet in a position to dine, to look good." But I did not wanted to look like a country woman so I kept my behaviour of a lady.
    Yet I was sitting near the menu and exploring the dishes for like 30minutes! I thought he would get irritated but he just sat there smiling and that made me attracted to him.

    LSI would always put me into the situations where I would have to make choices and he would become very pleased when he would notice that I am very bad choice maker and that I get very doubtful so he can make a final choice himself. This was his game which would end up with both of us being the winners. He would make me feel like I am very important and he would be happy that things are still going his way. : )

    That situation with car is also interesting. I never knew that opening the door of a car is something EIE finds hard to do. But I have problems with it once in a while.
    I do too, actually. lol
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    LSI-Se woman with EIE-Ni husband here.
    I see the gist of this in us. I need a chase and I need to exert my will, he is delightfully emotional and confusing, I mask as a Dreiser with undesirable men.

    Believe it or not, I open the door for my man.. but he does this for me too, since he is a man.
    I would love to see a description like this with reversed genders. I am in touch with my masculine energy as he is in touch with his feminine energy, but we are still EIE man and LSI woman...
    this takes nothing away from the aggressor-victim dynamic, and him whipping me with his emotions while I take control and do things for him. You know.. actual things... boring things... things EIE's don't like to do.
    But we are still Beta, and he enjoys being a 'knight for his queen' just as I enjoy allowing him to lure out my emotions.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
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    ++added: see also Duality observations

    The strategy for provoking an LSI by Shahrazada.
    Posted 14 May, 2007 by Shahrazada

    As an epigraph, I will cite a compliment from an LSI: "Beauty cannot be hidden" (true Colonel).
    As an epigraph, I will quote an expression by Jim: "Princesses do not pee" (true SLI, Gabin).

    So, you are now sure that your type is EIE (Hamlet). From this realization follow a few disappointing conclusions. And one of them - is that you need an LSI (Maxim). You are surveying your current situation in search of nearby LSIs - and this is your first strategic mistake! The LSI should notice you first. If you notice him first, and even arrogantly impose your company, he will successfully masquerade as an ESI (Dreiser), and you will be left behind with a feeling of admiration and puzzlement. But if you behave yourself correctly, the LSI is guaranteed to take a notice of you.

    So where are LSIs? LSIs can found everywhere, but more frequently in places that require detalization and norms, standards, licensing, specifications, and manuals written in blood ... Take a look at your surrounding accountants and inspectors. If they are not Maxims themselves, they can easily lead to a trail of one. LSI's "habitat" is usually limited by his set of rules and norms.

    And thus, on your horizon, somewhere in managerial chair or in colonel's form, on outline of an LSI has appeared. The LSI will himself identify you as an EIE - by the look of fear in your eyes. Since you carefully hide the fact that you are afraid of every person who is above you in their position, who is stronger than you ... Rejoice - because the LSI suspects nothing of it! And you, the Proud EIE, you don't openly show your fears. So, now the LSI squints his eyes and proceeds to meticulously study you. The next move is after you, which you will instinctively undertake anyways, because you are EIE after all. In the mean time, under LSI's scrupulous gaze, you will try to somehow straighten out your posture. You aren't sure of your looks, and whether what you are wearing corresponds to what you think of yourself. And don't be certain. LSIs don't like people who are too sure. In everything, ISTjs will convince you themselves and dispel your doubts.

    Now proceed to quietly hand him over your paperwork. This could be anything: licensing forms, project details, voluntary surrender, or, if this LSI happens to be your colleague sitting in a office room across the hall, it could be that data or information that you've been struggling to make sense of for over two weeks, because there are countless ways to analyze it and none are completely satisfactory to you. The LSI takes the bait. He points with his finger at an oversight, and, upon seeing tragic helplessness in your eyes, offers you to help fix it ... Thus, it has happened ... And now again your reserves of instinctive Hamletism will guide you. This offer of assistance brings up such a violent storm of emotions and feelings of gratitude inside of you that the LSI won't likely remain standing on his feet. - Stop! - Do not rush the events now, or the LSI might mistake you for an ESE and will camouflage as Dreiser again. They, bastards, know how to do this, to extinguish an emotional storm by volitional means. Thank him, and this is all. Emotional fuel for this person must be strictly dosed.

    The LSI, seeing that his help was accepted, that he has gotten an emotional expression of your gratitude, and that afterwards you have proudly retired, might as well invite you to see you again. Such possible course of events must be foreseen. Excellent! Agree softly and not too loudly, as if going on dates with LSIs is something you do every day. The LSI loves to conquer, but he doesn't appreciate that which he can get with ease. Therefore, you should let him know that besides his candidacy you have other things to occupy yourself with for the evening (especially that for a true EIE this is actually so).

    From this point on, the scenarios of development of events branch out so much that only a real EIE can follow up with them. Don't be shy - present these scenarios to your LSI. This is a very valuable strategic move: giving him the right to determine what you should do and which way you should go. LSIs themselves have very limited choices, thus he will be glad if he can spend an evening in the company of your friends (and you are EIE after all, and in such circumstances you know how to present yourself well!) or at a quiet autumn park (where you can discuss your ideas and thoughts, starting from ancient Greek Pythias and ending with modern day futurology); you can play the fortune-teller (he will appreciate the dramatic whisper and your emotional expressions), or go to a restaurant presenting yourself as a snow queen - many variations can come into the excellent head of an EIE! Let the LSI choose himself. Once the choice is made, agree with LSI's choice, but show a tint of sadness in your eyes ... You can't be here and there, really! Why do you look so sad and upset? Everything is fine, and now you will be logically persuaded that the choice the LSI made - is exactly what you want!! That's right. Third strategic move, and the game of mutual exchange of provocations has begun. And it's an entertaining game, too! Rejoice! The LSIs also love to play it!

    The possibility is not excluded (some Maxims do this) that you will be recommended what to wear to a date ... But you - you are the "Proud Hamlet"! At this stage you cannot accept any recommendations! At the same time, introduce the LSI to the idea that the needed items have to be actually given to you, rather than merely recommended verbally. By the way, some Maxims lose their mind from Hamlets to such an extent that they may run directly to the nearest store or boutique and purchase the needed item - I have seen this happen with my own eyes. This is also a provocation. Proud Hamlets do not accept handouts. If you demonstrate a fierce outrage in this case - this will raise your status in his eyes. At this point, let us suppose that you are an EIE of female gender, not Hamla, not Hamka, not Hamletessa ... Super-sexual! Provocative! Playing both a classy lady and a prostitute. What? There is doubt in your eyes now? Then go retype yourself into Esenin - if you are unsure how to play, you have nothing to do in Hamlets!

    Traits of a real ISTj. This is important. If your LSI drove his car to pick you up, give him time to demonstrate his gallantry - he gets out and holds the door open for you. Evaluate the way he does this ... Because you may run into another logical type who has read in some blog or article that ladies like it when their cavalier opens doors before them. The LSI chops the air with his hand vertically, as if separating the space where you are with him from the space where you are without him. From here on things may take a downward dive. With all of LSI's demonstrative gallantry, the inside of his car may be a little uncomfortable. The back seats are positioned tightly upright, and there is little space where you can put down your long legs. But you are Hamlet! You will somehow sort out and organize your limbs, of which you have fewer that the variations of all that's happening taking place in your beautiful head! If the car is very comfortable inside, yet your cavalier did not come out and instead opened the door for you from the inside, congratulations - you have SLI (Gabin) - also not too bad, but conflicting ... If the door is not opened before you, turn around and leave - and forsake the thought that the EIE has to open doors for herself of a stranger's car!

    If the LSI takes you to an upscale place, he will surely demonstrate his solvency and credit worthiness. This is also a provocation, just as it was with your attire. Pretend that you are indifferent. This will agitate him. Sit for a long time holding up the menu, painfully picking out what the Proud Hamlet could possibly order to continue looking good and presentable. What's there to hide: EIEs, for the most part, don't know how to use a knife and fork, and can't eat or even look at some things without shuddering. So pick a dish that would be easy to cut, not sticky, and familiar to you. Taking time playing the role of a gourmand is not for the company of LSI - he doesn't respect such tomfoolery. Alcohol? Never! You were picked up by a car and Proud Hamlets are not moochers to drink alone. This choice the LSI simply has to appreciate - your sensitivity and consideration for him being behind the wheel, which also means that you respect traffic rules.

    You had a bite, went to the ladies' room to powder your nose, and now with a charming smile returned to Maxim. There are several possible scenarios of further development of events - but, you are EIE after all! - you know when to speak, touching a chord of the soul, and when to sit in meaningful silence. Choose your statements in such a way that there would be many ways to interpret them. But to whom am I explaining all of this?! If you aren't sure that this LSI is what you need, check him in "ethical" sense. Please don't be shy and hesitate, for he, too, isn't completely sure of your Hamletism and will too attempt to provoke and check you ... Receive compliments as granted, this will be convincing for him ... Do you like building the General Theory of Everything? Finally, you have found a suitable intellectual companion. In the pile of your thoughts and ideas, the LSI will likely find one-two grains of reason, and sweep the remaining ones aside for "lack of evidence". Rejoice! Your thoughts will be brought into a harmonious and sensible system. While your LSI is occupied by this, you will already have new thoughts ... But do not overload the mind. It was not intended for you to make logical conclusions. Quickly change the subject, else you risk blowing up much to the surprise of everyone around you. By the way, the LSI will appreciate both options: the intellectual overload and the emotional explosion. But why on earth would you need this?! And, in public ...

    EIEs never ask or beg for anything. They simply look in such a way that a wish arises in people around them to come to their aid. EIEs accept this help and care. But not from everyone. The EIE also never explains or makes excuses before anyone. If the EIE was late to a date, such was his or her strategic plan. The LSI needs to be "rocked around" a bit on his suggestive function. But! - and this is important - EIEs always supply the LSIs with warnings about what might occur ahead of time and demonstrate foresight in any engagement.

    The LSI (from personal observations) might try to kiss the EIE right in his uncomfortable car, on the principle of: "The one who pays for the music, is the one who dances with the girl." (The logic of "logical" types.) However, this is also a provocation. The EIE does not like such surprises and could reply with an angry tirade on the topic that decent girls do not kiss on the first date (actually, I will note in parenthesis, that even though EIEs don't like such surprises, they are secretly thrilled by them, which they also don't like - such incomprehensible creations are they ...) And this is it: from EIE's angry emotional tirade the LSI falls to ecstatic tenderness, and even expands his narrow eyes to the size of small saucer plates ... He was looking for a "decent girl" all his life!! So that everything would be with all seriousness, but also with sparkle and glamour. After all, the wife of Caesar must be above any suspicions. Thus, you have incited him to a second date, because now it is interesting to him when a decent girl can allow herself ... and also because he has already spent on her ... If the LSI did not hear or heed the warning, this is his problem now. The EIE won't try to justify him/herself afterward. Proud Hamlets never justify! If the LSI is impassioned so much that he tries to exert volitional pressure, the EIE responds with emotional onslaught and pressuring in return. Here the war will reveal the plan! Though the EIE likes it when he or she is being won over, and is quite capable of stretching out the process of LSI's conquest to a maximally long time. Because this is how EIEs entertain themselves and brighten the day-to-day flow of their lives ...
    Far out, this is way too long.

    Be charming, charismatic, confident but sensitive. LSI is the chick who views the fashion world in black and white, has a chronic case of resting bitch face, drinks beer, drives a motorcycle, forgot to shower or shave and doesn't wear a dress, but damn, she's oh so cute in a sullen kind of way. Secretly, the LSI just wants to be impregnated, so go hiking together. She will greatly appreciate it if you can find a suitable tree trunk - you can then bend her down to 90 degrees, and copulate without abandon like wild animals.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 08-16-2017 at 09:22 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    Far out, this is way too long.

    Be charming, charismatic, confident but sensitive. LSI is the chick who views the fashion world in black and white, has a chronic case of resting bitch face, drinks beer, drives a motorcycle, forgot to shower or shave and doesn't wear a dress, but damn, she's oh so cute in a sullen kind of way. Secretly, the LSI just wants to be impregnated, so go hiking together. She will greatly appreciate it if you can find a suitable tree trunk - you can then bend her down to 90 degrees, and copulate without abandon like wild animals.
    The article is good Not just funny but a pretty good analysis too. I don't relate to the resting bitch face at all, that to me is more like Fi valuers in the way I interpret what a resting bitch face is, as for the rest, well...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    The article is good Not just funny but a pretty good analysis too. I don't relate to the resting bitch face at all, that to me is more like Fi valuers in the way I interpret what a resting bitch face is, as for the rest, well...
    The article is accurate indeed. Many LSI's do have resting bitch-faces though ; )

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    The article is accurate indeed. Many LSI's do have resting bitch-faces though ; )
    Show me a photo of someone who has a resting bitch face that's like what many LSIs have in your experience because I don't think we interpret it the same way. To me it means the person has a consistent negative and personal attitude towards stuff. That's hardly me, I'm a bit more neutral than that. I can get and look pissed off at times but that to me doesn't mean that kind of attitude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Show me a photo of someone who has a resting bitch face that's like what many LSIs have in your experience because I don't think we interpret it the same way. To me it means the person has a consistent negative and personal attitude towards stuff. That's hardly me, I'm a bit more neutral than that. I can get and look pissed off at times but that to me doesn't mean that kind of attitude.
    Basically, we are talking about your default emotional expression; the vibes you give off unconsciously to others. Women with resting bitch face come across as sullen, icy, and grumpy without meaning to. So RBM has nothing to do with an attitude. (The attitude problems you're describing do sound Fi-ish, though.)

    To compare SLI and LSI: Si-Te tends to be a little more detached and the eyes often have reflective Fi sadness. Ti-Se is a lot more confronting and intense. If I can find some good pics I'll link them.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 08-16-2017 at 10:18 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Show me a photo of someone who has a resting bitch face that's like what many LSIs have in your experience because I don't think we interpret it the same way. To me it means the person has a consistent negative and personal attitude towards stuff. That's hardly me, I'm a bit more neutral than that. I can get and look pissed off at times but that to me doesn't mean that kind of attitude.
    I don't think that's what RBF means. The bold implies a negative character evaluation substantiated by concrete words and/or actions, rather than a default facial expression which may produce a negative character evaluation unsubstantiated by concrete words and/or actions.

    Bette Davis, Vivien Leigh, Victoria Beckham, Rooney Mara, and Kristen Stewart are examples of female celebrities with RBF. Not all of whom are "bitches", in the colloquial sense of the term, but their default facial expressions may suggest otherwise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Show me a photo of someone who has a resting bitch face that's like what many LSIs have in your experience because I don't think we interpret it the same way. To me it means the person has a consistent negative and personal attitude towards stuff. That's hardly me, I'm a bit more neutral than that. I can get and look pissed off at times but that to me doesn't mean that kind of attitude.

    No, not negative attitude, it has nothing to do with it, it's just the way the face looks when in neutral position - it has a don't fuck with me, edgy vibe. Mmm, from the pic I remember of you, you do have a RBF in my definition lol. RBF's often make people look cool, so it's not a negative thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    Far out, this is way too long.

    Be charming, charismatic, confident but sensitive. LSI is the chick who views the fashion world in black and white, has a chronic case of resting bitch face, drinks beer, drives a motorcycle, forgot to shower or shave and doesn't wear a dress, but damn, she's oh so cute in a sullen kind of way. Secretly, the LSI just wants to be impregnated, so go hiking together. She will greatly appreciate it if you can find a suitable tree trunk - you can then bend her down to 90 degrees, and copulate without abandon like wild animals.
    This is vomit inducing and yet oh-so-EIE, I can't I love how socionists paint EIEs as genius actors, yet there's something always so neon and obvious about them, you can always pot them even before they open up their mouths. It's the freakishness I think, it can't be contained no matter what mask they try on.

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    Lol I predict Sailor Mars isn't going to type LSI-Se for long.

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    Now this article is something new. Entertaining! I like it. More of those

    If the car is very comfortable inside, yet your cavalier did not come out and instead opened the door for you from the inside, congratulations - you have SLI (Gabin)
    That reference The efficient and comfortable cavalier. I'm in SiTe heaven.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I'm not talking about different facial features in a physical sense. I'm talking about different expressions. This is how I see it, anyway.
    I think you're missing the point, or maybe I didn't explain it correctly. There isn't a single, comprehensive example of "RBF". Those are examples of female celebrities whose default facial expressions may convey "bitchiness". If you don't see it, that's fine, but they aren't meant to look identical.

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    Quote Originally Posted by super mbti user View Post
    I think you're missing the point, or maybe I didn't explain it correctly. There isn't a single, comprehensive example of "RBF". Those are examples of female celebrities whose default facial expressions may convey "bitchiness". If you don't see it, that's fine, but they aren't meant to look identical.
    Is it hard to imagine that you may be missing my point, too? I didn't claim that RBF = one single expression. I said KIND of expression, not one SINGLE expression. Some of them do convey bitchiness, some don't. To me.

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    Do you like building the General Theory of Everything? Finally, you have found a suitable intellectual companion. In the pile of your thoughts and ideas, the LSI will likely find one-two grains of reason, and sweep the remaining ones aside for "lack of evidence".

    ...Didn't work on Myst, even though I wasn't trying to date her so that was probably fortunate anyways.

    How to tell an LSI from an ESI once they try to pop into their shell: express extreme passion. ESIs hate this, LSIs will accidentally light up then try to pretend they didn't. Now, bypass the rest of the article. It doesn't even have a way to get them at the end so you're on your own there anyways.

    Also, Filatova's portraits just look like mild cases of Chernobyl mutation and I wish they'd be retired, along with people flinging around the Cognitive Styles thing. I know I started the second one, but you shouldn't even think about using that without the Process and Implementation Groups. Plus, it's Gulenko. It's cool that it's written like a Soviet torture manual, but even he throws away his own ideas every couple of weeks. Process and Implementation Groups is not written like a torture manual, and that makes it too boring for nearly anyone to pay attention to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    I know I started the second one
    You've only been here for a year. So, no.

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    I am a drama queen but was cooler than Myst in high school. One way to annoy them is to not explain yourself.
    "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it, and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tearsofaclown View Post
    I am a drama queen but was cooler than Myst in high school. One way to annoy them is to not explain yourself.
    I'd also say being a drama queen is pretty cool itself if you mean that literally, and isn't that what EIE "Actor" is about? ("I prefer 'Thespian,' thank you!")

    LSI "Inspector" is also pretty cool though.

    Myst types me as IEI and that is one of the main reasons I disagree. The people I see typed IEI are so fucking soft. I cannot be same type as them. Maybe they are mistyped. Maybe I am. Maybe this is all nonsense. But it is one of the reasons I think myself EIE over IEI now. IEI is too passive and soft. exactly what you said. Aspiring Se should want to kick ass and get mean once in a while.

    ...Myst hates all her duals, confirmed.

    I also suspect IEIs are mostly "harder" in real life than this site paints them to be, based on type descriptions like Strati's that paints all of Beta Quadra as some sort of giant arena where everyone will betray and kill everyone else for honor and status, and your own honor even comes before love and family bonds so you should just kill your spouse or brother if they're in your way. They probably tend to look pretty soft anyways though since they're role-playing in their Beta clans or whatever.

    Or maybe most are just Alphas.
    ...Or maybe Myst's an Alpha. That'd only work if this were all just nonsense though, since she uses Creative all the time if anyone does.

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    This topic is everywhere so I'm just going to talk about what I want to in regards to LSIs. The Aushra/Weisband quote from earlier:

    Quote Originally Posted by Weisband and Aushra
    A mix of delicacy and adventurism. He is very reclusive and secretive. He does not like to be the center of attention. In communication, especially at a distance, he is sympathetic and not bothersome. At the same time, he needs listeners. He captivates people by his purposefulness in implementation of his own system. If he understands something and other people do not, he may fall into aggression. He is also stubborn and uncompromising, as a manager he tends to put the screws on. He is tactful, sympathetic to people; however, he treats them rather like instruments. Personal feelings, sympathies and antipathies do not distract him; the most important thing is the result. Ethic is submitted to logic (Stalin). He does not tolerate, when other people move his belongings – for him this is a grave insult. For him it is hard to tolerate aggressive people, although he does not strive to argue with them.
    The bolded sections are due to Fe dual-seeking and Fi role. You'll notice the bold in LIIs too, probably easier than in LSIs even. For example think of how hotelambush or User Name address people and help them to type, or how they bring things up. Super polite, super reasonable people, it's nice. Where they differ from LSIs is here:
    Quote Originally Posted by about LSI
    If he understands something and other people do not, he may fall into aggression.
    I admire how much longer LIIs tend to be patient, and I think Ne helps out here. They seem much better at finding other ways to come at something, whereas an LSI will tend to just get louder and more forceful while continuing to say the same thing "It's there. Right there! Don't you see it!" I thought this post was very apt: How types argue. Not using Ne to find another way to express things or get my point across and just repeating myself instead, is why I come across like an angry lunatic sometimes and they usually seem to be reasonable people heh.

    Back to Fe dual-seeking, and Fi role, a refesher:

    Quote Originally Posted by Golihov
    Fe as suggestive function in LSI (ISTj; Maxim Gorky) and LII (INTj; Robespierre)
    Tries to find a place where he is treated well by everybody. If someone expresses negative feelings towards him (for example, in a domestic fight his wife says, "I hate you"), then he takes this literally and tries to get out of there immediately and find another place where he is treated better. Therefore, they find it extremely difficult to be in places where they do not know how others are predisposed towards them. Appearance of someone who readily welcomes them is perceived as "the appearance of Christ to the people." Very suggestible when someone tells him about what relations exist between people. He likes positive emotions of other people, becomes as if charged up by them. Moves in overall direction of prevailing positive tone in emotions and avoids places with negative emotional charge. He does not like intrigue and gossip, feels uneasy in such situations since here he can easily fall victim and be put at a disadvantage. Therefore, he is critical of those who are not direct in communication, who speak in private and not openly, is suspicious of this. Relations between people should always be open, honest, and kind. What is said about one's relations should coincide with one's actions, and if not - then something is wrong. Saying that you love a person it should be demonstrated in action as well, and if your words are not visible - then they are not true. Very suspicious about predisposition of others towards him, suspects some kind of conspiracy. Even if suspicions are due to small detail, he either immediately tries to break off relations with a person or to exclude his or her from his inner circle, reducing contact with them to a minimum. Because of this he can considered a defector - if he finds people who treat him better he may ally with them, finding this a substantial enough argument to change sides. May fall victim to sycophancy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Strat
    The ISTj very much likes to live in an emotionally saturated, bright, and vivid manner. He likes people with restless and rebellious hearts and souls, who can create bright emotional impressions, fill life with strong yet pleasant emotions - without such impressions the LSI quickly loses his vitality, "turns sour", becomes stiff, formal, and dull. Sometimes he feels himself sick, sluggish, deprived of liveliness; he begins to feel depressed, falls into hypochondria and misanthropy.

    For the ISTj it is very important that his life would be filled with bright emotional events. He quickly "charges up" from the common emotional elation, especially, if these are strong and sincere emotions. The LSI likes the feeling of a public holiday, where he feels himself a part of general celebration. The LSI in general likes holidays and celebrations with bright entertaining showcases. LSIs love the magnificently designed solemn ceremonies: the openings of festivals, Olympiads, celebrations for the occasion of adopting the oath.

    The LSI often experiences the need for a change of moods. Possibly for this reason (especially in the absence of his dual, the EIE) he tries to create an emotional tone in his circle of friends himself. Sometimes, at the peak of the holiday, a non-dualized LSI can suddenly feel a need for deep melancholy emotions. It is good if in this case he sings himself or plays a melancholy song, otherwise, it has happened, that he could play for his guests the funeral march of Chopin. A similar prank can be expected from an EIE, but the LSI will most likely do something like this unconsciously - he simply feels a sudden strong yearning for heartache and sadness.

    Sincerity in the expression of feelings - is one of the most important values of this dyad.
    Quote Originally Posted by Filatova
    Fi – Role function. In his relations with unfamiliar people, LSI tries to behave appropriately in accord to the norms of behavior. At a distance he seems like a comparatively gentle man: he rarely raises his voice and outwardly behaves in a peaceful manner. But one ought to remember that LSI is a person of reserve who does not say everything which he thinks. He cannot always feel and interpret the moods of others and is capable of voicing a criticism, which may be true in nature, but which is offensive in form.

    It is difficult for him to establish desired relations with others outside of work. At the same time he finds it difficult to alter his already established relations, even if he feels changes are needed.

    With his logically appropriate manner of behavior, which seems strict, and occasionally may be even callous, a certain moments he is given to emotions and sentimentality. In his free time, he may watch tv shows and movies that bring tears to his eyes. These manifestation of extroverted ethics (Fe) in the LSI can be rather childlike and undeveloped. But there are also such moments when LSI suddenly flares up with anger – during these moments he finds it difficult to control himself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Beskova
    During the first meeting, MAXIM demonstrates himself to be proper and well-meaning conversationalist. He smiles in a friendly manner, showing how glad he is to see you. He has a bribing smile, which magically transforms the usual withdrawn, somber expression on his face.
    If there isn't a suitable topic for conversation, MAXIM is not very talkative. He is also not one of those who attempts to become the "master of ceremonies" in a circle of guests. He has systematic thinking, and if you suggest a worthy topic he will provide you with logical basis for anything, from the workings of a computer to such concepts as art and love.

    Try to shake him up a little, tell a joke and laugh, and you will see how he will cheer up immediately and smile in response. In general, he enjoys the atmosphere of a holiday, a carnival, a theater performance. With pleasure he will spend time in a restaurant or at a bright, beautiful show. He will be drawn into the general merriment at a disco, will run around in a red cap and fool around during the New Year’s celebration at the office.

    MAXIM is not only responsive to merriment, but he can even be touchingly sentimental, although this is hard to see within this strict, dry person. He is capable of being imbued by much compassion and pity for the hero of a melodrama, that tears will come to his eyes. At work, MAXIMs sometimes experience assaults of unexpected, unmotivated sympathy for their colleagues, even if they behave in a way warranting their dismissal. Especially so if their colleague's relatives are ill, or a dog suddenly died, or a wife being unfaithful.

    At first meeting, you are guaranteed to see a charming smile and coquettish gaze. MAKSIMKA with pleasure will laugh at your jokes and, for some time, support the merriment. She knows how to be charming, and also how to seem tender, brittle, and defenseless, if she decides that this is something necessary for the time.

    But do not be mistaken, there is a real iron rod inside this girl. And, as soon as she feels that a relationship has been established, she will more rarely make eyes at you and more frequently manifest her demanding and possessive nature. In addition, MAKSIMKAs are frequently romantic and lofty in their souls, and also like to imagine themselves as heroines of novels or movies.

    Representatives of this type greatly value the atmosphere of any holiday (their favorite is often the New Year). They will never miss dates that are significant in their family (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). They will arrange a celebration at home with giving of gifts, a celebratory meal and invitation of close friends. Leading a fairly closed off and measured style of life, at the same time, they are not against enjoying some company and merriment, so that they can laugh and fool about, but only in case that the company is made of people whom they consider to be their people.

    Thus find a good reason for celebration and invite your MAXIM or or MAKSIMKA. If they know that there they will be entertained and cheered up, then without fail they will come over. And, may be even bring a mask of fake nose with glasses and whiskers. But they will do so only in such a case, if they know that the hosts will with pleasure take up their tomfoolery.

    Fe dual-seeking in summary means they want to be welcomed, accepted and are receptive to emotional expression. This is why they tend to be polite when first meeting someone, and try to be aware of how they're treating people. They want people to have a positive disposition towards them. They'll make mistakes, they're not good with it, and as mentioned in the spoilered section, they'll say things too bluntly or harshly sometimes because sincerity is of utmost importance, but they won't ignore Fe.

    There's also the aspect of enjoying lively, emotionally charged environments and expression. This can be the festivals and celebrations mentioned, but it can also be just enjoying dramatic emotional people - someone expressing something with passion and intensity, especially if they can draw the LSI into it with them. Big reactions to things amuse them. They'll pay attention to the overall emotion that someone is projecting. And they can enjoy getting caught up in it. This is not Fi where people are saying, "I feel this. I feel that." Instead it's words charged with emotion, arranged for impact - like great speakers infusing a crowd with energy, but it doesn't have to be a crowd since it's the energy itself, not how many people are there that matters.

    Edit to add:
    Being emotionally affected, overwhelmed with the emotion also happens, as in these quotes:
    Quote Originally Posted by Filatova
    With his logically appropriate manner of behavior, which seems strict, and occasionally may be even callous, a certain moments he is given to emotions and sentimentality. In his free time, he may watch tv shows and movies that bring tears to his eyes. These manifestation of extroverted ethics (Fe) in the LSI can be rather childlike and undeveloped.
    Quote Originally Posted by Beskova
    MAXIM is not only responsive to merriment, but he can even be touchingly sentimental, although this is hard to see within this strict, dry person. He is capable of being imbued by much compassion and pity for the hero of a melodrama, that tears will come to his eyes.
    And some examples:
    Last edited by squark; 10-25-2017 at 07:24 PM. Reason: clarity, fixing quotes and links

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    I guess I must assume people are the types I think they are without always paying attention to what they type themselves as. I didn't know that @Tearsofaclown or @Wyrd ever considered something besides EIE, as I just figured that's what they were and never saw a reason to think otherwise. And they don't really talk about their types. I also just always assumed @Muddy was LSI though, and didn't realize he didn't type that way until I saw his typing thread awhile ago. It was in my head he was LSI and just stayed there and idk where the idea originated since I don't think I've ever tried to type him.

    I notice what people type themselves mostly when they talk about their type a lot and seem very different from the type they mention, like when @Chae used to talk about being ILI for example. Every time she said it I did a double-take and wondered if she was joking or trolling. It makes a weird disconnect. I have this same kind of reaction to other people sometimes, and I think - really? You really believe this?
    I have no idea what am now to be honest lol. Main issue I would see with an LSI typing is that I'm pretty opposed to rules or restrictions of any sort, and I'm pretty conflict prone with anybody who insist I do something a specific way. That has become very apparent at my job.

    I took the test again and I got ESI which I didn't get in the past when I took test. Maybe I got that result because I've become fed up overtime with people around me being assholes lol, idk.

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