Quote Originally Posted by IBTL View Post
Welcome to beta home of the LSI penny pinching misers, the SLE bulldozers who wipe out habitats, the EIE bratty messiahs who will do anything to prevent their own suicide in order to avoid confronting any kind of other messiah, and the IEI airheads who will walk around with rose-tinted glasses on unable to cope with the devastation. I'm not being unnecessarily rude (more like out of necessity) because that would be a "fake" emotion, according to you and very much relationship-oriented. Censored Fe emotions are not tolerated by Ti+Se LSIs nor Se+Ti SLEs; those rascals are Ti schizoid and Se paranoid like you won't believe! I'm simply being a beta NF and true to my IEI program - FOR ONCE IN MY GOD DAMNED LIFE! I understand your grievances, though, as EIEs certainly can have a messiah complex (perhaps this is best understood as slightly reduced introverted intuition which they would need more of if they had any intention of easing their own blows) and difficulty seeing beyond their own extroverted, megalomaniac tendencies into humanity itself as it exists here on Earth. Do you need a hug too? Why are you trying to fix what is not broken about me? Would you like me to pick you apart? Maybe you're too weak as well and this would not be advisable as judging types are fantastic at picking others apart and wire mothering and a total failure as it relates to Dr. Harlow LIE's experiment with orphaned monkeys and their wire and cloth mothers. I swear, you and Myst are SEIs! (I've already been picked apart my entire life by my LII mother who is a personality type junkie and a Socionics enthusiast, for whatever value it has to our discussion as there is no allowance for pity or poor sportsmanship in my particular double aggressor quadra )
In actuality, it makes since how this thread is loaded with alphas considering how quadras progress from alphas, betas, gammas and then to deltas through supervisory and beneficiary rings. The OP is alpha and you and Myst are alphas as well. I clearly see LII/SEI activation playing out true to form within this thread while the Lithuanian lady who developed Socionics was an ILE reformist and an alpha - the Soviet Union sucked anyway after Karl Marx ILE demolished slavery without preserving the individual's value, which is where your type comes in to do that kind of dirty work. Si is undoubtedly biased to its own mythological experiences. Blah blah blah ... I understand (as it is my hidden agenda "to understand" just like it is yours) why y'all are interested in Socionics and betas, but again, I'm a beta NF and not being unnecessarily rude since that isn't even how beta NFs operate. You even said so yourself! Geez, it's difficult communicating between DA algorithmic, black or white, deductive, negativistic cognition and VS circular, inductive, synthetic, positivistic cognition. No wonder DA cognition and VS cognition is not a basis for duality! We can hardly communicate ... I just had an epiphany ... *there went my IEI revelation light bulb* ... see if an ESE can communicate all of this to an LII, after the LII pisses off the ESE of course, and then to you SEIs and then get back with us! Lets play telephone! Lol Where is an LII and an ESE whenever you need one?! Haha... I am indeed the IEI sheriff breaking my head open and looking for her deputies since SLEs don't have a want to clean up their own dirty, destructive demolition work.

Or you could just as easily take my word on a few things, because my INXx mastermind head is back on straight. My SLE boyfriend and his LSI dad had screwed it back into place, just like I knew they could as soon as I had a formulation of their types, until the unprecedented speed of our dualization and subsequent activation got the best of their mirror relationship! I felt like I had won the lottery as soon as my head fit back on straight. My SLE boyfriend is in jail now, though, and his dad is finally coughing up the funding to remodel his rundown bunker of a house. I think I'm supposed to repay the favor and get him out of jail, it's at least implied by them, but SLEs can be cheating, lying dogs and promiscuous players since their hidden agenda is "to be loved". So what's a girl to do? I'd just as soon let him rot and savor his aged but improved flavor later on in the relationship he had promised to me. (He would have killed himself or someone else on his particular path of disaster without our duality progressing past the initial phase of rapid dualization.)

If it makes others feel better, FeSe and/or SeFe can also be understood as a proclamation.

So where are you from, other than alpha quadra? I like to say "ain't" too but as a playful joke like Dr. Fried in the paperback book I Never Promised You a Rose Garden. (I'd underline the name of the book but mobile PCs like smartphones have extensive limitations.) It's an excellent book about personal perseverance for people with fried brains who have lost their sanity and freedom at some supposed great cost to the patient. The protagonist Debra is an IEI schizophrenic who simply has an inner world because she isn't coping otherwise, and Dr. Fried, the German psychiatrist who practiced in America after WWII, is an LSI. For what it's worth, IEEs will ease others, but it's by letting them down as the IEE takes over just like Hayley Williams sings in that Paramore song "Ain't It Fun".
I laughed. Not sure why. Thanks?