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Thread: Quick test for introverts Si vs. Ni

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    yeves's Avatar
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    Default Quick test for introverts Si vs. Ni

    suggested by an INTj, a short introverted type test for valued Si vs. Ni.

    which one do you experience? and what's your type?

    Si - closing your eyes and remembering, your memories and perception become more detailed, sensory, solid, definitive, certain, grounded and grounding
    Ni - closing your eyes and remembering, your memories and perception become more nebulous, unshaped, unhinged, vague, floating, dizzying, liberating

  2. #2
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    LII, I experience mostly the Si one.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Actually both depending on the memory. If the memory is something with a powerful emotional element to it, it tends to be rather vivid and detailed, but if I'm trying to just remember something banal from earlier in the day, it's not so vivid. I guess the answer would be Ni, since I don't really recall things with vivid detail, especially if I consciously try to. I can tell that I seem to make up my own details to fill in the blanks. My type is INTp.

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    My memories are always blurry and unfocused, I am frequently trying to summon back the positive ones or even induce them into my dreams... I often fail but I don't give up and keep trying.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    When I intentionally close my eyes and try to remember it is the Ni one definitely. When I close my eyes images shift and morph into other things. I see fractals, colors, faces of people I don't know, things that don't exist in reality. Things shift rather quickly so it makes it hard to actually visualize anything, for long, or to remember something in detail on purpose. I often think I am making stuff up when this happens but it is more future oriented and the memory feels like a future memory sometimes. After I find the right words for what I am experiencing I can sometimes explain what I see to others.

    Less often it is the Si one. This is much easier to put into words and happens when something triggers a memory (like in associative thinking) and it comes on rather sudden and usually with my eyes open. Closing them will shift me back to Ni. When it is more Si I can get specific details, sensations and movie-like playback but it doesn't last very long. It can feel way more solid but I cannot intentionally call on it.

    I can intentionally morph things with my eyes closed but it seems to happen like a split second before I actually think about whatever it is I am focusing on. Hard to explain.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    remembering what? i remember years back i used to haev this thing when i closed my eyes and it's like there was movement. There still kind of is, I think it means there is stress.

  7. #7


    Idk... with the things in my head, it’s difficult to explain... I don’t have a precise word for it... but it feels like a nebula. Like images, thoughts, information, memories. I never experience this thing when people say, that their memories are like a scene playing in their head and they can concretely lay it out, like it’s a detailed concrete scene/image. For me what I can see with my eyes, that is the concrete image. I can get that as something real for me, a image that is detailed and when I close my eyes I actually do it to concentrate on my thoughts and they are usually like a whirlwind of different things, like everything that I have absorbed.

    I always like the term thought process, because that it’s what it feels like. Like a computer. All these things that just get processed and sometimes the process works in the background. It sometimes feels more like hearing my thoughts as a voice and sometimes my head feels to full (too much voices). Then I try to get into blank state again, to think about things from a fresh point of view. Like I hear music or do something else, think about sth. else to recharge. I'm also one of these people who cannot just sit around and 'think' about something. I really reckognize this in myself, that I kind of like to keep it more dynamic.

    Like I have to move around. Go back and forth. I always like it when there is a lot going on and I just move around with it. I 'think' better. Sitting around 'thinking' makes me uncomfortable. I hated school. Like when you had to sit there for hours and listen. My brain just slowed down. So I’m working on sth. 'brood over sth.', like this state where I try to process all the information that I gathered, but I feel stuck, like the movement has stilled and I don‘t get any further, I go about other business, do sth. else, move around, change scenery. Like trying to clear my head again and then tackle the problem with an different mindset.

    But the thing is, for whatever reason I cannot let it go. Either way I let it work in the background and slip into the process here and there, or I let it rest when I don‘t get any further. Sometimes I might get a new impulse (like I see sth. or somebody brings something up) and idk the engine starts running again. Sometimes I even cannot really pinpoint what it exactly was. It can happen while I’m doing sth. entirely different or talk with sb. about sth. different (this has lead to some rather amusing incidents during conversations). You know most often it's not big revelation thing, but it's like ti took time to ripen and then when I try to give it more shape, the whole process thing (that was contained) before just flows (out).

    So it’s sometimes hard to bring across, when I haven’t gone through the whole process, haven’t got to the core, to my solution of things. What kinda helps me
    is writing things down or talking them through. Like I like to write it down to order my thoughts. To bring whatever is going on into a more concrete, ordered shape and form. To make things more understandable and easier to follow. It’s like I make my thoughts visible to myself and that helps me to have a more concrete grasp on them. Sometimes though in writing I feel like, I might not find the right words, or I read it again ... and it‘s not precise enough for me.

    But when I have worked it out, I usually can explain it in a more concrete and comprehensive way. So all in all I think the whole stuff in my head it’s just various things... whatever. I always feel like myself though when I’m like really concentrated, engage my brain in sth. otherwise I feel like bored and everything is so slow and I feel like numb in my brain and I hate that. I can get extremely cranky when that happens. But when I have sth. that catches my interest then the process begins and I try to work on an end result, that comes out of all the processing of various things (that are hard for me to explain, pin down at the beginning), that has more shape and form (that is more concrete).
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 03-12-2016 at 03:03 PM. Reason: i think this is it, grammar

  8. #8


    My memories start off detailed and solid and then become persistently hazy
    It's really hard for me to stay with a particular memory without it morphing into some imaginary experience

  9. #9
    ouronis's Avatar
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    Definitely the Ni one-INTj.

  10. #10
    Contra's Avatar
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    My whole life has pretty much just been a blur-- INTp

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    I think it's worth noting some of the MBTI, socionics, etc theorists emphasize the 4 combo too much (Ni, Te, Fi, Se or Ti, Ne, Si, Fe) and don't emphasize the other things enough (like just being a NT).

    So it's worth noting a valued Si might not translate to having particularly non-fuzzy memories -- given Ne is prioritized above in ego, and Ni is stronger than Ne or Si for INTj for example.

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    I don't relate to my life being a blur. My memories are very clear. More uncertainty concerning my type.

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    the "ni" one. i don't have a photographic memory or a good memory for visual detail (although i'd point out that one can grow that kind of memory - i've watched someone do it over many years). i'm not autistic either, which means my filtering processes are all working to only pinpoint the info i need (there's an overwhelming amount of stimuli around us most of the time, and our brains filter most of that shit out). where i'm going with all of this is that i'm highly skeptical that this is all that relevant to ni vs. si and furthermore don't understand why the "si" one is si rather than se. but i'm really not sure as supposedly sensors *do* notice more visual detail? err.

    (also this would kind of force most autistics into the "si" category? some amazing autistics can memorize entire books, because they can see every page in their minds - it's not that they remembered the words, but that their brains stored pictures of every page down to every last detail and so they can just flip through the pages in their minds and read it all over again.)

  14. #14
    huiheiwufhawriuhg's Avatar
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    I relate more to the Ni one... Though I am not sure wthether it is that one or not, because remembering for me is about nothing that needs to be concrete, it's far more about feelings, how did the situation made me feel when it happened that I remember the most. I remember atmosphere and sentiments that come to me naturally. I also can vividly remember tastes and sounds but rarely images or colours.

  15. #15
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    I would say that my thoughts are this sort of "Glorified Reality", were I remember most fine details but at the same time coat it with a bit of nostalgic mysticism. So a mixture of both I guess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post
    suggested by an INTj, a short introverted type test for valued Si vs. Ni.

    which one do you experience? and what's your type?

    Si - closing your eyes and remembering, your memories and perception become more detailed, sensory, solid, definitive, certain, grounded and grounding
    Ni - closing your eyes and remembering, your memories and perception become more nebulous, unshaped, unhinged, vague, floating, dizzying, liberating
    Terrible, inarticulate wording. Remembering what? A chain of events? The physical properties of an object? A speech? Perception of what? The memories? The immediate physical environment?

    Is the question whether one's memories solidify/clarify or decompose after they've been initially invoked, or how clear and detailed they tend to be in general? Most of the responses so far are answering the latter, which I don't think was intended to be the query.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    What does that even mean? Honestly

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    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post
    suggested by an INTj, a short introverted type test for valued Si vs. Ni.

    which one do you experience? and what's your type?

    Si - closing your eyes and remembering, your memories and perception become more detailed, sensory, solid, definitive, certain, grounded and grounding
    Ni - closing your eyes and remembering, your memories and perception become more nebulous, unshaped, unhinged, vague, floating, dizzying, liberating
    I don't need to close my eyes as that changes nothing in terms of memory recall.

    My memories that are to be retained long term are selected by overall context, in terms of how significant the piece of memory seems based on a hunch.

    The memories themselves are detailed, certain, solid. They are not "grounding" particularly as I'm already grounded by default.

    The memories of the last few days (most of this may not be retained long term), if I force myself to recall them, are a very detailed long list of snapshots.

    Good luck guessing if I value Si or Ni, from this. I'm otherwise a Ni valuer with strong Si as you can see in my type profile. I think it depends on strength/dimensionality as well, not just valuation/devaluation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    When I intentionally close my eyes and try to remember it is the Ni one definitely. When I close my eyes images shift and morph into other things. I see fractals, colors, faces of people I don't know, things that don't exist in reality. Things shift rather quickly so it makes it hard to actually visualize anything, for long, or to remember something in detail on purpose.
    This is what I have if I focus hard with closed eyes before sleeping. But it's not memories, it's just visual stuff, but it's just like you describe. It puts me to sleep very fast.

  20. #20
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    My memories become more focused and detailed if i focus on them. It doesn't make any sense at all that focusing on any thought would make it disperse and become hazy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    My memories become more focused and detailed if i focus on them. It doesn't make any sense at all that focusing on any thought would make it disperse and become hazy.
    Oh yeah if I try to focus on them harder (I do not have to close my eyes for this), I actually pull out more concrete details from the initial memory image. It also doesn't make sense to me lol.. is it how intuitives work, tho'?

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    My memories become more focused and detailed if i focus on them. It doesn't make any sense at all that focusing on any thought would make it disperse and become hazy.

    I agree it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's what happens to me, the memories start off detailed and then kind of get hijacked by Ni, transforming them into something else. And in general I don't have a lot of strong memories, I get slightly repulsed when I think about the past, and doing things over again or by routine. I don't know if that makes much sense either, since that would imply unvalued Si.. and I'm definitely an Ne-dom

    Does anyone else have a vague disgust reaction to their suggestive function?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    I agree it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's what happens to me, the memories start off detailed and then kind of get hijacked by Ni, transforming them into something else. And in general I don't have a lot of strong memories, I get slightly repulsed when I think about the past, and doing things over again or by routine. I don't know if that makes much sense either, since that would imply unvalued Si.. and I'm definitely an Ne-dom

    Does anyone else have a vague disgust reaction to their suggestive function?
    I have disgust for logic that deems my Fi irrelevant (ie logically justifying hebephilia and being like "thems the facts and your feelings about it don't matter"). Theoretically maybe this is Ti but it's not invisible in Te egos.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    I agree it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's what happens to me, the memories start off detailed and then kind of get hijacked by Ni, transforming them into something else. And in general I don't have a lot of strong memories, I get slightly repulsed when I think about the past, and doing things over again or by routine. I don't know if that makes much sense either, since that would imply unvalued Si.. and I'm definitely an Ne-dom

    Does anyone else have a vague disgust reaction to their suggestive function?
    Suggestive function is pretty distant from Ego in a sense, it's not meant to be utilized by you directly like the Ego functions, so in this sense, yes this attitude you have would make sense.

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    I remember meaning, which is necessarily nebulous, above sensory input. I have a hard time seeing how it would be different for other people. Remembering an event, I might get a flash of an image, but it's essentially a symbol of the meaning of that event. I focus on my emotions to help guide my understanding of this meaning over time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    I remember meaning, which is necessarily nebulous, above sensory input. I have a hard time seeing how it would be different for other people.
    You're funny. I'm the opposite way, I have a hard time seeing how other people would not remember details too. It happens that I only remember a logical conclusion though.

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    My memories of things are really hazy. It's been that way my whole life... An image of an idea I have: mind-blowingly clear...

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