Posting these so people don't have to fool around with translator.

Don Quixote

Sees the world as a world of meaning, ideas, puzzles and the solutions finding for the answers to his questions. In each situation he penetrate well into the essence of an object or phenomenon, its positive possibilities, proves and describes them in terms of global, abstract logical laws.

To present his vision he builds an abstract system, a scheme, a generalized concept, which broadly justifies concrete idea, a guess or an opportunity.

His perceptions of willful resistance, pressure and protection are based on the generally accepted patterns and stereotypes. Understanding of human relationships and the ways to avoid tension in them are based only on his personal understanding. Not able to assess the adequacy of liking / disliking, to agree with the common rules. It’s difficult for him to consider to the situation in relations. Therefore, hint of unethical behavior, of inability to act properly or of the disrespect for other people perceived painfully by him.

He stereotypically seeks to establish and maintain relationships in order to protect self and his relatives from the volitional pressure, but with limited personal understanding of these relations.

Aesthetics and comfort (in a wide sense) attracts him much. He feels the lack of knowledge and skills to eliminate discomfort and inability to diversify his aesthetic perception. He would like to believe that he can create and maintain a pleasant emotional atmosphere around, in a small circle, in an informal atmosphere. Positive assessment of this skill pleases him. He gets “activated” in situation of good, warm emotional atmosphere.

During the life he has worked out an individual convenient ways of activities distribution over the time. Inadvertently he selects the best technologies and practices for the current operation. Subconsciously, without thinking, he makes flexible use of available goals achieving ways, allowing them to fit the overall time plan, which he mapped out for himself.


"Dumas" perceives the world in terms of comfort and convenience, especially emotional comfort. He understands and appreciates comfort, depending on the time, place and situation.

He aims to reduce the negative glow in the general emotional atmosphere to raise the mood of others, consciously change the state of another person's emotional condition, creating a specific comfortable environment around them.

His abilities to assess the future, to predict, anticipate are based on-established stereotypes, he uses borrowed techniques for solving such problems. Time limits he appoints stereotypically, he cannot always manage time according to the situation.

Understanding of the technological properties of the materials, the construction workflow sequence, different ways of working and performance is based only on his personal experience. He is not able to evaluate and compare his way to solve such problems with the way the others do. He is sensitive about criticism of his ways to set up business and organization processes.

Unusual features, ideas and opportunities in a broad sense and outstanding personalities attract him much. Sometimes he has difficulties in situations with rich potential.

He would like to act justly, reasonably, logically in concrete situations, but in the same time he needs assessment of those skills. Unconsciously activated by the need to build a logical justification that helps in realizing a significant potential.

In everyday life he has its own level of claims, wealth and influence in every situation. Flexible and without hesitation he applies his natural ability to establish good relations, to negotiate. Unconsciously use this ability to strengthen its position, advance their interests.


In his perception emotions are the fundamental of the world. He has a good sense of the emotional atmosphere in any situation. He knows the appropriate way of expression, location, and weight (importance) of the internal state in each situation. He has a flexible approach to solving problems with emotions control and expression. He feels well both in the negative and in the positive emotional conditions.

He creates comfort and warmth around himself, comfortably equips surrounding space with beautiful things so he is changing the overall condition and mood.

Practical and technological thoughts are firmly based on the knowledge acquired and on the sample decisions about similar problems. Methods of business in general or in a particular are selected according to the others authority opinion, or are adjusted to the one of the mastered patterns.

Predictions of the specific changes are performed by ES only on the basis of his personal experience. He is not able to resolve his way to predict with other prediction patterns. He is sensitive about criticism of the failure of the timing, he does not like situations of delays, and he gets lost due to the negative events.

Information about order, specific logical relationships in activities or interests attracts him much. Needs hint about specific methods of linking phenomena, laws and regulations.

He would like to believe that he can choose good potentials, with even a small possibility. Needs an assessment of this skill. He is activated by the need to create an order, a clear consistency and clarity in the matter, especially if it will receive the recognition of those abilities.

Involuntarily he tracks relationships in his social circle. Do not hesitate to use a variety of ways to establish and maintain relationships. Good relationships are important for him, for personal self-confidence in the situation.

To avoid the deterioration in relations, often without realizing, he starts to operate with the pressure to force the showdown, forcing this way a partner to change the relationships for the better side.


We can say that LI has analytical mind. He understands in which relationships are between objects or between phenomena. He knows which laws can be applied in a case and which cannot be applied.

Basing on a comprehensive analysis LI highlights specific guesses about the positive core content of the specific objects and phenomena, their concrete positive opportunities, also he expresses some constructive ideas.

He uses stereotypes about the relationship between people and the ways to avoid the unpleasant ethical situations.

Protecting living space strong-willed manifestations he carries only on the basis of personal experience. Because of the limited capacity to resist he overreacts on any interference in their lives.

Information about good mood, a specific positive state, and feeling attracts him. He would like to think that he can eliminate severe discomfort, reduce discomfort in the world. He needs assessment of this skill.

He is activated when there is a need to make the environment more comfortable so it should lead to a better emotional state or at least to cheer up people in the immediate circle.

Over his life he has developed a settings and methods related to specific practical activity, technology, resource use.

Spontaneously feels the proper way to of the resources distribution in time in order to solve current challenges effectively.