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Thread: 80q! Help with type would be amazing

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    Default 80q! Help with type would be amazing

    Block I

    General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean?

    - What a strange question? I guess General to specific means you start with the big picture/fuzzy image first and then deal with the details last and then obviously it's the reverse for the second portion.

    What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view?

    To be logical is to be rational. To make sense. To be objective.

    How do you explain fractions on the dial of the clock?

    - measurements to show us how much time is passing.

    What is a rule? What rules do you have to follow?

    - Some rules are good and some are bad. A good rule is for your protection or are representative of what one should do morally. Rules are laws. I suppose the more I think about it, laws that are in line with what is good I am have a strong adherence to.

    What is hierarchy? Do you need to follow it? Why or why not?

    - I think we should respect those who are put in authority over us, just because that is the role we have to accept in different areas of our lives (Say at work for example. We respect our boss). Having said that, people are just people and I don't consider someone who is in power over me to be able to tell me to do something I don't think is right. I've never understood why there is so much respect to be given to the elderly no matter what (like it's some kind of unwritten rule), old people aren't necessarily wise.

    What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?

    - Haha instructions, I really struggle. I've recently had to fill out a ton of immigration forms and I had so much trouble understanding the questions in a straightforward manner. I kept thinking "what if they mean this? what if I'm leaving X and Y important info out if I do this" on and on. It's really exhausting. I over think. I would over explain everything if I wrote a manual. When I put something together I kinda half read the instructions.

    Please explain: "Freedom is in complying with the laws, but not in ignoring the laws"? Do you agree with the statement? Why?

    This question doesn't mean much to me...what is the author meaning by Freedom? and what Laws? It's just not specific enough. I can only agree with the statement whole heartedly if we are talking about universal moral laws. There is freedom in that. We weren't made to deal with guilt and guilt is an internal reaction to transgressing the moral laws that we were born with. So in that sense holiness is freedom. Those laws are for our good.

    Tell us how about consistent you are?

    Not very. I try to start and keep routines in my daily life, like a cleaning schedule for the house. But I can never keep it up. It's fragile. If I've had a hard week or a really busy week you can bet the house work has been neglected. I'm like this for all things really.

    What is a "standard"? Why do people need it?

    - Hm, a standard is a bar that is set that is acceptable. It can keep you accountable, if you strive to meet a standard that you or someone else has set you will be able to maintain integrity in your work.

    You need to put your home library in order. How do you feel about this activity? How will you approach this task?

    - I never Need to put my library in order, wow that's a thought that doesn't enter my mind. But since the question says that I need to..I feel a bit annoyed. I will organise my library by genre and then alphabetasize by author. I'll probably feel pleasantly surprised at how proud I feel at the end.

    Block II ** easy to answer

    What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?

    - Work is necessary for being a responsible person on planet earth. It is good for the soul to earn your keep and I believe it is the way we were wired. We should all try to figure out what are gifts are and find work accordingly. However, unless you are some how physically or mentally incapable then no. I think most people have the ability to learn almost anything.

    Is there any correlation between quality and quantity? Tell us if or how the price depends on quality?

    Yes. When something is being mass produced there is typically a higher attention paid to efficiency and because more products are passing through it is more difficult to maintain a certain quality that would be much more easily maintained if the business producing the same product made less of them. Typically if you sell less of the same product you want to charge more to ensure you make a profit.

    How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?

    - Attention to detail, quality of material. I'm pretty particular when I purchase or make things. I understand quality very easily. I notice if something is glued straight etc. If I'm buying a Christmas ornament, I will always go through them all to find the one with the least flaws.

    How do you feel if you didn't finish some work? Does it ever happen? What are the reasons? - It happens more often than finishing work. I would finish work at school but often it was down to the wire. Usually it's because I'm over confident about how much time I need to finish an essay or I purely don't care or feel like doing it until the pressure hits or it becomes obvious.

    What is "interesting work" for you? Please explain in detail.

    - I enjoy speculating probabalities based on the evidence at hand. If I wasn't married I would be a detective or a private investigator. I've been told I read people well and have a way of weaving a story out of bits and pieces of info to explain why person X is treating person Y in such and such a way. This is super fun and easy. Sometimes I think i'm paranoid though.

    You go to the store and see something you're interested in buying; there is a price tag on it. What parameters are you going to use to understand if it's overpriced, underpriced, or priced correctly?

    - I will look at the overall craftmanship and consider the type of store it is. If it is a Walmart I will price compare with Target or Kmart to gauge if it Is about right. If it is a little business I will make an allowance for a higher price, however there will have to be something unique about it to justify me purchasing it otherwise I may just wait to find something similar else where for cheaper.

    When you work and someone tells you: "You don't do it right." What is your reaction?

    - I get quite annoyed if that isn't followed with an explanation. I welcome correction but don't just blurt that out and expect me to magically fix the problem. It really depends on delivery and whether I think they want to be helpful.
    There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?- I feel a little embarrassed but also see it as an opportunity to be taught, so I will ask them to show me how They do it and what I'm doing wrong.

    When you have to ask someone else to help you with the task, how do you feel?

    - If it isn't the third or fourth time I feel fine. I like watching different people perform a similar task and often I learn new little things just from asking someone different.

    You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?

    - Um haha I Need to huh? Well, I will want to back out. But since it all rests on me, I will look into what it will cost, where to get the funds, who I will need on my team...basically how to actually pull this off. I can see myself researching others who had to build something huge and what they did..I would go as far as contacting them personally for advice or to bring on board.

    Block III ]** I enjoyed this block

    What is beauty? Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?

    - I think beauty is often symmetry or balance/harmony. We're attracted to order I think and so a wonderfully constructed musical piece will strike something within us, a line of poetry that harmonizes in sound and meaning, a well landscaped garden. Then there is beauty in purity..a friend who forgives, a person who sorrows over their wrong doing, a charitable act.

    Please describe your understanding of a beautifully dressed person. What is the core of beauty? How do you explain what is beautiful to a person who has never heard about beauty before?

    - Hm I like classic styles that are timeless, think Audrey Hepburn. I think the core of beauty is in the face of God Himself. I would explain beauty as a sense of Awe or sublime upon looking at said thing. You recognise deep within you that it pleases your eyes and even your soul.

    Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use? Is there such a term as "classical beauty"? If so, what is it?

    - Like I said above, a gut reaction that is pleasing and somewhat magical. We all know it. Theres no need for a template.

    What is comfort? What is coziness? How do you create your comfort and coziness? How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?

    - Being in bed with sheets straight from the dryer, a cup of coffee and something delicious. A good book and candles too. I don't invite people over so I'm not sure. I live slimplistically so I doubt my home is very cosy. It has charm though

    How do you pick your own clothes? Do you follow fashion? Why? Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?

    - modesty is important to me, so I try to find loose fitting clothes that are also current. At the moment my wardrobe is 'gamine'. Alot of black and white, clean lines, flat shoes. Kind of like a girly tomboy. Audrey Hepburn has always been my inspiration.

    How do you cook? Do you follow recipes? What do others think of your skill?

    - I have a handful of meals up my sleeve. They aren't complicated and I don't follow any recipes, I mostly care about cooking a variety and making sure it tastes good. Oh and I love playing with spices. However I have made sure to get some of my mothers recipes which I follow to a T. My husband likes my cooking and thats all I know.

    Are you good at color patterns and mixing them and matching?

    - Yes I am. It comes easy and I have an interest in colour theory.

    If someone is telling you what is beautiful and what is not, what goes with what color and what is not, do you agree with this person? -

    - Sometimes. I have strong ideas about what colours harmonize well, so I would be vocal.

    Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?

    - Definitely do it myself. My home would have an overall feeling tone that I've chosen and I will choose colours and decor that creates the desired environment. I just really wouldn't need help with this.

    How do you know if a person has bad taste? Could you give us an example? Do you always trust your own taste or do you seek opinions from others?

    - Tackyness, poor color and material combos. I always trust my own taste.

    Block IV ** this block had the least interest for me

    Can you line up human resources and make them do things? What methods do you use? Can you press people? If so, how does it happen? - No and I would hate it.

    What is incursion? How do you deal with this? Can you repulse? How easy can you do it?

    - An attack. If someone is treating me with force a trigger may be pulled and I will fly into a rage. But this is rare and I cant just cultivate it at will. I dont always know how I will react. I just might cry instead, I never know.

    What does "my people" and "strangers" mean? When do "my people" become "strangers" and why?

    Im not sure I understand. I dont think of people as mine.

    Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified?

    - Yes. I think so. In war absolutely justified.

    Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?

    - Yes. If dangerous people are in control and the civilians are unsafe.

    What are the methods of volitional force? When is it most effective and in what situations?

    - volunteering in a war. Im not sure.

    How do you protect yourself and your interests?

    - Buy a gun. Keep information as private as possible.

    Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?

    - Force is really not a strength. But I know I could do what was necessary in a life or death situation.

    Do others think of you as a strong person?

    - unsure.

    Do you think you are a strong person?

    - Sometimes.

    How do you understand if a person is strong? Are there any signs of a strong person? What is the core of any force? Why do people listen to one person, but not the other?

    - Calmness and clarity of thought in the face of stress or danger. People recognize strength and leadership.

    Block V ** this block was a bit boring

    What is boorishness? Does your understanding of it correlate with the generally accepted notion? How would you explain what boorishness mean to a 10 year old child? How would you explain the same to an adult who does not behave ethically?

    - Rudeness. I think so yes. Not saying please and thank you, interrupting others, being inconsiderate. I would explain it the same way.

    How would you improve the moral of the society?

    - By lifting the moral standard in my own life.

    Can you justify somebody's bad behavior by thinking that he/she wasn't taught how to do so?

    -Not really. It depends. If its bad manners yes, if its lying no.

    Give us your understanding of love. Can you love and punish at the same time?

    - I think punishment is different from discipline. If you love your child you will discipline her. Love cares about the person they are becoming and you will do everything you can to nurture what is good and right. Even at your own expense.

    Have you heard about the Southern hospitality? Everything is for the guest. There is also a German hospitality – the master of the house is always right. What method is the right one? Try to evaluate without the weight of any cultural aspects, traditions, nations etc.

    - I don't think either is right. Both have its merits..but I admit I'm leaning towars southern hospitality.

    What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to?

    - Sympathy is putting yourself in anothers shoes, willfully identifying with anothers experience to gain a deeper understanding. I don't think you should ever Not exercise it.

    Are there any norms of behavior in the society? Do you follow them? Do people always have to follow them? Why?

    - There are. Basic manners and decency, showing consideration. Yes I do because underlying them is a foundation of love and respect for our fellow man. Whether we realize it or not, we have these things because we have come to appreciate and see the value in them. We want to be respectful and kind and it is hard for us to imagine life without them. But there are places in the world where these principles have not become the norm.

    How do you know what attitude among people is right or wrong?

    - I suppose if they are not interested in the wellbeing of those around them.

    What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?

    - Being moral is upholding the moral laws we were born with and recognizing your place before a holy God. Immoral is breaking those laws willfulluly and indulging in a lifestyle that continues to do so. It is a life of rebellion. My understanding is from the bible. It is the highest authority.

    Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction? Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you give a person the silent treatment? How easily do you forgive people?

    - Annoyance. I don't like to show that I feel this way. I can't let them in. I have a hard time just letting my negativity pour onto another person. It can seep out from time to time, but as a rule no I couldnt. The silent treatment...I'm going to say no. I do retreat when disagreements occur but it isnt a form of punishment, its to get a grip on myself. I don't want to continue talking to this person if I'm not in a good state of mind, things might fly out of my mouth that I will regret. Forgivness can be tricky for me. I need the person to acknowledge their wrong and apologise. Without that, depending on the severity of what they can be a permanent black mark against them.

    Block VI

    "Whole world does not cost one tear of child" – how do you understand this phrase? Do you agree with this opinion?

    - This question is difficult to wrestle with. If one had to be give up for the many so be it.

    Is it acceptable to express emotions? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.

    - Yes of course. I think its inappropriate at work (if you have conscious control). Over the top wailing or screaming in public disgusts me. Basically if one can, try to keep it private with a friend etc. We should be responsible for how we affect the emotions of those around us.

    Can you use negative emotions? In what situations? - interesting question. Can an emotion be negative? I'm guessing youre talking about anger and sadness etc? I dont think I Use them. They happen to me. I can't control them.

    How do you express negative emotions? What does it look like? What do others think about it?

    - I cry mostly, more than I get angry. I can be short with people when I'm flustered.

    Shallow emotions – what does it mean? Are there any other emotions? - What makes an emotion shallow? I suppose I dislike it when their reaction is disproportionate to the thing that happened. It appears contrived or for show. That is shallow, the purity of their emotion is being manipulated for gain. Having said that, I've often cried too hard about something that didnt deserve it. Usually its because it wasn't all about had been building for weeks. I don't think true emotions are shallow at all. They are what they are, they're honest.

    What are right or wrong emotions?

    Its not that simple and I'm not sure how to answer it. I think emotions are pure in themselves but are made corrupt by a wrong heart. Joy can be good ...such as joy over anothers success. Joy can also be bad, such as joy over someone not succeeding.

    Can you change the emotional state of yourself? Of others? To what side – positive or negative?

    - I can yes, sometimes its easy and other times its like moving a mountain. Mostly i'm trying to inprove my mood. I do try to influence the moods of others yes, always positive. I know that when I'm at work I tend to think little things can go a long way
    So I'll give a kind smile, a tap on the shoulder, choose topics to discuss that I know lights up their face.

    What does it mean to "pour out your emotions"? How does it happen? - To let it all flow without much control. I think the phrasing implies that you are intentionally letting it out to another person.

    Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?

    -I've been told that it does and I hate it.

    Do you track what mood you are in throughout the day? Do you notice the mood of others?

    - I think I do? I know that if I'm sad I can't keep my mind off it, I'll be drowning. I find my moods somewhat unpredictable. I can be pretty stable for a long time if life is even keeled. But I'm very aware that I have highs and lows, its almost like needing absolute balance in order for my mood to be stable. I enjoy change but I have to be in control..I dont know if that makes sense. I want a simple life most of all.

    I think I do notice the mood of others but it might actually be pretty poor compared to others.

    Block VII **this block was interesting

    Do you like surprises? Yes.

    How people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?

    - I think we should be in a constant state of change.

    Is it true that whatever happens is only for the best?

    - Yes, but we must respond to difficulties in the right way. I think freewill and fate are tied despite them being seemingly contradictory.

    What do you think of horoscopes, fortune telling etc.? Do you believe in luck, lucky fortuity?

    - When I was a child I was interested in horoscopes. Now I think they're evil. It isn't our place to know our future.

    Can you forecast events? Is it even real?

    - Hm it depends. I think I can but not in an extreme global way .

    What is time? How do you feel time? Can you "kill" time? How?

    - Although time appears to be linear, I believe there is an eternal sphere that is also present. I've always found it interesting that we are uncomfortable with our own mortality. Death feels wrong. The reason is because we are immortal. Our souls transcend and deep down we all know it. Im not sure how I feel time. I don't usually Kill time..I'm never bored.

    Is it easy for you to wait for some important event? What if you don’t know when it is supposed to happen?

    - Yes super easy. If I have a general idea like in the next couple of years I'm fine. Not knowing at all will make me feel uncomfortable.

    Do you need help creating forecasting or determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?

    - I don't think so. I often find my mind naturally tries to draw conclusions about everything..and about the most trivial things too. I'm good at predicting people. I can give advice easily about how to approach someone about something just from what i've observed over time. Like "he's in a good mood after lunch, mention this but dont mention that." People have patterns, you just have to pick up on it in order to forsee their behaviour.

    Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?

    Im usually 5-10mims late. It depends on who is late and where we are going. Im pretty laid back about it in general.

    Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions: a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts, b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts, c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here, d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here, e) more time and the person is still not here…

    - 20mins before I'm not there yet so im fine. 5Mins before the same. Time for the meetng I feel alot better even though they arent here. 20mins still okay. Might be looking for a comfortable place to sit.

    Block VIII * This block was easy

    Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?

    - Yes, to love and be loved by God. It is the same for everyone.

    What should be done so people can be happy?

    - Lasting joy can only come from a right standing with God.

    In the situations with a lot of potential and volatility will you trust your own guts, logically calculating everything or will you ask people you trust what should be done?

    - I trust myself. Not many people calculate as thoroughly as I do.

    When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's talents?

    - I'm pretty judgemental. I sum a person up in 30 seconds or so. Body language, how they dress, how they speak. I will determine that they are proud or humble, materialistic, genuine. I would even go as far to know how they make decisions in their life because I see what they value. Sometimes I get deeper feelings about people. Once I felt someone I met had a pornograhy addiction..and turned out he had. There was a certain uneasiness around women as if he felt shame. A look in his eyes gave something away too. I can see talents pretty quickly too.

    Remember an interesting person and call out 5-6 qualities you think are interesting in them. What makes an interesting person? Are you an interesting person? Why? What if someone calls you "boring" and "not interesting"?

    - My husband. His thoughts are original. He is blunt and honest about who he is. He frequently surprises me with how particular he is. He has a deep tender side I have to take great care with. Hes just one of a kind. I like to think Im interesting sure haha. My worldview is definitely not a popular one..whatever that means.

    What opinions, from people who know you, seem: a) fair; b) not fair; c) hurtful; d) strange.

    - I dont know,.they can think what they wish. Though I do feel misunderstood by my family. My sister sees me as quite unstable in terms of life choices when I view myself as extremely stable. We just have opposite priorities in life. She values a degree and ticking off boxes in the required steps of life. I see work as a means to an end. I prioritized a long distance relationship (I put education on the backburner so that we would have zero debt) and now that we are married we are working toward a vision we have for the family we plan to have. So I guess that opinion bothered me, because I planned and thought through everything.

    Do you fantasize? What kind of fantasies do you have?

    - Yes alot. Usually conversations I want to have with people I care about and at the end I'm able to influence them in my direction.

    What qualities should a person have to be successful and why?

    - Integrity. My definition of successful is doing your job well no matter what it is. Being steadfast too.

    What qualities can stop a person from being successful and why?

    - Not recognizing the big picture, taking shortcuts, dishonesty.
    What is more important in life

    – to be a good person or be a successful one? Why? Is a good person always successful? If not, then why? - To be a good person IS to be successful. To take great care of the things that actually matter in life.
    Last edited by Juniper77; 12-03-2015 at 07:52 PM.

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