ananke's contrast between LSE and SLE is good and to the point. Indeed "gambler" doesn't sound like LSE, except he goes headlong into things and takes decisions on the fly (that's some sort of risk-taking). SLEs tend to analyze and plan the tactics ahead in order to strike once, though they are more prone to enter endeavours that are risky in themselves - untested waters, uncertain success, but the promise of a great outcome.

Also, IME while LSEs are the ones who boast having "nothing to hide", SLEs keep their intentions secret, avoiding to spoil the premises they start off. I doubt SLEs can fully trust anyone. Unlike LSEs, who consider agreements to be a given and easily designate people to tasks for the common good, SLEs insure technically they can't be cheated, they tell in your face they need a physical guarantee when it comes to money & stuff. SLE needs control from the start, LSE manages things under way.