Quote Originally Posted by fairgeek
This site types him as an ESTJ.

INTj does not seem likely, since you are going by stereotypes here, I can too - INTjs are not typically considered athletes. He could be INTj with a low N score, which would make him nearly ISTj. However, ask yourself if INTjs like the spotlight.
My new verdict is ESTj. Athletes are typically ST. J is because Arnold is demaning of himself, and has high standards.

That site is TERRIBLE! How can you trust it...

******, ENFJ?
George Harrison, ENFJ?
Mussolini, ENFP?
Richard Nixon, ENFP?
bin Laden, ENFP?
Mark Twain, ENTJ?
Abe Lincoln, ISTJ?
G. W., ISFJ?
Marilyn Monroe, ISFJ?
Paul McCartney, ESTP?
Napolean, ESFP?
Hemmingway, ISFP?

Arnold is NOT Judging.