I'm going to multi-quote you, so don't get your panties in a bunch.

Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
well strong sensing implicates the other, but its where the preference lies.
For sure, that's socionics 101.

Si simply does not care about the weight(Si bodybuilders, obviously Si weightlifters care)
Depends on goals and also methods. In order to advance there needs to be awareness of weights and numbers, and I disagree they are moving forward on internal sensing intuition alone. Weightlifters vs. bodybuilders care about weight, body builders are simply more focused on reaching a state of hypertrophy via greater rep amount where as weightlifters goal is to increase max loads under the bar. It all comes down to how many reps and sets. Weight lifters lift heavier yet do less reps and bodybuilders lift lighter yet do more reps. Many people in the gym rotate between the two.

except inasmuch
There is the word again....

as it provokes the proper internally perceived stimulus, so like they know when they're in "sweet spot" for gains, whereas Se is far more likely to mention the real amount of weight lifted as a signal of progress.
Sensing is just sensing and finding that sweet spot is just as easily achieved for either (we are talking about weight trainers overall as not all Sensing people participate). Also, this statement you made shows me your understanding as far as Se goes is focused to much on what I call the "show-off factor". Many people mistake Se as being a information element whose only goal is showing off said abilities as a matter of course. The same confusion happens when people talk about Te as being only about efficiency and productivity. Sure, those are a part of it but not the whole picture. Se will signal progress by how capable they feel as objects in the world, and competence in this state is not just about adulation from others and the weight numbers game. If Te people view recording numbers as a efficient means then absolutely they are going to play that way. If Se people see recording as an over focus on the numbers then absolutely they are going to drop it in favour of "just doing it."

Of course a lot of that is Se + Ti, in the sense of rigid progress markers by systematic measurement, i.e. progressive weight programming.
Se is an conventionally intuitive perception and thus is not about systematic measurement. I see your combining it with Ti so that leads to something I have been circling in socionics and that is the following question about this guy and his program:
This is an extremely popular app and website (number 1 on apply app store) started by this guy, Mehdi. For the longest time I couldn't decide whether or not he was SLI, or LSI and if his organized system was Te, or Ti. His 5x5 is a re-popularization of old weight training principles and although its really a numbers game, it would seem to be just as popular with SLIs because it is efficient and effective way to increase strength under bar, and is done in such a short amount of time daily. I follow a facebook 5x5 group that is chalk full of Si people and Se people so you get a cross between the two. So, it's something I had been thinking about over the past few years. Is this program Te, or is it Ti....?

Se Te is more like "I lifted more than I did yesterday" or "my biceps grew .1 cm" or something. I agree Si valuing would be more nuanced in nutrition making enjoyable recipes, not just systematically prepping a months worth of meals in advance like I envision LSI.
That LSI do this remains to be seen.

lots of protein shakes seem like a Se thing, whereas Si would likely want real food, although I'm sure in a pinch they'll use whatever
I've drank raw eggs and eaten protein powder in sludgy oatmeal for breakfast cause the taste doesn't matter for me.

See Elliot Hulse for this. "Feel your body, get in touch with your internal central nervous system." I follow him on facebook for a number of years now and he post stuff like this daily. That people see him as LIE, and therefore 1D in object sensing is wrong imo:

20604669_1646633945346779_8682576326787599673_n.jpg 20729636_1652322464777927_4173079939622732880_n.jpg22365402_1712962818713891_8242969411901538015_n.jpg426369_495436907133161_995505041_n.jpg

(You could get into the Ni and Fi themes coming from these photos, but don't bother as I'd like to keep this conversation focused on bodybuilding, Arnold, Se-Si.)
I put this up to illustrate that just pure Se is not a show-off informational element.