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Thread: Quadral Complexes and Characteristics by Stratiyevskaya

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    More goodies as I read:

    "Beta Quadra types fears that there won't be enough sweet cake for all, and those who become expelled into the lower level will get "a stick" instead of the cake - punishment and oppression instead of encouragement and reward." - - Aw!

    * * *

    "If a Delta Quadra type tell others: "You still have something to work on," - he sincerely believes that he's doing good work by raising the bar of requirements (and thereby places himself in the position of a strict critic, a teacher, a creative mentor) and making others perfect and improve in their skill and abilities, and unravel his potential. On the other side, falling under the criticism and finding themselves in a forced position of a "student", Delta Quadra types take an offense at such a self-appointed teacher and try to escape from his "care", retorting with: "I'm satisfied with everything about my work. I'm content with what I'm doing and not in need of outside advice."

    * * *

    "Emotional pressure in Gamma Quadra is considered to be the most cruel form of psychological terror. It is considered to be here an "illegal move", which no one under any circumstances should use. If the partner uses this "move" all too often, his demands become ignored, while his emotional state is simply not taken into account. " - - Aw.

    * * *

    Re: Alpha: "Each person considers it to be their duty (a natural and legal right) to speak freely on any subject or issue, not limiting themselves to the means of expression in the lexicon and by time." - - My ILE friend's message on his answering machine has always ended with a very pleasant: "And please feel free to leave as long a message as you'd like."! And so here we see a reason for that!

    More Alpha: "Alpha Quadra is not distinguished by the ability to keep secrets. Here, any restrictions to disclosures are experienced painfully. (Especially talkative in this regard is TIM ESE, Hugo: he doesn't make secrets of other people's secrets. But at the same time fears that his own confessions might be made public. Therefore, in a confidential, private conversation, ESE makes his companion promise not to reveal his secrets.)" - - Yes.

    "Secretive people are not liked in Alpha Quadra. They are not trusted, even a little bit feared - who knows what they have in mind! (This is one of the reasons behind conflicts with introverted negativist type of Gamma Quadra - ESI and ILI, who are inclined to hide and not voice their private thoughts and feelings.). - - Makes sense

    * * *

    "Beta Quadra hates attacks on their social standing, their rank, position, rights and privileges. They can't stand when their rights and benefits are being challenged, cannot stand familiarity in attitudes of others - in jest or serious. They don't tolerate ridicule that creates false impression of their inability to fend for themselves." - - I've seen this.

    * * *

    Gamma Quadra is afraid when:
    - when their right to professional and personal fulfillment is challenged.

    The latter causes a particularly painful reaction for "forced housewives" - women of Gamma Quadra who are made to stay at home while their husband works and cares for them – often this leads to dissolution of relations and leave of family under any given conditions.
    - - I noticed my dh's daughter has more interest in her career than I did when I was a Mom, and we give her a lot of support so she can work, which we are happy and blessed to do. I notice that its a different view of parenting than I have (includes "be there all the time"), but have not questioned it, as everyone is different. This helps me understand a reason why; where this comes from.


    Overall, a very interesting, sometimes merciless article, exposing human fears, which we all have, and how we cope with them. .

    .. But I am wondering if Stratiyevskaya's type helps explain why Alpha and Beta's descriptions are less than half as long as the Delta's and Gamma?
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    "Emotional pressure in Gamma Quadra is considered to be the most cruel form of psychological terror. It is considered to be here an "illegal move", which no one under any circumstances should use."
    I found this sentence to be funny... lol.

    So basically, to get along with each Quadra members:

    Alpha: Never make him shut up
    Beta: Never make him feel weak and subservient
    Gamma: Never make his hands feel tied up and unable to do meaningful work
    Delta: Never make him feel unable to fulfill his potential

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