Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Just saying that such is the proper attitude. If you like someone romantically, approach. Best case scenario, they agree to a date. Worst case, you get rejected. Rejection sucks but it's better than playing the "what if" game. Best to just get it all out of the way and find out for sure if there's anything going on there.

Though perhaps you may wish to be the party that gets approached. In which event, it's easy to contrive coincidences. To be "aggressively submissive" as I like to put it. It is possible to come on to someone without actually coming on to them. Leading them to places where it's just you and them, intentionally dropping things or otherwise being a klutz in such a way as to expose and accentuate the "sexy" parts of yourself, etc. Won't be as effective on the ladies but there are girls who can read between the lines as it were.

Hoping to meet one myself but I'm still well aware that, as a dude, my role is pretty much set. I will have to approach one way or another, girls don't know how lucky they are in this department. Nothing is without cost of course, a hot girl will be approached by all manner of disgusting pigish men who only see her as a pump and dump sex toy (fuckers ruin it for us good dudes who want more than just a bangin' body), but just being in the position of being approached... damn that'd make things so much easier. Once known interest is established you can filter quite easily. The difficult thing is working up the courage to show the other that there is an interest. I guess it's all biology in the end, the cold facts of the matter of Natural Selection and Reproductive Roles are dark arbiters in the matter of mate selection.

Haha, anyway, you think I have trouble approaching potential dates?

Although, I pretty much agree with everything you said, except the natural selection and reproductive roles bit. Don't you think man stepped out of biological ---> A equals B; centuries ago?