Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
No worries. I was asked about in chat, as well, and it's possible I said something in a joking or offhand way. I mean, I'm Beta, so yes, I find Beta more interesting. "Delta is boring" is a stereotype I don't bother to take seriously, since on the one hand it's kind of a given, and on the other there are plenty of exceptions.
But I am not insulted at all if someone thinks I am boring. l like boring. I appreciate the fine-tuned subtleties of things that others find boring.

Think about the romance styles of Alpha and Delta and how these styles are truly comparatively "boring" to the Beta and Gamma styles. Yeah, you guys can shock us!

So if half or more of the types naturally find me rather boring at times, that's good, because I want to be left alone some, to savor the simple things. I do want some socializing, but not LOTS of it. Yes, that some might find me not such interesting company is a good thing.

I really enjoy watching my ENFj sis-in-law in a social situation. She truly does "light up"; she is in her element, and she is a gem. Her delight in all is infectious. She and my ISTj brother like to entertain, and they have a bunch of kids, and they invite other families with bunches of kids (and those with few or none - everybody is welcome) and with her ideas and my brothers cooperative and disciplined work, and the way they enjoy working together, they make great hosts, and put on great parties. Yes. Beta parties are nice!

I love those gatherings they do so well, but my personal favorite gatherings to put on myself are having extended family over - well-planned and prepared so everyone is comfortable, or, just a few friends at a time, for good food and good conversation, a great time for really getting to know people better.