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Thread: Examples of dual couples

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Just saying that such is the proper attitude. If you like someone romantically, approach. Best case scenario, they agree to a date. Worst case, you get rejected. Rejection sucks but it's better than playing the "what if" game. Best to just get it all out of the way and find out for sure if there's anything going on there.

    Though perhaps you may wish to be the party that gets approached. In which event, it's easy to contrive coincidences. To be "aggressively submissive" as I like to put it. It is possible to come on to someone without actually coming on to them. Leading them to places where it's just you and them, intentionally dropping things or otherwise being a klutz in such a way as to expose and accentuate the "sexy" parts of yourself, etc. Won't be as effective on the ladies but there are girls who can read between the lines as it were.

    Hoping to meet one myself but I'm still well aware that, as a dude, my role is pretty much set. I will have to approach one way or another, girls don't know how lucky they are in this department. Nothing is without cost of course, a hot girl will be approached by all manner of disgusting pigish men who only see her as a pump and dump sex toy (fuckers ruin it for us good dudes who want more than just a bangin' body), but just being in the position of being approached... damn that'd make things so much easier. Once known interest is established you can filter quite easily. The difficult thing is working up the courage to show the other that there is an interest. I guess it's all biology in the end, the cold facts of the matter of Natural Selection and Reproductive Roles are dark arbiters in the matter of mate selection.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Just saying that such is the proper attitude. If you like someone romantically, approach. Best case scenario, they agree to a date. Worst case, you get rejected. Rejection sucks but it's better than playing the "what if" game. Best to just get it all out of the way and find out for sure if there's anything going on there.

    Though perhaps you may wish to be the party that gets approached. In which event, it's easy to contrive coincidences. To be "aggressively submissive" as I like to put it. It is possible to come on to someone without actually coming on to them. Leading them to places where it's just you and them, intentionally dropping things or otherwise being a klutz in such a way as to expose and accentuate the "sexy" parts of yourself, etc. Won't be as effective on the ladies but there are girls who can read between the lines as it were.

    Hoping to meet one myself but I'm still well aware that, as a dude, my role is pretty much set. I will have to approach one way or another, girls don't know how lucky they are in this department. Nothing is without cost of course, a hot girl will be approached by all manner of disgusting pigish men who only see her as a pump and dump sex toy (fuckers ruin it for us good dudes who want more than just a bangin' body), but just being in the position of being approached... damn that'd make things so much easier. Once known interest is established you can filter quite easily. The difficult thing is working up the courage to show the other that there is an interest. I guess it's all biology in the end, the cold facts of the matter of Natural Selection and Reproductive Roles are dark arbiters in the matter of mate selection.

    Haha, anyway, you think I have trouble approaching potential dates?

    Although, I pretty much agree with everything you said, except the natural selection and reproductive roles bit. Don't you think man stepped out of biological ---> A equals B; centuries ago?

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post

    Haha, anyway, you think I have trouble approaching potential dates?

    Although, I pretty much agree with everything you said, except the natural selection and reproductive roles bit. Don't you think man stepped out of biological ---> A equals B; centuries ago?
    I don't think you do but I don't know you very well personally. You appear to have confidence which would mean little trouble in approaching. And while people have largely stopped caring about the whole biology thing it is still a great influence. Most girls wanna be dominated and protected somehow, most guys wish to dominate and protect in turn. Society still reinforces these notions by and large as well so outliers are still ostracized if their dirty secret gets out somehow.

    I don't think we'll ever be truly free of "traditional" gender roles as it were, they'll always be there. It is hard to ignore the crushing weight of over 200,000 years of evolution. Man expendable, woman precious. One man and a hundred women can double the population in a single generation, the reverse is not true. Mother Nature, like Fate, is a bitch as illustrated by that dark fact and the science backing up the "sperm war" problem. One must deal with that dark reality or be doomed to various forms of unhappiness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I don't think you do but I don't know you very well personally. You appear to have confidence which would mean little trouble in approaching. And while people have largely stopped caring about the whole biology thing it is still a great influence. Most girls wanna be dominated and protected somehow, most guys wish to dominate and protect in turn. Society still reinforces these notions by and large as well so outliers are still ostracized if their dirty secret gets out somehow.

    I don't think we'll ever be truly free of "traditional" gender roles as it were, they'll always be there. It is hard to ignore the crushing weight of over 200,000 years of evolution. Man expendable, woman precious. One man and a hundred women can double the population in a single generation, the reverse is not true. Mother Nature, like Fate, is a bitch as illustrated by that dark fact and the science backing up the "sperm war" problem. One must deal with that dark reality or be doomed to various forms of unhappiness.
    Fair enough. How does that play out in the real time? It seems to me that the "approaching" stage is so brief and short-lived as to make it really a non-issue in an individual scenario. I mean, if chemistry was going to happen, its not going to be greatly effected by who approached who, male or female.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Fair enough. How does that play out in the real time? It seems to me that the "approaching" stage is so brief and short-lived as to make it really a non-issue in an individual scenario. I mean, if chemistry was going to happen, its not going to be greatly effected by who approached who, male or female.
    I guess that's where type related things would come into play. The erotic styles attract the ones that fit. Victims draw in Aggressors, Infantiles draw in Caregivers, and vice versa. The approaching problem is when you have a gender role mismatch in those departments. An aggressor girl, for instance, may suppress her desire to approach a victim male because every "good girl" knows that it's the man who ought make the first move. Otherwise you're correct, if the approachee has any romantic interest in the approacher things will go smoothly as they just accept the welcome advances. After all, you were interested in them, them saying they are too is a huge relief no matter the circumstances.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I guess that's where type related things would come into play. The erotic styles attract the ones that fit. Victims draw in Aggressors, Infantiles draw in Caregivers, and vice versa. The approaching problem is when you have a gender role mismatch in those departments. An aggressor girl, for instance, may suppress her desire to approach a victim male because every "good girl" knows that it's the man who ought make the first move. Otherwise you're correct, if the approachee has any romantic interest in the approacher things will go smoothly as they just accept the welcome advances. After all, you were interested in them, them saying they are too is a huge relief no matter the circumstances.
    I just doubt an adult aggressor female would at that point in her life, be suppressing her desire to approach a man because of some sense of cultural impropriety. I'm I wrong?

    When it comes to the erotic attitudes, I think the bulk of the inter-play occurs in an erotic setting. For instance, after two people have already met? Between the sheets is where the distinction between the different styles is going to be found. Not in the initial approach, as we are discussing here. I guess I am arguing that its not a simple, black and white style of interaction, initially.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    I just doubt an adult aggressor female would at that point in her life, be suppressing her desire to approach a man because of some sense of cultural impropriety. I'm I wrong?

    When it comes to the erotic attitudes, I think the bulk of the inter-play occurs in an erotic setting. For instance, after two people have already met? Between the sheets is where the distinction between the different styles is going to be found. Not in the initial approach, as we are discussing here. I guess I am arguing that its not a simple, black and white style of interaction, initially.
    I'm in general agreement, but one must remember that culture is always important. For instance, in the west a girl approaching a boy isn't really seen as strange 9/10, it has little to any impact on her social standing, but depending on where you live in the world this could be a major taboo that's strictly enforced socially if not perhaps legally. Girls are more social than dudes, it's how they seem to be wired (eg. they're better at learning through spoken instruction, dudes learn best by making connections to visual events i.e. they learn faster with hands-on teaching and visual aids over just spoken instruction), but the social standing within any group is affected by an approach as well as the outcome of the approach.

    From a general standpoint the approacher is the one taking the higher risk, as if they get rejected others will feel better/find it easier to reject them as someone finally did it first. Fascinating facet of human behavior is that in general people don't wanna do something negative "first" if they've been properly civilized. They wait for someone else to do it "first" then the cascade starts (could be an introvert vs. extrovert thing). Thus, if you get rejected, your social standing will at the very least be called into question. Of course, *how* you were rejected will also matter. The harsher the rejection, the more potential social damage is done. "Polite" rejections won't deal much damage, and them already being taken is about as polite as you can get. This is why a girl will say she has a boyfriend, even if this is not true if rejecting a dude to minimize damage. I would assume guys do this too, I know it's what I'd say to a girl I didn't wanna date (real reason: really bad attitude and subpar looks, but saying this is a "harsh" rejection and is thus kinda mean).

    Damage potential is mitigated if in the company of "friends" who can reassure you that your standing among them hasn't been damaged. Thus re-emboldened, you can then initiate another approach or approach a different person hoping for a more positive result which will be met with the accolades and congratulations of said friends. The approachee is the lucky one, as by simply being approached their social standing goes up. After all, if this stranger/other person is into them they must have some positive qualities. Assessment by other parties goes up, preselection is a thing. The fact that you got "selected" makes other people reassess and want to "select" you too. Of course, the approachee, if seeking an approach, is risking their individual ego and pride (especially if they're knowingly doing it). You would obviously adopt a series of behaviors to attract the attention you desire, if you fail to get it then that's a big blow to the ego personally. If that happened to an extrovert I'd imagine the psychic damage would be devastating. Introverts, well, they're already used to being alone.

    That's just me overthinking things like usual though, so there's always that.
    Last edited by End; 12-07-2015 at 03:05 AM.

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    For anyone interested Kat self types INFP! So she could be any of the NFs but I still lean delta. Her Fi is stronger than her Fe. INFP in MBTI is Fi/Ne.
    EII especially if you do the j/p flip. Maybe we are all wrong.

    thepetrogradsoviet asked: What's your myers-briggs type? I just got finished watching your vid on polyamory. I've always thought you might be an INFJ, but your distaste for being hit on sounds more like my INFP girlfriend. Then again, I could be totally off base with my assumptions. Anyway, love your channel and I hope both you and the Dollhouse bounce back from all this drama.

    ahahahh!!! I’m actually INFP!!! So you’re right on the money!!!

    I’ve already bounced back from the drama honestly. It’s had me really inspired and really ready to do some great things. I’ve scheduled like 2 weeks worth of videos and I’m about to record some more tonight! To be completely honest, The Dollhouse is more of the party that needs to be worried about bouncing back. There’s a lot of drama that’s being perpetuated on that side of the fence. I’ve moved on and felt actually quite happy about being let go. I was sad for a day but I’m honestly pretty happy about it at the end of the day. The only true reason why I worked on the dollhouse was because I often was able to actually make my videos moooooostly on time. I really hope that they can get beyond this drama and find an amazing girl to take my place and elevate the channel. I wasn’t really a fit. My perspective is much different and I’m in a very different place than the vast majority of the girls on the channel. Which isn’t at all a read but I just come from a very different perspective and vibe. They’ll get someone younger prettier and more entertaining I’m sure!!
    And THANK YOU!!

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Andrey Pyzh (ENTJ), Tatyana Kulikova (ISFJ)
    Last edited by Sol; 05-19-2016 at 04:25 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    Andrey Pyzh (ENTJ), Tatyana Kulikova (ISFJ)
    Hey look everybody, Sol found a dual couple.

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    probably. have some doubts about Middleton still

    William (ENTP), Kate Middleton (ISFP)

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