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Thread: I don't get dual relationships (duality)

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  1. #1

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragdoll Cat View Post

    Tend to plan ahead, make decisions early
    Are more often rigid and stubborn
    Do not like to change their decisions
    Tend to finish what they started.
    Usually have stiff movements.
    Usually more 'authoritarian' leadership style.
    Low stress tolerance.


    Tend to wait and see, more spontaneous
    Are more often flexible and tolerant.
    Change their decisions frequently.
    Tend to start new things without finishing them.
    Usually have gentle movements.
    Usually more 'democratic' leadership style.
    High stress tolerance.

    Rational (Judging) Types: LII (INTj) ESE (ESFj) LSI (ISTj) EIE (ENFj) ESI (ISFj) LIE (ENTj) EII (INFj) LSE (ESTj)

    Irrational (Perceiving) Types: ILE (ENTp) SEI (ISFp) SLE (ESTp) IEI (INFp) SEE (ESFp) ILI (INTp) IEE (ENFp) SLI (ISTp)
    I don't agree with this entirely.

    Rationals making faster descions I agree, Irrationals waiting and see I agree.

    But higher Ne will predict more spontaneity/flexibilty/ and starting new things without finishing.

    Higher Si will not be as spontaneous, flexible, or constantly starting new things as higher Ne.

    The stiffness no, the stiffness is more of a T thing in general, and not all T users but really extremely stiff people most likely have high T and low S, ILI for example tends to be stiff in movements, and they are irrational. LII as well, tend to have stiff movement.

    Leadership style probably has to do with F and T, Higher F more democratic higher T more authoritarian, now I don't think it's a hard fast rule but to say that ESTp leadership style is more democratic than EII leadership style is to have never seen either of them lead.

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    The stiffness no, the stiffness is more of a T thing in general, and not all T users but really extremely stiff people most likely have high T and low S, ILI for example tends to be stiff in movements, and they are irrational. LII as well, tend to have stiff movement.
    I'm told I'm really really stiff. I wouldn't link it to S/N dichotomies

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