Quote Originally Posted by Daisy View Post
I think I understand what Adam said. From being friends with some SLIs, I noticed they don't take risks. They play it too safe. I think it is because they can't see what lays after and are afraid of the unknown (this unknown can bring losses) maybe to the point they miss out many things and become bored with life.

They are too careful and calculate everything they do... It amazes me... Because I am usually spontaneous and don't think as much as they do. My head will burn if I calculate everything like that. But for them it is a natural tendency.

An example is my friend. She knows how to live a good, peaceful life. If I compare my life and hers until now, mine had many ups and downs and I am okay with it and I gained experience from it while her life had been stable because she focuses a lot on preventing downs of life from happening but at the same time she kind of missed experiences that could have helped her become wiser.
YA I heard before that enfps see the istp as not all that optimistic even when istps think of themselves as optimistic ...

But anyway not taking risks isn't the same as following carefully planned out plans

Also there are many types of risks, so as for your friends, they may take some risks you don't, while you only notice that they didn't take the type of risks that you will take