Oh wow, looking for partners that are potentially good fathers/mothers, that's a trait that the majority of people don't look for...

Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Also, unlike what you seem to think, the "transaction" is not sterile or robotic in our minds. If I offer you my "heart", for example, it is both a calculated risk and an earnestly hopeful plea that you'll accept. I give you all of me, in exchange for all of you. It's only fair yet there is a subtle component to that transaction. Trust. In making that offer, I've implicitly admitted that I trust you completely in all things. Do you return/are you worthy of that trust? The trust of a very, very paranoid person whom you've somehow convinced to do the dumbest thing they can possibly imagine in the hopes that they really were/are wrong about you?

Food for thought my essentially anonymous friend...
I think the point that she was making is that relationships are about taking unknown risks of sacrifices. You're not even going to think, "If I do this, then what am I going to get in return?", or "Damn, that pay-off didn't work". It's a choice that you're going to have to make. Choices I believe, that are based on beliefs and convictions.