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Thread: I don't get dual relationships (duality)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragdoll Lynx View Post
    Like if such way of viewing relationships assure you a "good purchase" or something like that, and in the moment your "product" doesn't work as you expected you just throw it out.
    Knowledge of types and other info affecting relations helps to make reasonable choices to rise chances on good result. If to use this info correctly. The main problem of today - wrong types (>50% of mistakes by today methods, based on average match <20%); the second - how some people are naive that all may be good without significant efforts.

    When you deal with a human, when you by your reason understand it has good potential for good relations having good type - following the reason, you'll be making more efforts for relations, where hard parts exist always. You'll not throw it out easily but will keep harder when there is good type.
    While when there is bad type - you'll throw as anything what you understand is bad and there is better to pay your attention. Jung's type is very significant to have friendship and hence good love in marriages (besides (semi)dual and mb activator - all other types are significantly more boring and worse). You may take it into account or to ignore, - this will affect chances on having for what it helps and efforts you'll need to have that.

    Also. The mistake would be to think that good IR mean no problems. Or that Jung types is anything what is important in people. Even from theory point - duals have issues with weak functions of each other. You'll easily notice and never like idiocy in your strong regions, you may be tolerate at best and forgive it as that human studies (instead of negativism with different values) and because that human gives you good to compensate problems with him. It's same like with kids - you tolerate their weakness and study them to become better. It's what duals have - treat each other as kids, meanwhile geting support from each other as teachers/parrents. Duality helps with having love, but it's not relations without problems even from types point. Also to have duality does not mean - it's all will happen good just because it may to happen good - it will need your efforts to care about each other alike about anyone, but this will be in more natural way for you - as you want to care about people by ego functions and want to be cared in your superid. Plus better emotions to each other and better emotional state in such relations, as such people inspire it.

    > I don't think that seeing relationships or ppl as products, goods or things is going to improve your experience in that area or reduce problems, I tend to think that its just going to increase them.

    Having F type you defend the choice based on your strong functions - to what you've adopted, your trust and where you are more assured. The choice of irrational emotions. Also Ne based choices related to psychology is not what fits good to what you'd like by your ESI type - you are predisposed to be more negative to accept this, to do not trust - as it's your weak region and nonvalued.

    Jung's types is one of significant factors for good relations which you may take it into account by your reason to pay more attention on people better for you. You'd could to use other info by the same way - to choose among people with IQ not lesser than average, for example. I doubt this would increase problems for people who'd did this.
    By instincs people prefer the ones with close mind abbilities. But you may do the same choice by your reason too.
    By same instincts (IR effects work irrationally) people prefer the ones with good IR. The problem is - those are not often near you long enough to appear feelings to them. Unlike with similar IQ when you work and study together often, duality types tend to be random or in other regions of works. People are limited to have near the ones with duality types. The reason may help them - to show those people. And then you may choose among them by other traits and your instincs as in common. To meet IRL and have a talk, to see videos/pictures in Internet, to communicate for some monthes to understand interesting human better in case you've liked him, etc. - to act by common ways. It would be a cooperation of your reason and instincts.

    There are meeting/marriage services. They have initial info you see to decide is a human interesting for you. Jung's type is another trait which is useful to add there. It may help with having friendship and love feelings between people as those may support each other much. It may help having more of stable and happy pairs. To bring more of love. Of long relations with deep love feelings. And lesser of short relations based on sexual passion or emotionally not good relations based on material interests, social duties.

    Near me lives a marriage pair of SEE woman and ILI man. It seems the only duality pair I know personally. They have good relations for all life, from known to me. I see them often together as they seem to have friendship and want to do together as much as possibly. They live for long (both are >70 yo) as good emotions helps with health. They care about each other tenderly, may make gifts to support each other emotionally alike they have new relations. It's cute.
    Not always duals will have this, as it's one of factors. But chances to have good relations will be significanly higher among them. The reason may help to find those people. To help geting good long relations.

    If you'll be lucky to get mutual feelings with (semi)dual - you'll understand what types may give to you. Some dating service with correct types would help to understand importance of types quickly - just meet with a few and talk, try friendly or closer relations. People would got a possibility to decide are types important for them on own experience, and then decide to take them into account or not. I'm rather sure almost anyone would prefer to take types into account having that experience.

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    You are not T type you don't even understand what I say because of your weak logic. I'm in good IR but you can't read nor write english, neither learn it because your obvious F type, weak in T regions which makes hard for you to learn anything. I'm also married and I'm not asking for advice, you should use your own advice, you need it more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragdoll Lynx View Post
    You are not T type you don't even understand what I say because of your weak logic
    I've read a part, not the whole context. So mb I've missed something important.
    I more wanted to express some thoughts. I hope some of them were useful.

    I see you've changed the profile type to conflictor (EIE -> SLI). Taking into account that you know about types for monthes this extreme case points on bad self-understanding by N and bad theory understanding with bad its application by weak F.
    Aramas did such change (IEE -> LSI), and ESI seems among possible for him.
    The other known (by video) ESI typed by good test himself to ILE.

    My familiar ESI typed herself to IEE (3 years) -> EII (1 year) -> ILI (today dream). She even has offenced strongly when I've said she has S type and commented S traits in her as arguments (for example, she's stubborn and aggressive in establishing relations), on what she've noted alike "you are rude. and mb N type as described my traits correctly" (sigh, this did not helped anyway to assure her in S type). It's expected from Se types to perceive critics in Ne region as something offencing. Recently I've got 3 monthes ban just for writing explanations for her that ILI is not her type (on socioforum it's forbidden to tell people their real types when they write bs in profiles). For example, she manually for many hours did a calculation of opinions for different types about one human in that's human's typing thread - hard manual work and even without good reasons as there also was a voting poll for the type lol - what is nonsense to do for base N types, but for *SI is a possible way to relax by a concentration on such. She's also clearly emotional one, not boring ILIs. She likes moralization teaching of others alike you - stubbornly did that on me and that ended in my feelings to her lol. My suggestive and unconscious region kept that her influence hiden for some monthes, then at 1st gave me friendly attraction to her and after 2-3 weeks as she's attractive and nice girl - more of feelings. I started to express to her my feelings and being also stubborn J-S type did that despite her negative reactions for monthes. I'm not sure, but this could arise mutual feelings to me in her (partly because of our IR effects) what she may keep partly in unconsciousness and hide from me due to situation and my m... not the cutest character - she may affraid to have that to me a little. Mb someday she'll say something about that, in case there is what to say or was. She talked rather rude with me recently, expressed bad emotions to me, - she's not so indifferent how could to be, she may resist by this to good what is in her to me.

    ESI behave funny in the typology. I like your progress due to +1 correct dichotomy. The next I expect you'll understand having F, but not T and mb write SEI in the profile. T types, and more P-T do not press outside of own deals and close people by moralizations alike you did recently. You mb attracted sexually to I*E, but as friends L*E you should like much more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    My familiar ESI typed herself to IEE (3 years) -> EII (1 year) -> ILI (today dream). She even has offenced strongly when I've said she has S type and commented S traits in her as arguments (for example, she's stubborn and aggressive in establishing relations), on what she've noted alike "you are rude. and mb N type as described my traits correctly" (sigh, this did not helped anyway to assure her in S type). It's expected from Se types to perceive critics in Ne region as something offencing. Recently I've got 3 monthes ban just for writing explanations for her that ILI is not her type (on socioforum it's forbidden to tell people their real types when they write bs in profiles). For example, she manually for many hours did a calculation of opinions for different types about one human in that's human's typing thread - hard manual work and even without good reasons as there also was a voting poll for the type lol - what is nonsense to do for base N types, but for *SI is a possible way to relax by a concentration on such. She's also clearly emotional one, not boring ILIs. She likes moralization teaching of others alike you - stubbornly did that on me and that ended in my feelings to her lol. My suggestive and unconscious region kept that her influence hiden for some monthes, then at 1st gave me friendly attraction to her and after 2-3 weeks as she's attractive and nice girl - more of feelings. I started to express to her my feelings and being also stubborn J-S type did that despite her negative reactions for monthes. I'm not sure, but this could arise mutual feelings to me in her (partly because of our IR effects) what she may keep partly in unconsciousness and hide from me due to situation and my m... not the cutest character - she may affraid to have that to me a little. Mb someday she'll say something about that, in case there is what to say or was. She talked rather rude with me recently, expressed bad emotions to me, - she's not so indifferent how could to be, she may resist by this to good what is in her to me.
    Wow Socionics ---> wishful thinking

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