Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I didn’t call her. I like spending time with her. I like her a lot. But I don’t see her as wife material, so going out with her would be very unfair to her.

They say that people can tell in the first thirty seconds of meeting whether or not a person has long term potential. She has long term potential as a friend/date, but that’s it.

You could say I’m overthinking this, but going out with her would also distract me from finding a woman whom I think could be wife material. So it’s also kind of selfish.
I do believe you are overthinking. It's just a theory/conceit of mine but the commitment decision should be left to the introvert. If she (whom I assume is introverted) thinks that you have long term potential, than ya actually do.

After all, you already like her a lot. And believe you me, us introverts think very, very long and hard in regards to this question. We are well and fully aware of the limits of time and how every moment actually counts. In regards to the potential father/mother of our children, well, let's just say that we're very keen on ensuring the offspring experience the happiest of family environments provided we're not dramatically psychologically damaged.

This could be an entirely gamma thing, but that's just how I view things. The girl I'm crushing on may well become my wife. I had best be damn sure she is fit for that role. Beauty fades, but personality is forever. The instant I think she'd be a bad mother? Instant drop. If I was a girl... The instant I think he'd be a bad father? Dropped. I like to keep it simple and direct.