Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
I was seeing it here: "We are both artistic, but he is orderly, mathematical, and I am lyrical. We both like balance of design, but I approach it completely differently, as in the composition of a painting, and just "knowing", while his is planned and logical. And certain overly-mathematical compositions I STRONGLY object to. [Sometime if anyone is interested I will explain about his quintifoil idea - our first design disagreement] ..."

And why I thought of Ti - these mathematical compositions are not really for any sort of Te practical efficiency but for the Ti elegance of logic. (Both can be efficient, otherwise, just the emphasis is different.)

Of course I don't know him, but this stood out to me strongly.

Either way, it seems like you two work out together very well, regardless of type.

Yeah, he is really "The Craftsman". Craftsman need mathematics to craft, and to design and build homes and cabinetry, etc. He like math in its practical application, not when it gets more theoretical, like calculus. A Ti would be more interested in that. My son, a SLE [ SeTi], likes calculus, and physics too. And that's a difference, as my husband did not enjoy the more theoretical less practical math that is calculus.

Well, I am talking with my husband to confirm this, as I never even tried calculus, and he says calculus does have practical application but "its a little bit beyond me". He said even Algebra gets theoretical. He prefers the practical application of geometry. Also he did drafting in college and liked it, and took more than one course in it, whereas I took the one required, Drafting 101, and did not like the class as it was not easy for me to think in the required way. His drawings have that draftsman-like precision whereas mine are more organic.

But you are LSI! So - you like math, and particularly, delving very deeply into subjects? Gulenko calls you "The type most characterized by singular concentration is LSI." Wow. I have definitely seen this as I have a lot of LSIs in my life now, because of my husband, whose small circle is full of them - his brother, son and ex, whom we are all close to, and interact with a lot. His son impresses me with his singular concentration learning languages. He has really absorbed Latin this year and is onto Sanskrit. And he works on an organic farm, and wow can he weed! He was helping us one day, and I was surprised at his concentration! So I am curious, where does this amazing LSI "singular concentrated focus" show up for you?

Quintofoil idea -- since you quoted it, I'll explain. You will find this interesting as a Ti-dom math person. Apparently, our roof line I guess happens to be the same mathematical angle as the top of a pentagon. That end of the house we both agree "needs" an attic window, and he was enthused about an idea he had already conceived for this space - a pentagon. Because it fits the space perfectly! I immediately HATED the idea. I tried to entertain this idea out of respect for his idea, and make myself get used to it, but I just couldn't like it, no way, no how. It reminds me of the federal Pentagon building - not impressed - or a Dodge Ram truck or other Dodge car about to fall apart - not impressed - or a satanic symbol - totally don't want that. He suggested, okay, then a quintifoil flower. He wants something unique, reflecting his thought process, which is a SLI thing, I was not surprised to read. That little "unique unusual touch" they want to add to their craftsmen projects. And he introduces it into EVERY design plan, but I just can't get on board with them all. Particularly not this one. Even the flower. Its too much for this simple house. I tried to like it but I just had to say "no" to the pentagon. Fortunately he is okay with my alternative suggestion (which I think is the perfect window) of a horizontal oval. But we cannot afford this now and will just have to wait til our ship comes in, if it ever does, because we have other priorities.

Here, this is your Dual interacting with my SLI. Its pretty funny: