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Thread: I don't get dual relationships (duality)

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    Quote Originally Posted by mu4 View Post
    However this only works with mutual respect, and this respect between individuals must go beyond idealization and fantasy.
    Yeah... I agree, it‘s important. FTR I have a different outlook than this excerpt. Tried to skim the surface of what I was thinking in the last paragraph, but it’s kinda hard to put into words. Idealization, fantasy it just irritates me. It can open door for every kind of bullshit. Illusions, idealization can be exploited. It‘s just mist. People can talk and bullshit, whatever. It‘s not real and I’m sorry but the mist, the castle in the sky, is giving me nothing. There are some things you cannot derive from any system. There are things, you just have to know within yourself. When I think about real... it’s like a feeling deep in my gut. Stuff that cannot be put into words. You just know, that... there is deep caring for someone, that there is respect for someone and that it’s real with another person.

    Furthermore, often these relations are socionics driven as well, such as super-ego, benefit, supervision. Many different relations can maintain a stable whole for a short to very long period of time, however duality is a stable relation that should reduce in anxiety and conflict over time.
    Yeah Yeah Yeah... super-ego etc. socionics. See how much can you really now about a person from the start? How much can you now about yourself at a certain stage in your life? You cannot foresee everything. See people get together for various reasons. Some seek stability, to realize it was not what the truly needed. Some seek stabilty, because it‘s exactly what they need. It can go every way. Everybody has their reasons for something. Sometimes outsiders don‘t know about that. You cannot know what might make a person seek out sth. what kind of things they carry with them. Sometimes some relationships (not just romantic) are needed. It’s reality in life often enough, people get together, things turn out to be not so ideal, doesn‘t mean they were not real.

    But I think I get it, looking at it from the Socionics angle. Super-Ego. Like Super Ego functions being the functions with the societal expectation. People who might look at a pair from the outside and everything seems fitting or ok, but in their intimate, private sphere it‘s actually not. Then people might stay together because of kids or because of being afraid of being alone or because they believe they can make it work or because of sth else. I don't know if duality is the answer for everything. I think things can be sometimes more complex, a lot of things can happen, nobody knows the answer to it all. Nobody has the manual how it should be going. Idk... Sometimes you don‘t always get what you want. Sometimes if you try, you might get what you need

    Yeah maybe this is the sad, hard and depressing reality of a lot of people, that it’s not Hollywood cliche, but staying together to raise kids. That just doesn’t sound so nice and yeah it’s maybe not good for the person involved, but it‘s their decision and I believe in life it’s often about you and your decisions. I also believe there are often more layers to anything. Sometimes even if it's people are no good for each other, but still people care about each other. I mean what they have is still real... even if there is conflict and idk... but that of course is hard. Like it would be easier to just hate the other person. That’s probably where you can go all cynical ‚that‘s why caring sucks‘. maybe that's where it's 'dialectical', things look ok from the outside, but from the inside?

    Duality is not only defined by this dialectical bond, but also the strength and durability of the bond and growing respect.
    Ah yeah... back to duality. See sometimes this is for me, just how it is at times. Real life relationships. I mean you know stuff like how women from poorer countries marry men in order to stay in the country. How stuff is, how relationships can be. Not how everything is so nice and yes I know... that’s actually sad. How people can be this unhappy and still have to carry on. How life can grind people to the ground, how you can be unhappy in this subdued way. Maybe that’s why I added the last part. Like... how you have to believe in something even if (well at least for me) it sounds quite to ideal and yeah I get your point, to find something real inside the fantasy. So yeah long story short. Life can suck, but it shouldn't suck everything out of you. Hopes whatever... Boah idk... I have no clue. I’m just throwing stuff on the wall... Like I have no idea.

    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 03-18-2016 at 09:15 PM.

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