Quote Originally Posted by HotSauce View Post
OK.. new to socionics, not new to personality typing. I am a SEE gal involved with a guy who, as of this morning, is an ILI. Woohoo yeah! Duals!

Ahem. This thread seems to assume that ILI's never leave the house? And that SEEs party 24 hours a day? Everybody has got to pay bills, go to work, everyone has friends, co-workers, and interests. If there are only 16 types of people out there, odds are ILI and SEE will run into each other at some point.

My ILI is a high school math teacher and sports coach. He is very good at what he does. He has a group of nerdy (I say that with love) friends who share the same varied tastes in music, and they go to live music events and little hole in the wall pubs together a few times a month. They discuss the best beer brands, and vodka and talk about music and tell stories about things in the past. I absolutely love hanging out with them, and I am usually the only person drunkenly dancing next to them, but who cares. My point is, he is not a weird anti-social hermit, although he does need a good amount of down time and is perfectly content just chillin on the couch all day...but I am too, because we get to snuggle and talk about stuff.

I also don't party every night, but I'm a mom, with a somewhat serious job. I do LOVE the hell out of social event though.
This sounds like he is the Te subtype, and you the Fi subtype.

If he was the Ni subtype (strongly), he surely would fit the "hermit" stereotype of ILI more accurately.
Same for SEE-Se being more of the party-girl/guy than SEE-Fi (though it depends).