The best stories about love involve attraction, problems, overcoming those problems.

Yes, duals might not seem to have a lot in common at first, or seem "worlds appart" but that doesn't mean when it happens it won't be the best story.

I think duality happens less often then we think, but I think it's also kinda what we see in many stories about romance. They seem far out, or impossible sometimes, but it's still the best narrative.

I guess that's one of the things socionics could be useful for: being aware that your dual might not be the ideal person you're imagining and worth experimenting outside of your normal preferences/comfort zones.

Yes, talking to the poetry chick might be odd for the soccer player, or visa versa, but it might just be worth it. After all, poetry dorks are boring to poetry chicks(jk jk you sensitive IEI guys).