Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
Two people valuing similar functions help each other to prosper and grow.
May support each other as friends do. Best IR for this among 16.

> How can for example an ILI ever meet an SEE. SEEs are stereotypically the adventurous, party loving extroverts.

INTP may be in places wich visit ESFP. People often make couples with those they study, work, live near. INTPs visit public places like cafes, parks, etc. There are many ways where introverts meet extraverts. Sometimes they get interest and get to know on streets, but it's less common.

> I just don't see how this is supposed to work.

You never saw extraverts in places you visit? Really? Situation with INTPs is similar.

Now imagine a football player going to the quiet girl in the corner who just finishes her poem for the creative writing class
The ESTP sees a charming INFP girl, comes to her, begins to talk about something, about her. If the girl shows return interest and asks about him, an extravert may offer to spend more time together to know better each other. If the girl shows no interest but is liked significantly, then may be done 2nd, 3rd, ... try to establish relations. E-S types are persistent to compensate possible shyness, timidity, reticence of I-N types.

> and then talks about football rules

If ESTP is not an idiot he will find a theme interesting for both. The talk about own specific interests may happen on later step of relations.

I can hardly imagine an artistic senstive people grouping up with impulsive sportmen
Besides accidental meetings of people, I suppose in most cases couples are done where both study, work or live near.
Yep. ESTP and INFP may even work together, - in same office room, same company, etc.