How can for example an ILI ever meet an SEE. SEEs are stereotypically the adventurous, party loving extroverts. ILIs are analytical, deep and intelligent beings who enjoy their alone time to think and to recharge. I just don't see how this is supposed to work
The other person takes care of all the shit you really don't wanna do, so you both complement each other's weak points and so you both can be your narcissistic selves with the most comfort. Say you have Starfall on a date with an omega male. Starfall wants to be spat on during sex. The omega male.... also wants to be spat on. They both want a hot black guy to spit on them, and none are wanting to do the spitting themselves. It's just awkward. I mean maybe not even awkward. Maybe they get along great but still something is missing. After all 'getting along well' is also too easily friendzoned.

You need the spark of differences to be attracted to somebody. You do still need things in common and equality to make something last, but the fires of attraction are created via opposites. Not to be all heteronormative or anything.... but yeah. *lol still remembers the time when @lungs cutely used the word heteronormative in a sentence.*

So you then instead pair Starfall with a more dominant male that spits on her and volia you have compatibility. The dominant str8 black dude wants to spit, and she wants to be spat on.

(Lol I know that example was kind of crude but funny and accurate. <3 Starfall)