Another example IEIs and SLEs. they both value Se and Ti, Ni and Fe. SLE's Ni is weak, IEI's Se is weak. Now imagine a football player going to the quiet girl in the corner who just finishes her poem for the creative writing class when he suddenly starts to talk about how he scored zillion and one on the game and then talks about football rules and buddies from the team. What is the poor girl supposed to do, when she's interested in art and poetry and doesn't give a damn about his football game?
A SLE could be impressed by the writing ability and thoughts of an IEI, and an IEI impressed by the physical prowess/competitiveness of a SLE. All over the internet, you will find IEI type women wanting mates who are outgoing, tough, non-emotional, productive. You'll also find SLE type men being attracted to introverted, feeling types of women. Just as a personal example, I once knew a woman who was a very gifted artist. I have no interest in producing visual art or keeping up with that world, but I was interested in the art she would create. I think in the same way, an IEI might not be interested in SLE type pursuits generally, but they might make an exception for a particular SLE. Even if a SLE isn't interested in poetry, the SLE might find it attractive somehow seeing their IEI love-interest reading such words with feeling, or just observing that such feeling and/or talent exists in their significant other.

How can for example an ILI ever meet an SEE. SEEs are stereotypically the adventurous, party loving extroverts. ILIs are analytical, deep and intelligent beings who enjoy their alone time to think and to recharge. I just don't see how this is supposed to work.
Meeting a romantic partner that is a dual might be difficult, but there is something refreshing and invigorating about being drawn into the sphere of your dual, and how they allow you to draw them into yours. They validate each other naturally if they're psychologically healthy and other variables are in alignment.