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Thread: I don't get dual relationships (duality)

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  1. #1
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    They just seem so...blunt, unrealistic.
    There's a fine idea going on in the theory itself. Two people valuing similar functions help each other to prosper and grow. The weak function can count on their partner's strengths and and vice versa. The two don't devalue each other because they know they need wha the other partner have. But... looking at it more realistically.

    How can for example an ILI ever meet an SEE. SEEs are stereotypically the adventurous, party loving extroverts. ILIs are analytical, deep and intelligent beings who enjoy their alone time to think and to recharge. I just don't see how this is supposed to work.
    Another example IEIs and SLEs. they both value Se and Ti, Ni and Fe. SLE's Ni is weak, IEI's Se is weak. Now imagine a football player going to the quiet girl in the corner who just finishes her poem for the creative writing class when he suddenly starts to talk about how he scored zillion and one on the game and then talks about football rules and buddies from the team. What is the poor girl supposed to do, when she's interested in art and poetry and doesn't give a damn about his football game?
    Those are just few examples, but looking at it realistically. I can hardly imagine an artistic senstive people grouping up with impulsive sportmen, or analytcal educated men hooking up with the "live of the party" girls. is this suppoused to work?...In real life?
    I'm working on translating some articles one of which does talk about some things you might have questions about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Research Relations
    1. Research relations.

    This group includes THAT, WE, IN, SW. Their task - to the knowledge of the world, its fundamental laws and themselves through a comparison with other people. Being in that relationship, the man is better than alone, compares, analyzes, classifies, and tests the hypothesis put forward.
    Research relations trained mental position in the formula type. The term "mentality" I am here not in the sense of using Ausra, a sense of "belonging to the mental processes" (see. My work [5]). I refer to the mental 1, 2, 7 and 8 positions of the socionic model.
    1. 1. Heavy studies.

    Identical (TO) - In these respects, people are attracted to a community of interests. However, to understand the other, it becomes uninteresting. The identity of the evolving understanding of the competition in the mental sphere. To discuss attracted the most unique, controversial issues.
    Mirror (WE) - always open the second side of the "medal". Wear analytical, allow to solve the most complex theoretical cognitive problems. A heavy load on the mental functions of the partners. There is a deep insight into the subject oboyudointeresnogo.
    Couple relationship occurs when the original type to join the other two types, interacting only through it as through a communicative center. Thus, the process of heavy research should be specially selected to model in the triad. Here are some examples of these types of triads for the Quartet of the right ring extroverted progress:
    1. 2. Lightweight research.

    Repayments (TO) - review, critique each other's positions, the message is interesting and useful information, the accumulation of information.
    Quasiidentities (HF) - verification, experimentation. The ratio of different business activity, initiative and curiosity. That's what the triad obtained lung research for our chosen way of example Quartet evoekstravertov:

    Research relations underlie the "youth" of marriage - psychologically immature. Many young people enter into marriage with their fellows on the basis of the general enthusiasm - usually music, fashion clothing, leisure.Despite the fact that sometimes it is stable (especially if the partners belong to the same quadra - WHAT WE), it should be taken no more than approbation relations experiment to create a family.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sociality
    2. Social relations.

    Four relationships include social orientation control, AC, EC, SC. Designed to fit into society, to create a family, to have a circle of friends, find your group. In these respects burden placed on the vital position in the formula type.
    It should be noted that I use the term "vital" not like Ausra, but in the sense of "belonging to the process are satisfied in the first place the needs of everyday life." By vital positions, ie. E. Those which are responsible for adaptation of the real human society, I refer positions 3, 4, 5, 6.
    2. 1. Light sociality.

    Duality (control) - having a small family living separately from other relatives. In the foreground - the convenience, minimal effort while maximizing getting on with everyone in the home.
    Activation (AK) - a large family or friends with whom you meet on holidays. First of all, a large number of emotionally charged contacts and real caring for each other. Examples triads simulating communication in society lightweight (truncated quadra):
    2. 2. A hard sociality.

    Superego (SE) - creates a lot of inconvenience in everyday life, leisure activities. Partners encounter rejection of its vital habits. Frequent unmotivated outbursts of emotion. This communicative situation razvorotlivym be coached in life, get comfortable against the resistance of others.
    Conflict (CP) - helps to survive in poor conditions of existence, hostile environment, in a word - in a difficult society. Trains are not razvorotlivost flexibility and resistance and tolerance to strenuous relations. The paradox of this kind of conflict that are looking for partners or unwittingly create problems themselves, which give rise to tensions, to unite to overcome them.
    Triad heavy society as an example:

  2. #2
    Olimpia's Avatar
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    Duality (control) - having a small family living separately from other relatives. In the foreground - the convenience, minimal effort while maximizing getting on with everyone in the home.
    Activation (AK) - a large family or friends with whom you meet on holidays. First of all, a large number of emotionally charged contacts and real caring for each other.
    Reading this, I might actually prefer Activation over Duality. Could be related to me being Social instinct first, and not SO blindspot (which the Duality description here sounds more like).
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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    Reading this, I might actually prefer Activation over Duality. Could be related to me being Social instinct first, and not SO blindspot (which the Duality description here sounds more like).
    I have two ENTJ friends. My best guy friend in the world is an ENTJ and we have been friends since we were teenagers. Activation ROCKS. We work really well together and always get each others point of view very well. It's a very seamless relationship, and no matter how much time passes, it's like we are on the same wavelength. If I had a project to complete or if I had an idea for a new business venture I would only feel comfortable going full throttle with an ENTJ by my side.

    HOWEVER...after having a couple of romantic escapades with ENTJs (not my ENTJ friends - random ENTJ guys I've met, I can smell them a mile away) I can say that I find ENTJs need signs of romantic loyalty from me that I don't naturally give. ENTJs are really sensitive about betrayal at the end of the day - and even really jealous. That Te can make judgement calls about my behavior that are way off base.

    With my INTP boyfriend, if I casually talk to some guy at the bar while he goes to the mens room, he's fine with it, he knows I'm there with him. He will return and say "Hey babe" and wrap his arm around me.

    With an ENTJ? Talk to a random guy at the bar while he is in the mens room, and he will be ready to dump you.
    I'm just an effin ray of sunshine

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