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Thread: Tactics vs Strategists

  1. #1
    Joy's Avatar
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    Default Tactics vs. Strategists

    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca

    Tactics (Types with accepting intuitive functions and producing sensor functions):
    Taktiki ("programmnye" intuity i "tvorcheskiye" sensoriki):

    1. They focus their attention on their current situation, on the nearest action, on real time choices - in other words, they focus more on the way an action is unfolding, sequence of events instead of the purpose of that particular action.
    2. They try not to get "bound" to a single state in which they wished to find themselves – in other words, by the purpose they wished to accomplish. As a result of that the direction of their "movement" is fluid.
    3. They are not inclined to constantly evaluate (Reshape, modify) their action in accordance with the end goal (The purpose) in mind. The purpose of their actions is evaluated in accordance to how much it fits current conditions (How much the purpose proposed is compatible with their methods)
    4. All possibilities of events occurring now or those that have occurred in the past (But things that really happened or will happen) i.e. different scenarios, outcomes, are perceived as equivalent (Equally likely to happen and equally likely to have happened).
    5. The emphasis on purpose is never placed or extremely rare (Usually under stress, pressure by circumstances). They avoid to set long-term, global goals (Purposes): "Why plan my life and waste that little time I have for living on planning how to live?".
    6. Tacticians operate with ways of doing things – they often examine and contrast various methods of doing things and determine which method to follow based on criteria (For example it could be a personal preference or optimality or something completely different)
    (I also did this one a little more military style)
    6. Tacticians operate with methods of operation (Execution) – they examine and contrast various methods and ways of executing events, undertaking action and determine which one to undertake on all sorts of criteria (For example it could be a personal preference or optimum efficiency or something completely different)
    7. If the tactician feels that their actions were determined (Controlled) by specific goals (Purpose) then they feel a sensation of worthlessness of their actions (Emptiness of action) and feel disappointment.
    8. Lexicon: in speech of tacticians words "way" "means" "method" can often be heard. They are not inclined to speak of the purpose of action but rather substitute it with other concepts ("necessity" "dream" "interest" "task" and so on)

    Strategists (Types with accepting sensor functions and producing intuitive functions):
    Strategi ("programmnye" sensoriki i "tvorcheskiye" intuity):

    1. They focus their attention on a goal they wish to accomplish, i.e. on the purpose of their actions instead of the actions themselves, on the purpose of events instead of the events themselves and so on.
    2. For the strategists the way, method by which they will accomplish their goals is not of prevailing importance. As a result of that the "trajectory" on which they move towards fulfilling their goals is fluid.
    3. Their actions and choices are estimated from the point of view of how they much they will help them accomplishing their desired objectives (Goals). As a result of that they reject those options that do not fulfill this criterion.
    4. In analyzing past strategists they separate "key moments" (Basic, most significant stages) that lead to present conditions. They do not consider all versions of events unfolding equivalently (They separately examine and focus on those "key moments")
    5. They place a goal (Purpose) in mind and will not deviate from it. They experience confusion if they are forced to deviate from it. They get satisfaction in achieving their set objectives (Goal) and disappointment in failing to carry out the goals they had set (Had in mind).
    6. Strategists operate with purposes (Goals). In a situation where several possible purposes (Goals) exist their hierarchy is established.
    7. Without having a purpose in their life (A goal to guide them) strategists feel as if something is missing, as if they are incomplete. They experience discomfort and often feel disoriented by such states.
    8. Lexicon: in their speech strategists often use the word "purpose" and versions of it. Strategists clearly express goals (Purpose), precisely formulate them and do not substitute them with concepts.


    The key element in understanding this group is the dichotomy of "the purpose (The goal) – the method (The way)". The consciousness of the strategist is to a larger degree orientated towards the purpose itself and not the means by which they will accomplish their goals, while the consciousness of the tactician is largely orientated towards various methods of action, various way it can be done and not the purpose of those actions. This encompasses not only the conscious activities of individuals, which solutions they will implemented and so on, but also external circumstances, background information and other factors determining a situation. On a general level it is possible to speak of a difference in "reference points", either we have purpose as a reference point (Strategist) and methods as variables or the method as a reference point (Tactician) and purposes as variables.


    The disappointment a tactician feels for the achievement of an objective is a result of the fact that in order to fulfill a purpose they had to deviate a way. Being that the way they do something is more important then why in such circumstances (Circumstances in which the purpose is more important and makes them abandon doing something the way they want to do it) the tactician feels uncomfortable. This is accentuated in tacticians - rationales who, by virtue of nature, are inclined to plan their actions, and feel great discomfort if their plans are "spoiled". On the other hand, a feeling of being void, useless and empty comes when "the way" is stopped by fulfilling the objective. The tactician then feels as if the wind was knocked out of their sails. The sensation of confidence, resoluteness accompanying their normal mode of work disappears. Suddenly there is no need for a way anymore. When they were "moving at their own pace", everything was easy and clear. Being unable to "do their way" anymore they often do not know what to do next, how to proceed further.


    "To speak on a global, general level is difficult because is always a local thing that must be addressed" "I do not see something as on a global level, but rather as a collection of local ones" "Long term goals... well I reach them but somehow it all occurs "conveniently" "If I ever get an end goal it would be because I have reached the end myself (Died)! You never know what time will bring (What will be the end goal)" "For each path you take there is more then one place it goes to. Along the way you have time to find out where you are going"
    "My way, for a long time, was clear to me" "There are many things that I could've done, but haven't" "There are a lot of ways my life could've unfolded. I could've lived in different places, could've had other professions" "If I was another person, my life would've been different" "When I look back and think about the things that could've been, I see many crossroads. I can see myself living different lives if I had chosen other paths."

    "The point is not in whether it's an important task or not, the point is in the reason why it's being done. The reason will always be there, the methods may vary... I don't always know how to accomplish what I have in mind" "I was a slave to goals" "A set goal is the center point of self organization. It's a shame that some goals are left unfulfilled, even if they are insignificant... if a goal was drawn you can't really erase it" "A goal is a comforting thought." "I will use a method only if it satisfies the criteria set by the goal I'm trying to accomplish" "There cannot be any "deviation" of a method in usage" "A person must have a purpose in life otherwise – what's the point?" "A huge list - 35 items of what I want to accomplish in my life" "A person cannot always clearly state that what he wishes to accomplish, but nevertheless they accomplish it... minor things I do not look at, I see reasons in bigger things" "There are such moment in ones life, cardinal moments, where one has to make a choice between different paths to take and for myself, if I had chosen another path, the likelihood is that I wouldn't be here talking to you... I always look at what lead to the present" "Every act has a consequence" "There were many "key moments" but the important thing was how they reflected on accomplishing my goal" "I keep track of "key moments"." "I regret that because of lack of experience I couldn't have solved some problems efficiently and because of this the time it took to reach what I had set for myself only increased... but in the end I accomplished what I set for myself, one way or other"
    Tactics: xSxjs and xNxps
    Strategists: xSxps and xNxjs

    Check out my Socionics group!

  2. #2
    Joy's Avatar
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    I'd be a strategist... and I SO need a tactic partner.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  3. #3

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    Maybe a Strategist.

    I do both, but the Strategists' way seems more frequent.
    ex-nameless ixtp
    *** Warning - Risk of poor communication and late response.

  4. #4
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Tactics fo shizzle.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  5. #5
    XoX's Avatar
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    Haaaaaaaaaard. Can't decide. I'm not really someone who sets clear goals. However I remember arguing with a workmate if in research one should set goals or not. He thought no there shouldn't be any "line to cross" as research is an endless and ongoing process. However I found it hard to work if there were no goals to meet and you never get the satisfaction that comes from achieving a goal. I think in work environment I'm a strategist so I say strategist.

  6. #6

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    Very easy to choose here: tactician. In every part I identify with tactics. I think that can be seen in my posts too.

  7. #7
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    This is very long. Luckily I didn't have to read very much to know I was in the "tactics" group.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  8. #8
    oyburger's Avatar
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    Without a doubt Strategist.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  9. #9
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    I am split really. Can't decide.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  10. #10
    Expat's Avatar
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    Strategist, but the description seems too rigid.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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