i'll be voting for whoever the Democratic candidate will be. i think the candidate will have to be Hillary, assuming the private email server stuff doesn't sink her. i don't have a problem with Bernie, but he's like a socialist version of libertarians like Ron Paul - supporters love them for their ideological purity, the perception that they are anti-establishment and will shake things up, etc. but they're not going to win an election.

even though i won't be voting for any Republican, the field of candidates seriously concerns me. is that really the best American conservatives have to offer? besides the obvious crazies like Trump and Carson and Fiorina, etc., the "moderate" establishment candidate is supposed to be Jeb Bush, a guy who says a lot of stupid/insensitive things in public, and supports failed/bad policy (massive tax cuts for the wealthy, etc.)? there's also Marco Rubio, a guy who misses a lot of votes in the Senate and reportedly doesn't even like the job - okay, so you don't want to do the job your constituents elected you to do, yet you want people to make you president? frankly, every single Republican candidate holds offensive, regressive views on some level, and/or is unqualified for the job.