Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
actually after making the poll i realized i don't even want to vote in it yet. i actually have no idea what i want to do this election.
republicans are out because theyre republicans.
hillary is out because she's a lizard person.
bernie is meh because i've become ambivalent about how to view economic issues after reading hazlitt n shit (ey @Capitalist Pig)

i was thinking about just not voting altogether, not giving legitimacy to our fucked up system, stick it to the man blah blah, but i don't really like that idea either.

maybe you guys will convince me of something.
Depends on what your priorities are. I was very sad that Joe Biden decided not to run because he is electable AND a decent person. I have my reservations about Hillary in some ways, but lots of the crap that is hurled at her is partisan bullshit. Bush and Cheney have effectively created ISIS, which goes to show that U.S. presidencies have a far reach and Hillary is by far the one person with the greatest knowledge of how global dynamics work.

Read people's policy proposals on their websites. But don't not vote, seriously. You can't want any of the Republicans in office (from what I know of your values). There won't be a perfect (or even adequate for you perhaps) candidate, but there is always the lesser of two evils.

Edited to add: Hazlitt is a bit outdated, I would say...