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    2 3.57%
  • Ben Carson

    1 1.79%
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    4 7.14%
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    1 1.79%
  • Jim Gilmore

    0 0%
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    0 0%
  • Mike Huckabee

    1 1.79%
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    1 1.79%
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    0 0%
  • George Pataki

    0 0%
  • Rand Paul

    1 1.79%
  • Marco Rubio

    0 0%
  • Rick Santorum

    0 0%
  • Donald Trump

    13 23.21%
  • Hillary Clinton

    7 12.50%
  • Martin OMalley

    1 1.79%
  • Bernie Sanders

    24 42.86%
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    0 0%
  • Other - Green

    2 3.57%
  • Other - Libertarian

    2 3.57%
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    0 0%
  • Suck it

    11 19.64%
  • I made an extra option

    2 3.57%
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Thread: 2016 US Election

  1. #241
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    @inumbra, I am not a snopes fan at all. Pretty much whatever "the people" are supposed to believe, that's what snopes will defend, and often BADLY. Its a "Here is what you are supposed to believe, and we are saying it, so you know you need to believe us" website. Just, no thanks to snopes.

    Do you really think that presidents and presidential candidates give up their privacy about their health and are completely transparent about it to you? Really? I never once considered we would be getting the whole or real story on ANY of them. We are getting what they want us to believe about them, and that's all. It might have bits of truth in it, but IMO its more likely there is very little of that.

    I watched a loved one die of Parkinson's so I know about the symptoms. I found those Hillary/Parkinson's videos interesting especially because of my interest in Parkinson's. You do NOT have to be a specialist in Parkinson's to recognize the signs, or even a doctor, just because a doctors opinion is the only one officially recognized. The signs and symptoms are identifiable by any layman. But of course snopes thinks that that doctor is not the right kind of doctor to recognize the symptoms. How stupid. Exactly how does specialist training improve our recognition of a Parkinson's pill roll tremor?? But that is consistent with the things snopes tells us to believe.

    But I did not post it so that people would be thinking that's the reason why they should not vote for her. I think she has Parkinson's after seeign those clips and explanations, but that's not why I would not vote for her. One of my favorite people of all time had Parkinson's and he had a much harder and much more public job than president of the U.S. A lot of people thought he should retire but I wasn't one of them; I was one of the many more who were glad he didn't. But he would not have lied about having it, like Hillary, who is a whole different kind of person altogether and for whom lies are no surprise at all. She thinks she is what this country needs, her, and getting there by any means is her way, including, of course, bold-faced lying. But I really think a great many - maybe a majority - of Hillary fans don't mind being her lying to them, about this or about anything else. I guess they think the ends justifies the means, too. I'm not with them on that.

    Trump lies too of course.

    I imagine that Clinton's Parkinson's reality will be told after she is elected, if she is, because IMO its pretty advanced, and it accelerates from what I've seen. And it to me that the stress of the presidency would accelerate it. So it will be easier to just tell the truth than to continue the elaborate games of cover-ups and lies. They will probably wait till she is sworn in. And keep her out of the public eye till then (saying she is being polite for Obama to finish his job). She will leave the inaugural ball early or be gone for a big part of it becasue thats way too long a day in front of cameras for anyone with that advanced Parkinson's. But when its revealed, the media will tell us what to think about it at that time, probably shamefully comparing her to that genuinely honest man, and will keep us informed very regularly after that on just what we are to think about everything. On that we can depend.

    re: Hillary will find an Alzheimer's cure: I am not impressed by such campaign promises as you are. It would be nice to eliminate Alzheimer's. My Mom has Alzheimers's and its a tough thing to have and its tough to witness your loved one go through this long relentless deterioration. But when my mom had postpartum depression many years ago, she was treated with FDA-approved electroshock treatment to her brain, and in her day that was a pretty powerful shock - but it was approved as a routine remedy for postpartum! So, that made it okay, right? Because of that, I don't think I ever got to know my Mom as her whole, real self. Something was always missing. I also think it will take more than a president or a federal agency to cure Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. And you'd probably have more success without their involvement. Because I also think presidents and federal agencies are certainly capable of hiding or making illegal a genuine disease cure when they find one. And I think there is something in it for them to do that. Like continuing to collect research money, for one. The more people who are devastated by a loved-one's disease, the more people there are that are emotionally motivated to invest in or raise funds for a cure. These diseases are big business.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
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    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
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    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
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  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post
    That would be quite simplistic reasoning. Men were responsible for WWI and WWII (as well as many other atrocities, obviously), but I haven't heard the argument being made that men are unfit to rule as a result. Anyone who makes the argument you've put forth would likely be basing it, consciously or not, on their preconceived bias that men are superior to women.

    The average man is more physically powerful than the average woman, but I think men and women are pretty equal in most other ways. But with an economy that rewards physical strength less and less, women are climbing higher, faster, and men (particularly the under-educated) are being left behind... and they're pissed.
    That's not why they're pissed. They're pissed because masculinity has been labeled as "toxic" and the organs of society have been painstakingly aligned against it. There is a ton of evidence and research that backs up this claim and I encourage you to look it up.

    There is a war on masculinity and, quite naturally, men are NOT happy about it. Just look at all these colleges forcing classes about the evils of "White Male Privilege"down our throats. Yeah, when I look at history I see a fuckton of dead white dudes on battlefields dying to keep others, whites and minorities alike, from having to deal with artillery bombardments and the historical fate of any defeated/breached city (i.e. They didn't call it "The RAPE of Nanking" for nothing). Gee, that's quite a "privilege" being 95 percent of combat fatalities since the founding of the American Republic. That's a "privilege" I'd gladly offload onto any other takers. Seriously, I don't mind being "oppressed" in the way they say whitey oppresses the minorities so long as when the shit hits the fan somebody else who is not of my "ethnic" group does the bulk of the dying a violent death. Funny thing is, when it comes to putting life and limb on the line, everyone else is rather happy to let white males take the brunt of the bloodshed. Just... something everyone ought to consider the next time someone bitches about the evils of the Patriarchy.

    When you're 95 percent of the deaths when shit goes south in a big way, I think you're a little entitled to some perks. Just saying...

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Trump never thinks clearly. He is an emotional mess.
    Sadly, so is most of humanity. People feel first and rationalize it after the fact. If people really were "logical" in the sense that we understand it then we wouldn't have many problems. Everyone would get along in harmony by and large and nobody would reflexively hate others based on superficial characteristics like skin color, religious affiliation, and all the other myriad ways we foolish humans decide who is "us/we" and who is "them" so that we may gladly and joyously kill all of "them" so that us/we can live happily ever after.

    Logic judges people on an individual basis, emotions judge them in very broad strokes for frivolous and fallacious reasons. Pretty easy to see which one is preferable to the majority. I don't like it, in fact I hate it, but that's how it is. Like I said earlier, this current nastiness is simply the result of the "right" abandoning its reliance on logic. Trump don't rely on it for shit, he's going straight for the emotions. His effectiveness in this regard is simply a revelation of the method as occultists would term it. By doing what he's doing, he's showing us all "the truth" in a very subtle way. Only fools think humans are logical, we're all emotional wrecks, our logic serves our emotions, to ever think it was otherwise is delusion .

    For reference the Left has been operating on this level since the 60's and it was codified by Saul Alinsky. Now the right is fighting fire with fire and the Left just simply isn't prepared for that. It's kinda outta left field for the people using nukes for decades to suddenly face an equivalent weapon system. Imagine if the Japs answered Hiroshima with a Mushroom Cloud over San Fransisco or something. Quite the stalemate y'might say.
    Last edited by End; 10-17-2016 at 06:17 AM.

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    It is possible that (after taking demographics into consideration e.g. to account for differences in age and gender) that recent refugees to Europe are actually committing fewer rapes than the general population.
    Ho boy, now that's a desperate rationalization. I can prove you wrong in a very simple way. Imagine yourself as a naked woman. Now imagine yourself being surrounded by average non-Muslim "white" Europeans on a beach resort. Now Imagine yourself in the same resort but instead of Europeans it's all Saudi Arabian Wahhabi Clerics with a chip on their shoulder. Which one do you really think will turn out better for you individually? Yeah, that's what I thought.

  5. #245
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    I came to this thread to yell


    But I don't mean @End.

    ...Well, the end is nigh. Just not super nigh yet.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    That's not why they're pissed. They're pissed because masculinity has been labeled as "toxic" and the organs of society have been painstakingly aligned against it. There is a ton of evidence and research that backs up this claim and I encourage you to look it up.

    There is a war on masculinity and, quite naturally, men are NOT happy about it. Just look at all these colleges forcing classes about the evils of "White Male Privilege"down our throats. Yeah, when I look at history I see a fuckton of dead white dudes on battlefields dying to keep others, whites and minorities alike, from having to deal with artillery bombardments and the historical fate of any defeated/breached city (i.e. They didn't call it "The RAPE of Nanking" for nothing). Gee, that's quite a "privilege" being 95 percent of combat fatalities since the founding of the American Republic. That's a "privilege" I'd gladly offload onto any other takers. Seriously, I don't mind being "oppressed" in the way they say whitey oppresses the minorities so long as when the shit hits the fan somebody else who is not of my "ethnic" group does the bulk of the dying a violent death. Funny thing is, when it comes to putting life and limb on the line, everyone else is rather happy to let white males take the brunt of the bloodshed. Just... something everyone ought to consider the next time someone bitches about the evils of the Patriarchy.

    When you're 95 percent of the deaths when shit goes south in a big way, I think you're a little entitled to some perks. Just saying...
    In the US "you're" also 91 percent of the killers (96 percent globally) and 98 percent of the rapists. So you're victims of your own *cough* toxicity. Along with women (more of whom died in the US from domestic violence than US troops were killed between 2001 and these days they can die *both* ways).

    I took the liberty of helping you find the "research and evidence" since I'm referring to actual refutable data that CAN be "looked up."

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    That's not why they're pissed. They're pissed because masculinity has been labeled as "toxic" and the organs of society have been painstakingly aligned against it. There is a ton of evidence and research that backs up this claim and I encourage you to look it up.

    There is a war on masculinity and, quite naturally, men are NOT happy about it. Just look at all these colleges forcing classes about the evils of "White Male Privilege"down our throats. Yeah, when I look at history I see a fuckton of dead white dudes on battlefields dying to keep others, whites and minorities alike, from having to deal with artillery bombardments and the historical fate of any defeated/breached city (i.e. They didn't call it "The RAPE of Nanking" for nothing). Gee, that's quite a "privilege" being 95 percent of combat fatalities since the founding of the American Republic. That's a "privilege" I'd gladly offload onto any other takers. Seriously, I don't mind being "oppressed" in the way they say whitey oppresses the minorities so long as when the shit hits the fan somebody else who is not of my "ethnic" group does the bulk of the dying a violent death. Funny thing is, when it comes to putting life and limb on the line, everyone else is rather happy to let white males take the brunt of the bloodshed. Just... something everyone ought to consider the next time someone bitches about the evils of the Patriarchy.

    When you're 95 percent of the deaths when shit goes south in a big way, I think you're a little entitled to some perks. Just saying...
    Also to briefly address the racial undertones of your post: white males are not 95% of US war casualties. In the Iraq war, white soldiers accounted for 75% (not accounting for gender).

    In the Korean war, that percentage was 80. In Vietnam, it was 85. In the Gulf war it was 76. How far back are you going? Or are you just pulling "95%" out of your ass?

  8. #248
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    We still account for the grand majority @lungs, I don't think you'd like the prospect of being on the 75 percent chance to die list (better than 95 yeah, but these things have limits). Also, your sources are fully "converged" with the SJW crowd as one of my Indian homies would term it (Indian as in Native American). I mean fuck, you cite Wikipedia? Those assholes deleted and buried their Article on "Cultural Marxism" because it hit too close to home. Look THAT one up and try not to explode from the cognitive dissonance you're sure to experience if you apply logic to it all.

    I'll dare you to find any culture better than the West in regards to things like Women's and Minority Rights. Yet ye seem to want to destroy it due to Cultural Marxism. Once you succeed, call me from the Kitchen, because you're never getting out of there once ya win.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    In the US "you're" also 91 percent of the killers (96 percent globally) and 98 percent of the rapists.
    If you're talking about White Males then you're also still working from Converged sources. SJW's don't report on any crime except White crime. Everyone else gets a pass for only Whitey is responsible for all the evils in the world and only once he's dead and gone will the world be at peace. There was another person who said such things, only he didn't say White People, he said Jews. God I fucking hate the Left. Such hypocritical assholes with a stick so far up their ass they make Bible thumping cat ladies look logical!

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    We still account for the grand majority @lungs, I don't think you'd like the prospect of being on the 75 percent chance to die list (better than 95 yeah, but these things have limits). Also, your sources are fully "converged" with the SJW crowd as one of my Indian homies would term it (Indian as in Native American). I mean fuck, you cite Wikipedia? Those assholes deleted and buried their Article on "Cultural Marxism" because it hit too close to home. Look THAT one up and try not to explode from the cognitive dissonance you're sure to experience if you apply logic to it all.

    I'll dare you to find any culture better than the West in regards to things like Women's and Minority Rights. Yet ye seem to want to destroy it due to Cultural Marxism. Once you succeed, call me from the Kitchen, because you're never getting out of there once ya win.
    Wikipedia is a starting point. The little numbers next to the statistics are citations. if you click them, you'll end up looking at stats from the department of justice and the FBI. Maybe those sources are "SJW" but they're better than just making shit up.

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    @Eliza Thomason lol.

    i feel you are missing the point. my post isn't about proving whether HC has parkinson's or not - unfortunately that can't be proven either way at present (which is why it's largely irrelevant to me in terms of considerations for the election). although since i have worked in assisted living before where many of the residents had parkinson's perhaps i should proclaim myself an expert on the matter, capable of diagnosing people off of news footage. i've *seen* it over an *extended period of time* after all. blogger windtalker (mentioned in my previous post) spent an afternoon with a dementia patient and was able to diagnose trump's dementia just from that. i should clearly pay great consideration to all of these people and their opinions, right?

    snopes is correct i assume about dr. noel not even being in the right field of medicine (it would not be in their best interest to lie about a simple fact); and they are right that he has an agenda (i could tell that before i even looked this up). that he didn't share in the three videos you posted about how he's not in the right field of medicine is deliberately misleading. this isn't about snopes, it's about not latching onto everything everyone ever on the internet says and agreeing with them (assuming of course they support one's pov).

    of course clinton's released medical records may not be wholly transparent. but the same applies to trump's. wasting my time speculating about their secret medical conditions that can't be proven either way seems pointless to me. were trump elected more shit could come out about him out of nowhere (he's far from squeaky clean). clinton still has her email scandal under investigation. there is a possibility that *either* of them could get booted out of office. though i suspect more people would be actively trying to boot trump out of office since he's an outlier of sorts.

    my remark about clinton ending alzheimer's was actually a joke (and i found it amusing how she was holding her hand in the picture on the webpage since we were talking about parkinson's). it's a joke because i am just rather skeptical about having a magical solution in 10 years that clinton can claim such credit for facilitating (but perhaps that is because i am too skeptical). the number of things (or extent of the things) both candidates claim they will magically do for us is really rather dismaying, and clinton offers more magic even than trump. i'm really wary regarding how many "promises" there are, actually. it seems we've been promised even more stuff than we were from obama, to keep us "happy." that is frankly disturbing.
    Last edited by marooned; 10-17-2016 at 03:47 PM.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Wikipedia is a starting point. The little numbers next to the statistics are citations. if you click them, you'll end up looking at stats from the department of justice and the FBI. Maybe those sources are "SJW" but they're better than just making shit up.
    You simply cannot trust Gov't stats anymore. I mean, you never really could, but it has gotten really bad recently. They're actively engaged in the propaganda now, those stats push the narrative just like all the other SJW converged sources. The narrative is Western Civilization Must Die, Glory Be to the Third World and its Vibrant Diversity! If you so happen to win, don't complain about the rapes and polygamy, for that's Islamic/Third World Culture and that's what WILL replace Western Civilization if it falls. Hear me now, believe me later.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You simply cannot trust Gov't stats anymore. I mean, you never really could, but it has gotten really bad recently. They're actively engaged in the propaganda now, those stats push the narrative just like all the other SJW converged sources. The narrative is Western Civilization Must Die, Glory Be to the Third World and its Vibrant Diversity! If you so happen to win, don't complain about the rapes and polygamy, for that's Islamic/Third World Culture and that's what WILL replace Western Civilization if it falls. Hear me now, believe me later.
    Its difficult to see western white males as a bulwark against the misogyny of other cultures when they can't refrain from killing and raping women themselves and try to justify it by pointing fingers at the brown people. But i guess you can only believe that white men aren't martyred heroes if you actually pay attn. to facts instead of dismissing them as some kind of cultural Marxist conspiracy.

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Ho boy, now that's a desperate rationalization. I can prove you wrong in a very simple way. Imagine yourself as a naked woman. Now imagine yourself being surrounded by average non-Muslim "white" Europeans on a beach resort. Now Imagine yourself in the same resort but instead of Europeans it's all Saudi Arabian Wahhabi Clerics with a chip on their shoulder. Which one do you really think will turn out better for you individually? Yeah, that's what I thought.
    I was speaking of refugees in general and what the stats show.

    I wouldn't consider a religious fundamentalists and/or agents of Islamic State to be representative of refugees as a whole (in the case of agents of Islamic State and Saudi Arabian Wahhabi clerics, they almost certainly would not be refugees).

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    since this thread has been opened to every manner of conspiracy theory now, allow me to post the ones that in this underlying way line up with my worldview:

  16. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Its difficult to see western white males as a bulwark against the misogyny of other cultures when they can't refrain from killing and raping women themselves and try to justify it by pointing fingers at the brown people. But i guess you can only believe that white men aren't martyred heroes if you actually pay attn. to facts instead of dismissing them as some kind of cultural Marxist conspiracy.
    My primary complaint is how they are singled out. Everyone of every ethnic group/nationality does it to be sure, but it is uniquely singled out and criticized in regards to white males. All the other males seem to get a pass by comparison. This is a double standard and if there's one thing I hate it is double standards. I cannot stand them, wherever I see them I get pissed. There ought to be one standard upon which all are judged equally. Sadly, that is not the current case. Whitey is hated merely for the fact of being whitey, yet none dare call it racism. The instant whitey takes his own side in an argument for once, he/she is a racist gay-hating xenophobic bigot who should just go die in a fire and die for everyone who just so happens to not be them. Yet other people and cultures are celebrated for standing up for themselves and celebrating their culture even if it opposes the majority culture of a given "white" area/nation. Pardon me for hating on that double standard.

    I saw a video the other day. It was an Ivy League College debate club, and the black dude at the podium said that the only way for white people to fully atone for their "privilege" was to kill themselves. Imagine if a white man said that about any other ethnic group. You'd never hear the end of it! Yet here some minority says shit on par with another ****** and nothing happens. If you're not pissed off about that then you're part of the problem.

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    That is true! But if one is divorced from "the pillar and foundation of truth", then one might think it stops there. But its also true that among the Saints are those who have had the determination to "run the good race" and were so open to the graces of God that the people see their piety, and petition that the Church begin the canonization process. And if the Church determines, with the authority vested in them by Jesus Christ, that they are Saints now in Heaven, then this decision made on earth is agreed upon in Heaven. While there are many many more Saints in Heaven that no one knows or remembers, we have the canonized Saints for every kind of example of how to grow in grace and love God.

    Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold to the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word or our epistle.
    -2 Thessalonians 2:15

    [I wanted to answer, but this is completely off-topic for this thread, so I don't want to keep up on this.]
    Well, according to the traditions of the early Christians, as shown in the bible, the canonization of "saints" that the Catholics engage in is not scriptural. In addition, the ideology of having a formal church structure of career priests and vicars of Christ is not scriptural, because all Christians are priests of Christ, all Christians are fit to hear the confessions of each other, and all Christians are evangelists of Christ's teachings. There is no pre-eminence of any Christian either, as the church is supposed to be built on Christ, who is its foundation of Rock.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    ... you cite Wikipedia? Those assholes deleted and buried their Article on "Cultural Marxism" because it hit too close to home. Look THAT one up and try not to explode from the cognitive dissonance you're sure to experience if you apply logic to it all....

    I'll dare you to find any culture better than the West in regards to things like Women's and Minority Rights. Yet ye seem to want to destroy it due to Cultural Marxism. Once you succeed, call me from the Kitchen, because you're never getting out of there once ya win.
    I looked up cultural marxism because I have not heard of it. The first explanation here makes it very clear what it is. Yes, I see that.

    Just today there was a new story (I rarely watch the news anymore but it was on for 10 minutes) about which stores might be open Thanksgiving (they don't know yet, but they want you to keep watching because they will be letting us know). It really bothers me that stores would be open that day, pulling people in with huge sales they could have on any other day besides Thanksgiving. I am equally or more annoyed with them being open on Christmas and Easter. But for those latter I understand anti-Christian reasons. But Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. Its about families being together. Why would you fight that?? Why would everyone not want to protect that? Then I see the Cultural Marxism explanation, and that explains why that day will not be protected, and why it will be continually undermined.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    My primary complaint is how they are singled out. Everyone of every ethnic group/nationality does it to be sure, but it is uniquely singled out and criticized in regards to white males. All the other males seem to get a pass by comparison. This is a double standard and if there's one thing I hate it is double standards. I cannot stand them, wherever I see them I get pissed. There ought to be one standard upon which all are judged equally. Sadly, that is not the current case. Whitey is hated merely for the fact of being whitey, yet none dare call it racism. The instant whitey takes his own side in an argument for once, he/she is a racist gay-hating xenophobic bigot who should just go die in a fire and die for everyone who just so happens to not be them. Yet other people and cultures are celebrated for standing up for themselves and celebrating their culture even if it opposes the majority culture of a given "white" area/nation. Pardon me for hating on that double standard.

    I saw a video the other day. It was an Ivy League College debate club, and the black dude at the podium said that the only way for white people to fully atone for their "privilege" was to kill themselves. Imagine if a white man said that about any other ethnic group. You'd never hear the end of it! Yet here some minority says shit on par with another ****** and nothing happens. If you're not pissed off about that then you're part of the problem.
    end, this is utterly ridiculous. i would much rather be a poor white male than a poor black male in this society (since i would have a slight leg up due to my "membership" in that "group" most likely). or is stuff like this yet another false narrative? it's not that difficult to see that in a nation with a long history of intense racism, that it doesn't all go away all at once. it was built by racists (though at the time that was culturally acceptable). originally white males were the only citizens who counted. little anecdotes about idiots saying you have to die because the nation has a racist history don't concern me. idiot at the podium = idiot.

    i think part of the problem is that notions such as "privilege" are not meant to be taken at the personal level so many people take them at. it refers to the structure of society, and how it is designed to better benefit certain groups. this by no means means that any individual with "membership" in a privileged group will have all the advantages of life. it does however mean that there will be less shit at the societal level to get in their way. naturally things arise to try to counterbalance this, such as programs to aid minorities or whatever... it can seem terribly unfair to low income white males. and perhaps it is. but the point is there is a systemic problem (that's real), and these are efforts to try to balance the system.

    my point in saying this though was that because it's systemic, you don't get to blame individuals for their privilege and make sense (that misunderstands the whole concept). it's not anyone's fault, the system they are born into, or if it's slanted towards them or against them.

    imo, poverty is actually more of a detriment than race in the u.s. currently (the two are often related), though that opinion is not a popular one. it is what i believe though. one of the problems with the mindset that arises in the working class (and i know because i come from the working class) is that it ends up being self-defeating. you can see how it's not fair throughout your entire childhood. you can see how beginning conditions create a loose class lock. but that very attitude can be the reason you do not get out of the class lock. for some low income neighborhoods, most people never leave (they never earn more than working class wages, if even that). stuff is stacked against them, that is undeniable. but the hopeless worldview that they soak in throughout their lives is actually the most damning part. unfortunately if you devote all your time to complaining about others holding you back, you simultaneously lock yourself into beliefs that you can never advance beyond your lot because of how trapped you are. given what is possible in reality, that is simply untrue. if you do not believe it possible to succeed or to change, you are already doomed to fail.

    to summarize, the psychological component of this is what locks you in your cell. society gives you the bars and cell and key and so on - you turn the key yourself. you complete the process of disadvantaging yourself iow, which is the evil beauty of this (it simply exploits human nature). a lot of diabolical people in power have known this (it's a great way to trap the masses and keep them under control because our society operates on having a certain percentage of poor people). if you want to fight it, you have to overturn that narrative. because right now, you seem to be playing into 'their' hands.

    ps. @End i edited this so many times, if you were replying to it, it's probably changed. sorry!
    Last edited by marooned; 10-17-2016 at 06:58 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I looked up cultural marxism because I have not heard of it. The first explanation here makes it very clear what it is. Yes, I see that.

    Just today there was a new story (I rarely watch the news anymore but it was on for 10 minutes) about which stores might be open Thanksgiving (they don't know yet but they want you to keep watching becaseu they will let us know). It really bothers me that stores woudl be open that day. As on Christmas, and Easter. For those latter I understand anti-Christian reasons. But Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. Its about families being together. Why would you fight that?? Why would everyone not want to protect that? Cultural Marxism explains why that day will not be protected, and will be continually undermined.
    maximizing profits by keeping your store open on holidays is pretty far removed from implementing a communist agenda.

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    This one is weird, and the expressions on the faces of the girls holding their phones towards her are priceless:

    Clearly everyone put physically close to Hillary knows she has seizures. Its interesting how they act, trying to distract people's attention from the seizure, acting "normal", looking away, laughing - but they see it happening, obviously. In this one Bill mimics her to make her look normal:

    Pretty strange.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    I hate modern society. Everything has to be polarized as us vs them and both sides can't seem to figure they are both assholes. It's not just politics anymore, now they are fucking with movies like Ghostbusters and forcing female roles that just don't fit. It's messing with my entertainment now.

    Sometimes I swear we were put here as entertainment for aliens. Take a bunch of monkey brains and make them intellectually capable (but not necessarily smart) and you get lots of crazy shit happening. Hello Human Race. Actually I guess South Park did an episode on that idea. But still, if anyone is watching us, we are surely their entertainment; the trailer park of the universe.


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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    maximizing profits by keeping your store open on holidays is pretty far removed from implementing a communist agenda.
    It just does not seem that maximizing profits could be the sole reason to ruin the holiday of so many people, as you believe. There has to be another motive.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Oh look, Trump has seizures too!

    Interesting how you are getting so much joy out of the idea that Hillary has a serious medical conditions, priceless.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I am equally or more annoyed with them being open on Christmas and Easter. But for those latter I understand anti-Christian reasons. .
    It's not anti-Christian, it's pro I am not a Christian and therefore want to shop.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Sadly, so is most of humanity. People feel first and rationalize it after the fact. If people really were "logical" in the sense that we understand it then we wouldn't have many problems. Everyone would get along in harmony by and large and nobody would reflexively hate others based on superficial characteristics like skin color, religious affiliation, and all the other myriad ways we foolish humans decide who is "us/we" and who is "them" so that we may gladly and joyously kill all of "them" so that us/we can live happily ever after.

    Logic judges people on an individual basis, emotions judge them in very broad strokes for frivolous and fallacious reasons. Pretty easy to see which one is preferable to the majority. I don't like it, in fact I hate it, but that's how it is. Like I said earlier, this current nastiness is simply the result of the "right" abandoning its reliance on logic. Trump don't rely on it for shit, he's going straight for the emotions. His effectiveness in this regard is simply a revelation of the method as occultists would term it. By doing what he's doing, he's showing us all "the truth" in a very subtle way. Only fools think humans are logical, we're all emotional wrecks, our logic serves our emotions, to ever think it was otherwise is delusion .

    For reference the Left has been operating on this level since the 60's and it was codified by Saul Alinsky. Now the right is fighting fire with fire and the Left just simply isn't prepared for that. It's kinda outta left field for the people using nukes for decades to suddenly face an equivalent weapon system. Imagine if the Japs answered Hiroshima with a Mushroom Cloud over San Fransisco or something. Quite the stalemate y'might say.
    End, hi, how are you?

    Of course people are emotional but most people are cognizant and disciplined enough not to behave the way he does while running for president. I don't think I have to explain that to you though.

    Also, logical does not guarantee intelligence or that someone will make the right decisions. Just as emotional does not mean someone cannot be disciplined and handle life's struggles without ranting like a mad person about conspiracies and unfairness toward them. I am an emotional person but guess what I could keep it together, like a pro, if I were running for president.

    This world needs ethics, emotion, logic and intuition. Just think about that for awhile and you will understand what I am saying.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    It's not anti-Christian, it's pro I am not a Christian and therefore want to shop.
    Seriously? You also want to make sure that the people who have families who want to be with them on that day can't, because their teen or their Mom has to work, so you can shop? I just can't believe you are that cold-hearted Kim. You are just playing devil's advocate.

    I am old enough to remember when blue laws still had some effect. I was little, but I remember that Sundays were a more mellow quiet different day, and families had time to be together. A lot of people don't know what that is like now - like my college age son doesn't have that in his experience. People really need a day of rest once a week. A day of a different pace. But its the poor especially who end up working on Sunday's and holidays so they can serve us, who honestly aren't so needy. Well, that's not changing, none of us will plan ahead anymore because we need instant gratification, no matter who we put out so we can have it. But now our national holidays are disappearing, too. First its Columbus Day, Presidents Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day that are not real holidays for real working people because we have to have "huge sales!" so we need all those people working so we can shop on those days. Christmas and Easter are a little harder to "steal", so Thanksgiving is the next one to disappear... But we ought to be fighting for it.

    ... We are having a bit of drama and angst here today. My mom's needs are changing rapidly and we need medical opinion, and we are waiting to hear back from her doctor, and we are wondering what will be recommended and what changes we'll need to be making... the end of Parkinson's is similar - bad, long, and drawn out, so I feel bad for Hillary watching those videos. Something is wrong with her, but she feels (and her handlers feel) that she needs to keep going anyway. (My loved one who died of Parkinson's did not need to keep up appearances for anyone. The idea of trying to do that while also managing Parkinson's with its relentless deterioration is mind-boggling to me.)
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 10-17-2016 at 08:59 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    In this one Bill mimics her to make her look normal:

    Pretty strange.
    Uh, that wasn't a seizure. That was her natural reaction of surprise at all of the balloons falling from the ceiling. Bill never even looked at her face. People just call it a seizure to make fun of her, these people are called "trolls." You're what's known as a "simpleton."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Oh look, Trump has seizures too!
    Trump has issues, is strange, weird, dishonest, annoying. Despite having fairly regular features he makes the oddest faces, at least he makes weird facial expressions when he is expressing himself. But the weird expressions make sense in the context of what he is saying (granted, he speaks like the Egotist he is, which is particularly annoying and triggering to some, particularly because a real pathological egotist is a serious problem, and people remeber their experience when they have been the target of one. I do not think Trump is pathological though). .

    The vids I posted of Hillary show something quite out of the ordinary and completely out of context with what else she is saying. They are often brought on by a loud noise, like the cheer of a crowd or everyone speaking to her at once. This is not how Hillary used to be, ever. This is a new development. It seems like Trump is just who he always was, just now old so the faces look stranger. Aging does that. While instead those videos show Hillary clearly has a either a neurological issue or she is having neurological side-effects of meds (meds excluded from her medical reports). Its a natural protective human response to explain them away, but when you look at the reactions in that first video (post #265) of those two girls (clearly Hillary supporters) with phones pointed at her, you can see from their surprised expressions that their natural reactions say something is not right at all in this. They are like little seizures.

    I did say here that my interest is not because it is a reason not to vote for her, but because I have watched a loved one suffer and die of Parkinson's, and so the disorder is something I have been intimately exposed to. When its someone you love dearly who is suffering these symptoms, you really see them. We did not have the blue glasses trick then - I learned about it on that video above, and I wish we had. Because, if Hillary has Parkinson's that is exactly how she will walk before long. Yes, so that is my interest. I explained it again now, and I explained it previously - but you ignored it? Because why in the world would you say this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Interesting how you are getting so much joy out of the idea that Hillary has a serious medical conditions, priceless.
    I am getting joy out of this? Where did you get that from? Why are you are rushing to judgement again about me? Is it me you want to put down, and if so, why? Or are you a very strong fan of Hillary and having negatives stated about her (like evidence she is hiding something) makes you very defensive, and from that defensiveness you need to lash at me with negative personal judgments? (I am really wondering where this is coming from, Aylen).
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Uh, that wasn't a seizure. That was her natural reaction of surprise at all of the balloons falling from the ceiling. Bill never even looked at her face. People just call it a seizure to make fun of her, these people are called "trolls." You're what's known as a "simpleton."
    It does not look at all like a natural reaction to balloons falling. So its okay to accuse people who don't see it like you see it a "troll", or that they are people who just want to "make fun". Well, no one wants to be called that, so that will serve to influence a portion of people to imagine that what they see is not what they see. But its getting worse, and pretty soon these manipulations aren't going to work, I truly believe.

    "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Trump has issues, is strange, weird, dishonest, annoying. Despite having fairly regular features he makes the oddest faces, at least he makes weird facial expressions when he is expressing himself. But the weird expressions make sense in the context of what he is saying (granted, he speaks like the Egotist he is, which is particularly annoying and triggering to some, particularly because a real pathological egotist is a serious problem, and people remeber their experience when they have been the target of one. I do not think Trump is pathological though). .

    The vids I posted of Hillary show something quite out of the ordinary and completely out of context with what else she is saying. They are often brought on by a loud noise, like the cheer of a crowd or everyone speaking to her at once. This is not how Hillary used to be, ever. This is a new development. It seems like Trump is just who he always was, just now old so the faces look stranger. Aging does that. While instead those videos show Hillary clearly has a either a neurological issue or she is having neurological side-effects of meds (meds excluded from her medical reports). Its a natural protective human response to explain them away, but when you look at the reactions in that first video (post #265) of those two girls (clearly Hillary supporters) with phones pointed at her, you can see from their surprised expressions that their natural reactions say something is not right at all in this. They are like little seizures.

    I did say here that my interest is not because it is a reason not to vote for her, but because I have watched a loved one suffer and die of Parkinson's, and so the disorder is something I have been intimately exposed to. When its someone you love dearly who is suffering these symptoms, you really see them. We did not have the blue glasses trick then - I learned about it on that video above, and I wish we had. Because, if Hillary has Parkinson's that is exactly how she will walk before long. Yes, so that is my interest. I explained it again now, and I explained it previously - but you ignored it? Because why in the world would you say this:

    I am getting joy out of this? Where did you get that from? Why are you are rushing to judgement again about me? Is it me you want to put down, and if so, why? Or are you a very strong fan of Hillary and having negatives stated about her (like evidence she is hiding something) makes you very defensive, and from that defensiveness you need to lash at me with negative personal judgments? (I am really wondering where this is coming from, Aylen).
    It is this simple, reread your posts about Hillary, then reread your posts where you continuously deem Trump the "lesser evil" and reject anything that does not fit that perception. Hate on Hillary all you want. I don't care but the way you present it makes me wonder what you value. Talk to god about what it thinks of your posts. I have my opinions, but it's not my place to to tell you what is right or wrong. If your conscience is clean, then carry on. It doesn't matter whether I judge you or not. My conscience is clean.

    Perhaps you are ok with this kind of attitude in men. Perhaps you want your son to have this as a role model? You wouldn't mind a man who goes after married women and sexually assaults other women (because he thinks he is entitled), as your representative to the world...

    Listen to him, in his own words.

    I have made it clear I find Trump repulsive and have no problem expressing why. If you think Hillary is a lying cunt, beyond redemption, then just say it. Instead you post videos that are based on conspiracy theories and dismiss reputable sources of any kind. I don't want to talk about this with you. We are not going to agree and I am irritated with the passive aggressiveness of your posts. Don't worry. I will get over it and probably apologize for acting like a bitch later but not now. Just give me time to process.

    If my language offends you, listen to the video I posted above. Where this is coming from? If you really think about it, maybe you will figure out why I am repulsed by a man who thinks sexual assault is ok. Really think about it...

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    It does not look at all like a natural reaction to balloons falling. So its okay to accuse people who don't see it like you see it a "troll", or that they are people who just want to "make fun". Well, no one wants to be called that, so that will serve to influence a portion of people to imagine that what they see is not what they see. But its getting worse, and pretty soon these manipulations aren't going to work, I truly believe.

    "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln
    She wasn't having a seizure and that wasn't her natural reaction. It was an extremely fake exaggerated response to balloons to look surprised to balloons she probably knew were coming. I think she's just really bad at displaying emotions so it comes off very weird. The first video you showed though was possibly a seizure, but the second was just her making a stupid face and it was definitely not a seizure, lol.
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    imo, poverty is actually more of a detriment than race in the u.s. currently (the two are often related), though that opinion is not a popular one. it is what i believe though. one of the problems with the mindset that arises in the working class (and i know because i come from the working class) is that it ends up being self-defeating. you can see how it's not fair throughout your entire childhood. you can see how beginning conditions create a loose class lock. but that very attitude can be the reason you do not get out of the class lock. for some low income neighborhoods, most people never leave (they never earn more than working class wages, if even that). stuff is stacked against them, that is undeniable. but the hopeless worldview that they soak in throughout their lives is actually the most damning part. unfortunately if you devote all your time to complaining about others holding you back, you simultaneously lock yourself into beliefs that you can never advance beyond your lot because of how trapped you are. given what is possible in reality, that is simply untrue. if you do not believe it possible to succeed or to change, you are already doomed to fail.

    to summarize, the psychological component of this is what locks you in your cell. society gives you the bars and cell and key and so on - you turn the key yourself. you complete the process of disadvantaging yourself iow, which is the evil beauty of this (it simply exploits human nature). a lot of diabolical people in power have known this (it's a great way to trap the masses and keep them under control because our society operates on having a certain percentage of poor people). if you want to fight it, you have to overturn that narrative. because right now, you seem to be playing into 'their' hands.
    Poverty does matter more than race, the stats bear that one out. The stats get very un-PC once you really dig into it all though. For instance, income and IQ are directly correlated and IQ scores seem to have a genetic/hereditary component. It ain't a 100 percent predictor, but the correlations are there. You are correct in that a major part of the problem is psychological, hence my searing hatred for SJW thinking. The "victim" mindset is the most horrible thing you can inflict upon someone. If it becomes generational then good night Irene, that family will never get out of the ghetto.

    It also keeps fundamental problems from being addressed. That's the real danger of the victim mentality. If fundamental problems cannot be addressed peacefully then they will be addressed violently and quite nastily. We may be close to that point where everyone just forms ranks and kills anyone who ain't part of "their" tribe so to speak. God help us all if that happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    End, hi, how are you?

    Of course people are emotional but most people are cognizant and disciplined enough not to behave the way he does while running for president. I don't think I have to explain that to you though.

    Also, logical does not guarantee intelligence or that someone will make the right decisions. Just as emotional does not mean someone cannot be disciplined and handle life's struggles without ranting like a mad person about conspiracies and unfairness toward them. I am an emotional person but guess what I could keep it together, like a pro, if I were running for president.

    This world needs ethics, emotion, logic and intuition. Just think about that for awhile and you will understand what I am saying.
    I'm doing fine, thank you for the concern .

    Trump acts the way he does because it's effective. I must reiterate that the Left (especially the radical left) has been acting exactly like Trump and his more unsavory supporters since the 60s. Like I implied earlier, everyone should pick up Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals" if you want to understand what's going on. This is the first election cycle where most of the right-leaning activists are utilizing those tactics. It's Scorched Earth Social Warfare, whoever wins this election will effectively capture the presidency for the next 20 years so that's why everyone's going all in in the most shocking and ugly of ways.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    It does not look at all like a natural reaction to balloons falling. So its okay to accuse people who don't see it like you see it a "troll", or that they are people who just want to "make fun". Well, no one wants to be called that, so that will serve to influence a portion of people to imagine that what they see is not what they see. But its getting worse, and pretty soon these manipulations aren't going to work, I truly believe.

    "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln
    It very much is trolly to call that a seizure face. At any rate, it doesn't matter. Whether it was a natural reaction or a forced reaction to the balloons, it wasn't a seizure. As Raver said, she was just making a stupid looking face.

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    You act like Clinton never grabbed someone by the pussy.... Why else does she has so much blood on her hands?
    Last edited by replica; 10-18-2016 at 05:32 AM.

  36. #276
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by replica View Post
    You act like Clinton never grabbed someone by the pussy.... Why else does she has so much blood on her hands?

    why choose the lesser evil?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  37. #277
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    This right here is reason enough to vote for Trump:

  38. #278
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by replica View Post
    This right here is reason enough to vote for Trump:
    He is a clown and a buffooney egotist, but he does have a few impressive ideas, like these. And he just might follow through on this, too, if he is elected. (I'm still dubious of anyone's campaign promises). There is a whole lot more that needs to be fixed in this country than that, but professional lobbyists do wreck a lot of havoc on our country and it ought to be cleaned up. I know, I used to be a forced union member of one of the biggest lobby groups in D.C., the NEA. They are still going strong and will be heavily supporting Hillary's* election, of course.

    * Quote from that link: "From 1989 through the 2014 election cycle, the NEA spent over $92 million on political campaign contributions, 97% of which went to Democrats." See how the Democrats get things done?
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 10-18-2016 at 03:35 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
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    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
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    Like many people, I still think they're both awful. That said, I expect Trump is going to lose, possibly badly, and many of his supporters may lose their minds as a result.
    "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra

  40. #280
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    I regret the cliche hitIer comparison, but this is too apt.

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