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  • Jeb Bush

    2 3.57%
  • Ben Carson

    1 1.79%
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    0 0%
  • Ted Cruz

    4 7.14%
  • Carly Fiorina

    1 1.79%
  • Jim Gilmore

    0 0%
  • Lindsey Graham

    0 0%
  • Mike Huckabee

    1 1.79%
  • Bobby Jindal

    1 1.79%
  • John Kasich

    0 0%
  • George Pataki

    0 0%
  • Rand Paul

    1 1.79%
  • Marco Rubio

    0 0%
  • Rick Santorum

    0 0%
  • Donald Trump

    13 23.21%
  • Hillary Clinton

    7 12.50%
  • Martin OMalley

    1 1.79%
  • Bernie Sanders

    24 42.86%
  • Other - Independent

    0 0%
  • Other - Green

    2 3.57%
  • Other - Libertarian

    2 3.57%
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    0 0%
  • Suck it

    11 19.64%
  • I made an extra option

    2 3.57%
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Thread: 2016 US Election

  1. #201
    SongOfSapphire's Avatar
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    My family and me, watching the debate:
    "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Someone with many millions and who has engaged in many projects should not fail so badly. Again, if he had invested in the 500 companies in the S&P500, he would have been a far better businessman. In the one area he claims expertise, he is a failure.
    He has either owned or taken part in over 500 different companies, only 26 of them filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, a 95% succuess rate. That's a pretty good, given like I said 9 out of every 10 businesses fail. He has never filed for Chapter 7. In Chapter 7, the business has no future because the debts are larger than the value of the assets and operating the business is no longer feasible. In a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, It's basically just restructuring.
    Even if I were to grant you that Trump is a terrible businessman, which is at least debateable, what actually matters are his policies. We desperately need to cut government spending, and grow the private sector. Under the past 4 presidents, Democrat or Republican, the state has been metasticizing, while industry deteriorates. We cannot keep spending more than we are generating. China has us by the balls in trade, and the TPP would be so detrimental. Clinton sure as hell isn't gonna do anything to change any of this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    It doesn't seem like he is knowledgeable about anything, other than how to be a blowhard.
    My point still stands. Name one issue that I couldn't make an informed desicion on after consulting with top experts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Trump also said that (in regards Hilary):
    "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. I think they should disarm. Immediately. What do you think. Yes? Take their guns away. She doesn’t want guns. Take them. Let’s see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK. It will be very dangerous."
    Seems like he's just calling her a hypocrite for having armed bodygaurds.
    Hillary said about Julian Assange "Can't we just drone strike this guy?"
    "The statement drew laughter from the room which quickly died off when the Secratary continued to talk in a terse maner. Clinton said Assange, after all was a relatively soft target. "Walking around" freely and thumbing his nose without any fear of repirisals from the United States."
    That sounds more repugnant to me than what Trump said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    When you have Trump supporting tyrants like Putin, calling Mexican immigrants rapists, and suggesting that medical treatment should be withheld from prisoners, you wonder if having "incompatible values" is a bad thing.

    You're very insistent on tying up Trump with Putin just because he said positive things about him, when a far more brutal regime, Saudi Arabia, Has "donated" 25 million to the Clinton Foundation. Do you not see the cognitive dissonace you have here?

    Trump's exact quote was "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, their rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."
    People always convieniently leave out the "some, I assume, are good people" out.
    This is not an incorrect statement by the way. Cartels operating in Central America and Mexico make an estimated one-third or more of their profits from illegal immigration. Specifically, two groups, the Gulf and Los Zetas cartels, are largely fueled by the trafficking and smuggling of human beings. These groups are so brutal, they burn innocents alive. Their control of local and state governments is largely paid for by funds generated from human trafficking. All of this because we refuse to properly secure our border.
    I won't go into all the grisly details, but these girls get raped.... a lot. If the women and young girls get hurt; an ankle gets sprained, a foot broken, or they simply get exhausted and can’t physically continue, they are left to die by their coyote.
    Trump is not very eloquent, but he is very right.
    And I can't find that denying medical treatment to prisoners thing, could you direct me to it?

    Let me ask you... The DNC leaks exposed disgusting collusion between the DNC and the media to bring down Sanders. So why do you believe everything the media says about Trump?

  3. #203
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    Ok, I've decided that I'll enunciate my own circumstances and why I'm gonna vote the way I'm gonna vote. I vote Trump. Why? Because there are three nightmare scenarios and I can easily survive 2 out of 3 of em, but that third one is one none of us will survive.

    First Nightmare: The SJW's get everything they want and we get what amounts to Stalin 2.0 (i.e. Hillary wins yet does not poke the Russian Bear and instead focuses on Clearing out any future opposition to Globalist Rule on the Domestic Front).
    -I'm a libertarian, this makes me a right-wing extremist in the eyes of her followers and likely Supreme Court pics. I'll be destined for the Gulags in that event. Fortunately I am skilled in growing my own crops and am willing to eat anything to survive. Ergo, I just fuck off into remote territory and ride out the storm. Tons of people did just that when the Soviet Police knocked on their door and I can do the same. Thus, I won't like it, but I can survive that.

    Second Nightmare: The Left is right and Trump is the Second Coming of the Nazi Fuhrer and Instigates a Final Solution.
    -I'm white but, in a very awkward turn of events, my German Grandfather told my dear mum that he/she/I probably have some... Semitic heritage if ya catch my meaning. To further drive that point home her aunt suffered from a genetic disease that had the doctor literally ask her "Are you Jewish?" Thus, I might have too much of a Semetic Bloodtinge for the Fourth Reich to allow me to live outside of a Death Camp. I can live through this too, just wait out the storm inna woods. It worked for the Jews during the dark ages, it'll work out for me too.

    Third Nightmare: WWIII
    -Nobody comes out of this one alive. It's an extinction level event. Earth becomes a Tomb-World. Anything is preferable to that end. The world has survived tyrants from all ideologies, but I can guarantee you they can't survive Nuclear Blast Waves.

    In closing, I'd rather roll the dice with Trump than become a shadow upon the concrete al-la Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Vote for Hillary if you will, but don't say I didn't warn you when you get blinded by the flash of a nuke going off in a town near you. Assuming you survive, as you'll be painfully blinded right before the blast wave strips the flesh from your bones if you're within the kill zone of that nuke .

  4. #204
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    Clinton will continue support for the so called "moderate" rebels in Syria that have ties to Da'esh, al Nusra, al Qaeda, and other salafist groups that want to install an Islamist theocracy after they force out Assad. She has also called for a no fly zone over Syria, and could very easily put us in direct conflict with Russia. Supposedly we're there because of Assad's human rights atrocities, but Saudi Arabia executes gays, women, and apostates on the daily, and you'll never hear our politicians call for King Salman's head. Clinton is backed by the military-industrial complex. She has the foreign policy of a neocon.
    Trump wants to work with Russia to defeat ISIS. This is the opposite of the neocon regime-change agenda. Clinton has no interest in working with Russia. Under Clinton, ISIS will remain in power because the ultimate goal is to topple yet another secular-nationalist regime in the middle east.
    What's very concerning is that Clinton and the rest of the political establishment seems content to blow the war horn at Russia, rather than deescalate things.

    If you don't take my word for it, maybe you'll listen to Jill Stein:

    Under a Clinton presidency, expect potential nuclear war, death, more refugees, more debt, and even more hatred towards the US (if it even exists afterwards).

  5. #205
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    "Trump is a bad man and will be a bad president, but at least he might one day realize he is a bad person. Hillary Clinton will never come to that realization about herself." -- Fr. Dwight Longenecker*

    I just found that quote online and took interest in it because I really like Fr. Longenecker, having read his story of his journey to Catholicism not long after I became Catholic. I wonder if he is right about Trump on that. I am not sure I have the impression that Trump would ever realize that. But I do think Longenecker is right on Hillary.

    It sounds almost as if he is saying Hillary is beyond redemption, but I realize he is not. A priest would not say that about anyone no matter how corrupt they are. While I agree Hillary will likely never see her self as she is, one day we all see ourselves as we are, when we die, when God shows us, and Father Longenecker obviously knows that. Some who have had near-death experiences call this event "their entire life flashing before them". ...Some say there is still a chance to repent after we die, and after we see ourselves in the full light of truth. Since God is infinitely merciful, I think that is probably so.

    *Editing to add the source of that quote in context, with an interesting discussion on the difference between egotists (Trump) and Idealogues (Clinton):
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 10-14-2016 at 04:52 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


  6. #206
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    "Trump is a bad man and will be a bad president, but at least he might one day realize he is a bad person. Hillary Clinton will never come to that realization about herself." -- Fr. Dwight Longenecker*

    I just found that quote online and took interest in it because I really like Fr. Longenecker, having read his story of his journey to Catholicism not long after I became Catholic. I wonder if he is right about Trump on that. I am not sure I have the impression that Trump would ever realize that. But I do think Longenecker is right on Hillary.

    It sounds almost as if he is saying Hillary is beyond redemption, but I realize he is not. A priest would not say that about anyone no matter how corrupt they are. While I agree Hillary will likely never see her self as she is, one day we all see ourselves as we are, when we die, when God shows us, and Father Longenecker obviously knows that. Some who have had near-death experiences call this event "their entire life flashing before them". ...Some say there is still a chance to repent after we die, and after we see ourselves in the full light of truth. Since God is infinitely merciful, I think that is probably so.

    *Editing to add the source of that quote in context, with an interesting discussion on the difference between egotists (Trump) and Idealogues (Clinton):
    Father Longnecker condemned a woman outright. There is no other way to spin this Eliza. That is his way of influencing voters. He is free to judge her, just as anyone reading his words are free to judge him, right?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  7. #207
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    Earlier today I decided to listen to conservative talk radio to hear what was being said about the election. They had Michele Bauchmann on, and the language she was using was so obviously playing into a certain type of rhetoric -- saying HRC had "sold her soul [pause] to the banks and big companies," that she needs to be "defeated," that this is a "revolution." Lots of emotional charge behind what she was saying, with allusions to Christian theology, sometimes subtle and sometimes overt. Trump and his supporters seem to be presenting him as a savior, and painting HRC as the evil enemy. This is, in many people's minds, a showdown bt good and evil.

    If Trump wins, yikes. And if he doesn't, it's still yikes. This has been written about almost ad nauseum already, but Trump has brought out a lot of once-hidden anger, and a lot of people (mostly older and/or very conservative and/or Christian and/or uneducated people who either feel or fear becoming disenfranchised) are very riled up. He is feeding this deliberately, and w all his talk (borderline whining) about the election being rigged, even if he loses many of his most vehement supporters will be beside themselves w rage.
    "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra

  8. #208
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    My SLI dad is Anti-Trump and delivered a good point recently: The Don is a surprise deal - he could start WWIII or whatever, that's the dilemma. As he is new to politics it's difficult to assess his true motives which could be dangerous.

    My pov is that what you see and hear is what you get, the entire thing is a hilarious joke that will likely turn into some interesting 4 years or less.

    Vote Hillary to get support from Europe. Trump is basically talked about like a fascist over here.

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post
    Earlier today I decided to listen to conservative talk radio to hear what was being said about the election. They had Michele Bauchmann on, and the language she was using was so obviously playing into a certain type of rhetoric -- saying HRC had "sold her soul [pause] to the banks and big companies," that she needs to be "defeated," that this is a "revolution." Lots of emotional charge behind what she was saying, with allusions to Christian theology, sometimes subtle and sometimes overt. Trump and his supporters seem to be presenting him as a savior, and painting HRC as the evil enemy. This is, in many people's minds, a showdown bt good and evil.

    If Trump wins, yikes. And if he doesn't, it's still yikes. This has been written about almost ad nauseum already, but Trump has brought out a lot of once-hidden anger, and a lot of people (mostly older and/or very conservative and/or Christian and/or uneducated people who either feel or fear becoming disenfranchised) are very riled up. He is feeding this deliberately, and w all his talk (borderline whining) about the election being rigged, even if he loses many of his most vehement supporters will be beside themselves w rage.
    This is partially true, a number of Trump supporters are probably like this. However there's a number of intelligent Trump supporters out there... Harlan Hill, Peter Thiel, Peter Schiff to name a few. Speaking for myself, I was originally a Sanders supporter. I was enraged when I found out the nomination was stolen, and I came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter what the people want. This isn't a government for the people by the people, our democracy is a farce. The founders of this country would weep if they saw the state we're in.

    We all know that the left-right paradigm is a facade. Republicans bitch and moan about Obamacare, but meanwhile they signed into law a four hundred billion dollar increase in subsidies to pharmaceutical companies. The Democrats say Republicans are bloodthirsty warmongers, but indescriminate drone strikes under the Obama administration have increased tenfold. Pretty much all that's left of our political system is the centrist right and left working together to please their nefarious special interests. My greatest hope for a Trump presidency is that he will cast sunlight on all this, we'll purge the system, and start anew.

    I believe Trump could possibly do good things. Clinton on the other hand is a malevolent beaurocrat thats been chasing political power her whole life. I have no trust in her whatsoever.

  10. #210
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    It's kind of funny, this time last year, I thought this would be another meaningless election; the puppet on the left vs the puppet on the right as Bill Hicks said.. The more I think about it, the more it seems like the most important election of our generation. We are at a fork in the road here, please take a very careful look at your choice between these two candidates, for the good of humanity.

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    Trump would, spiritually, (not talking religion) morally, and financially bankrupt the country for years to come. Perhaps some would get through it in an alcoholic stupor... kill off those last few brain cells.


    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post
    Earlier today I decided to listen to conservative talk radio to hear what was being said about the election. They had Michele Bauchmann on, and the language she was using was so obviously playing into a certain type of rhetoric -- saying HRC had "sold her soul [pause] to the banks and big companies," that she needs to be "defeated," that this is a "revolution." Lots of emotional charge behind what she was saying, with allusions to Christian theology, sometimes subtle and sometimes overt. Trump and his supporters seem to be presenting him as a savior, and painting HRC as the evil enemy. This is, in many people's minds, a showdown bt good and evil.
    it's just such an arbitrary argument. trump may be funding a large percentage of his campaign with money from his own unethical corporations, but he also has received funding from other sources (he's not funding it all himself). clinton has received funding over the years from a variety of sources, including universities like stanford and u of california (though not for this election). i don't really think either of them are in the clear in terms of how clean their money is, though, is the short of it. both of them either make or have accepted dirty money probably. both of them have relations/connections with rich assholes.

    but i guess all of this is fair game in the big question of which candidate is the greater scumbag.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    it's just such an arbitrary argument. trump may be funding a large percentage of his campaign with money from his own unethical corporations, but he also has received funding from other sources (he's not funding it all himself). clinton has received funding over the years from a variety of sources, including universities like stanford and u of california (though not for this election). i don't really think either of them are in the clear in terms of how clean their money is, though, is the short of it. both of them either make or have accepted dirty money probably. both of them have relations/connections with rich assholes.

    but i guess all of this is fair game in the big question of which candidate is the greater scumbag.

    I wasn't arguing anything about his or her money being dirty, but ftr I agree w you on that. I was commenting on the rhetoric he and his supporters are using -- setting up a good vs evil scenario, where Trump is a savior and Clinton is, as Trump and others in his campaign have called her, the devil.

    I hate that we have a choice bt these two, but I feel less afraid of Clinton than of Trump (and his followers).

    @replica-- what good things, specifically, do you expect Trump to do if he is elected?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Trump would, spiritually, (not talking religion) morally, and financially bankrupt the country for years to come. Perhaps some would get through it in an alcoholic stupor... kill off those last few brain cells.

    Over the last 8 years, we have accumulated a massive debt overhang that makes major tax cuts, and spending initiatives for that matter impossible. The reality is that the debt will explode, no matter who is President.

    Jobs keep going overseas because the U.S. has the third highest corporate tax rate in the world. But hey, lets just keep raising corporate tax so in turn they'll have to raise prices. Genius.

    You honestly believe Clinton will be better? Give me a break.

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    Quote Originally Posted by replica View Post
    Over the last 8 years, we have accumulated a massive debt overhang that makes major tax cuts, and spending initiatives for that matter impossible. The reality is that the debt will explode, no matter who is President.

    Jobs keep going overseas because the U.S. has the third highest corporate tax rate in the world. But hey, lets just keep raising corporate tax so in turn they'll have to raise prices. Genius.

    You honestly believe Clinton will be better? Give me a break.
    You can take a break whenever you want.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post
    @replica-- what good things, specifically, do you expect Trump to do if he is elected?
    Why is Trump running? He's had a great life, why would he want to subject himself to this? He's put his reputation at risk, his business at risk, even his life; go on twitter and you'll see people saying they want him assassinated. I think he's doing all this because he truly does want to make America better. You may agree or disagree with his policies, but I'm willing to bet if he gets in office, he will at least negotiate better trade deals, I believe foreign policy-wise he will be better, he says he wants to expand medicaid for the poorest Americans, while eliminating regulations that make it hard for the rest of us to find affordable health care, which sounds a hell of a lot better than obamacare.

    Here's a leaked email: "she's ultimately going to support both TPA and TPP."

    You may favor more Hillary positions than Trump positions in theory, but don't believe for a second that she'll follow through on any of them.

  17. #217
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    Trump is more like a traditional democrat from the good old days than a typical Republican. He is pro-worker and pro-middle class. The democrats used to be that too.
    Now the dems are focused on raising big money, and writing more taxes and regulations that are killing industry and the middle class, along with the repubs.

    I don't view trump as some kind of savior, he very well could be a disappointment, but that's a risk i'm willing to take.

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    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by replica View Post
    Why is Trump running? He's had a great life, why would he want to subject himself to this? He's put his reputation at risk, his business at risk, even his life; go on twitter and you'll see people saying they want him assassinated. I think he's doing all this because he truly does want to make America better. You may agree or disagree with his policies, but I'm willing to bet if he gets in office, he will at least negotiate better trade deals, I believe foreign policy-wise he will be better, he says he wants to expand medicaid for the poorest Americans, while eliminating regulations that make it hard for the rest of us to find affordable health care, which sounds a hell of a lot better than obamacare.

    Here's a leaked email: "she's ultimately going to support both TPA and TPP."

    You may favor more Hillary positions than Trump positions in theory, but don't believe for a second that she'll follow through on any of them.
    I think it's obvious Trump is a narcissist (as in, actually has NPD), which answers your first question (or, two). Incidentally, that's part of what makes him so dangerous. As for policies, I don't trust either of them to actually improve anything. Either way, we're in a mess.

    We'll see what happens....
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    When speculating Trump's motives for running, for president, helping others doesn't even make my final list. Everything he does is self serving.His feelings are still hurt. The humiliation still keeps him up at night (tweeting) . Even Bill O'Reilly (Trump supporter and friend) speculates this is the true motivation.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    his promises seem to keep inflating. i don't understand how he will bring such magic about. it's like the worse things get for his campaign the more he promises. (start at around 1:00:00 or a bit after, as that's when trump finally gets to the podium)
    Last edited by marooned; 10-15-2016 at 03:40 AM. Reason: better word

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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post
    I wasn't arguing anything about his or her money being dirty, but ftr I agree w you on that. I was commenting on the rhetoric he and his supporters are using -- setting up a good vs evil scenario, where Trump is a savior and Clinton is, as Trump and others in his campaign have called her, the devil.
    Fact of the matter is that the Right has finally realized the truth, and that truth is that people are not ever in any way shape or form convinced by facts and logic. Fuck Socrates and the Enlightenment, Saul Alinsky knew the score. The current rhetorical atmosphere is simply the result of the Right accepting, internalizing, and exercising the tactics that Far Left Asshole enunciated (and that the left, coincidentally, has been using for the last 50 years). Hate him all ya want, he was 100 percent correct in regards to how you get the masses to actually get off their asses and *DO* something. Take an issue, personalize it, polarize it, make it black and white. No compromise, no surrender, your way or the highway. THAT'S how you effect social change in an otherwise advanced society. Facts and Logic are for pussies and idealistic fools who have no real understanding of human nature.

    Yes, that involves setting up a narrative of Good vs. Evil where your side is all good and the other side is All Evil. Is it right? No. Is it just? Hell no! Is it effective? Oh you bet your very immortal soul it is! The right was slow to realize this because it was paralyzed by idealism. Thankfully, they have finally shed their innocence and gotten into the gutter where all things are ultimately decided anyway. They poisoned Socrates, they Crucified Jesus. What the hell makes you think they won't kill the next "reasonable" person in such a way as to make em' an example of what happens when you don't drop to ya knees and suck the Elite's proverbial dick on cue?

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    what's strange about this is there is consistency i didn't expect lol

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by replica View Post
    You're very insistent on tying up Trump with Putin just because he said positive things about him, when a far more brutal regime, Saudi Arabia, Has "donated" 25 million to the Clinton Foundation. Do you not see the cognitive dissonace you have here?
    No. I think 1) on that point, Trump is worse and 2) on every other point, Trump is worse and 3) I am not an enthusiastic support of HC.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Quite scary if Clinton is only winning because of the net impact of female voters.
    This is another reason I hope she loses. If she wins, and if she starts WWIII (which she will), it'll be curtains for women's rights. As you could clearly blame women for Hillary and all that comes afterwards due to that, all any misogynistic Patriarch will have to do to justify chaining his women to the kitchen after that will be to point to Hillary's historical example and say "The last time we let you bitches have power you nearly extincted humanity. No way, we learned our lesson, women are crazy and you're staying in that kitchen for the good of humanity!"

    Seriously, this is why I don't get feminists. Western Civilization is the only civilization that'll give them the time of day and yet they're fighting tooth and nail to destroy it. Look at what's happening in Europe, you'd think the feminists would be calling out all the rapists among the refugees but noooooo, that'd be "racist". Gah! So infuriating...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    This is another reason I hope she loses. If she wins, and if she starts WWIII (which she will), it'll be curtains for women's rights. As you could clearly blame women for Hillary and all that comes afterwards due to that, all any misogynistic Patriarch will have to do to justify chaining his women to the kitchen after that will be to point to Hillary's historical example and say "The last time we let you bitches have power you nearly extincted humanity. No way, we learned our lesson, women are crazy and you're staying in that kitchen for the good of humanity!"

    Seriously, this is why I don't get feminists. Western Civilization is the only civilization that'll give them the time of day and yet they're fighting tooth and nail to destroy it. Look at what's happening in Europe, you'd think the feminists would be calling out all the rapists among the refugees but noooooo, that'd be "racist". Gah! So infuriating...
    It is possible that (after taking demographics into consideration e.g. to account for differences in age and gender) that recent refugees to Europe are actually committing fewer rapes than the general population.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    This is another reason I hope she loses. If she wins, and if she starts WWIII (which she will), it'll be curtains for women's rights. As you could clearly blame women for Hillary and all that comes afterwards due to that, all any misogynistic Patriarch will have to do to justify chaining his women to the kitchen after that will be to point to Hillary's historical example and say "The last time we let you bitches have power you nearly extincted humanity. No way, we learned our lesson, women are crazy and you're staying in that kitchen for the good of humanity!"

    Seriously, this is why I don't get feminists. Western Civilization is the only civilization that'll give them the time of day and yet they're fighting tooth and nail to destroy it. Look at what's happening in Europe, you'd think the feminists would be calling out all the rapists among the refugees but noooooo, that'd be "racist". Gah! So infuriating...
    That would be quite simplistic reasoning. Men were responsible for WWI and WWII (as well as many other atrocities, obviously), but I haven't heard the argument being made that men are unfit to rule as a result. Anyone who makes the argument you've put forth would likely be basing it, consciously or not, on their preconceived bias that men are superior to women.

    The average man is more physically powerful than the average woman, but I think men and women are pretty equal in most other ways. But with an economy that rewards physical strength less and less, women are climbing higher, faster, and men (particularly the under-educated) are being left behind... and they're pissed.
    "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra

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    Trump really demolished Hillary in that second debate. That's something I would have done, parading out Bill's rape victims and the victim of that child rapist Hillary defended. That's called a true power move. A fabulous show of oneupsmanship and going for the jugular. He really knocked her big ass off balance with that. Now everybody is scrambling around for Trump accusers. Oh, this one, that one. The election's big issue is shaping up into a battle of accusers; Trump accusers versus Bill accusers, Trump wins that one. hehehe.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 10-15-2016 at 04:40 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Trump really demolished Hillary in that second debate. That's something I would have done, parading out Bill's rape victims and the victim of that child rapist Hillary defended. That's called a true power move. A fabulous show of oneupsmanship and going for the jugular. He really knocked her big ass off balance with that. Now everybody is scrambling around for Trump accusers. Oh, this one, that one. The election's big issue is shaping up into a battle of accusers; Trump accusers versus Bill accusers, Trump wins that one. hehehe.
    Well yea. If you put Trump up face to face with HRC he will hammer her almost every time. If he wasn't able to do that, he wouldn't have got to this point -- he was easily able to do it to all the other GOP candidates too.

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    i love this website. it's been helping with all of the stuff each of them say.

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    Lol, Trump basically called out the Illuminati in a speech a few days ago. It almost makes me want to support him because it proves that he's anti-establishment:

    “Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plan the destruction of global sovereignty in order to enrich these global interest powers, her special interest friends and her donors,” Trump said.
    If he becomes president, I'm pretty sure they will assassinate him at this point like they did to JFK. They'll probably just make it look like it was ISIS or something.

    Last edited by Raver; 10-16-2016 at 03:02 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Trump really demolished Hillary in that second debate. That's something I would have done, parading out Bill's rape victims and the victim of that child rapist Hillary defended. That's called a true power move. A fabulous show of oneupsmanship and going for the jugular. He really knocked her big ass off balance with that. Now everybody is scrambling around for Trump accusers. Oh, this one, that one. The election's big issue is shaping up into a battle of accusers; Trump accusers versus Bill accusers, Trump wins that one. hehehe.

    ^apparently false: (reason for late post edit)

    also useful:
    Last edited by marooned; 11-09-2016 at 04:18 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Father Longnecker condemned a woman outright. There is no other way to spin this Eliza. That is his way of influencing voters. He is free to judge her, just as anyone reading his words are free to judge him, right?
    I am not so quick to judge the Father negatively, as you are here, probably because I know him by reading what he writes. He has depth, subtlety, and thoughtfulness. He is not about "influencing", as you say, but instead, all about saying the truth. And there is no necessity to "spin" anything - I linked the context. If you read the linked article on Egotist vs. Ideologue, you'd see. They are interesting thoughts! He is spot on-with those labels for both of them. Its another angle on what I perceived of the two - that Trump is bad, but seems to me "less evil". Longenecker explains why an ideologue is less likely to repent. So he explains the reason behind the statement. It sounds like simply a fact about the reality of Ideologues - not a judgment on Hillary. That is something a priest just doesn't do, Aylen. They are very extensively schooled in moral theology and they just don't condemn persons. I can say that with sureness because I have spoken to/known many in my lifetime. Yes, its easy to rush to judgment that he is condemning by looking at one sentence, but, look at the context.

    It reminds me of reading about the behavior of Narcissists at the time of my divorce and custody battle, and how that made everything make sense, even if it did not make it better. The thing that shed light on my situation was that the Narcissist believes the things he makes up, the lies he tells, even AS he is making them up. It makes his lies VERY believable to whoever he tells them to. (And having an ex lying about you, convincingly, to everyone in any way related to you - and doing so VERY actively because he believes that in order to be right you have to be wrong - believe me, that's no picnic when you are already in a crisis. Acquaintances you run into are looking at you cross-eyed when they see you because of what they heard, and you aren't in a position to explain, as you are only guessing the lies they heard.)

    At any rate, the point is that there are certain statements that you can definitively make about Narcissists, such as his believing in his own lies as he makes them up. Likewise, apparently, there are things you can say about Ideologues and Egotists, as well, and that is all Fr. Longenecker is doing there.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
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    This is very interesting, unless you are actively involved in Hillary's cause for canonization, then this might anger you.

    I read something written allegedly by a Hillary campaign worker, about Hillary's sleeping 18 hours a day and spending ALL her time memorizing speeches and when she wasn't sleeping or memorizing she was incredibly explosively angry with everyone near her. Then I could not find that article again, as such things seem to disappear.

    But I just saw this on you tube about Hillary hiding Parkinson's. It lines up with the above. Maybe Hillary wasn't just sleeping those 18 hours, assuming she was in her own room - perhaps she was hiding for the "drug vacation", and practicing metronome walking, or the methods for hiding her Parkinson's tremors, in prep for her televised appearances. I find the video particularly interesting because this doctor looks for all exterior clues (strong talented and educated use of Se!) and I find those clues interesting. There are other videos by this doctor so I will post them, for those interested in this kind of thing.

    (there are more by this same doctor): like:

    He concludes after his convincing diagnosis: "This movement disorder is a neurological problem. It's not like FDR's paralysis that didn't affect his mind. It's almost certainly a problem centered in her brain, and affects her ability to simply do the president's job. .. We have to have a president with the ability to think clearly at all times"

    [makes a lot of sense!]
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 10-15-2016 at 09:01 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Trump never thinks clearly. He is an emotional mess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    All Christians are saints according to Christian scripture.
    That is true! But if one is divorced from "the pillar and foundation of truth", then one might think it stops there. But its also true that among the Saints are those who have had the determination to "run the good race" and were so open to the graces of God that the people see their piety, and petition that the Church begin the canonization process. And if the Church determines, with the authority vested in them by Jesus Christ, that they are Saints now in Heaven, then this decision made on earth is agreed upon in Heaven. While there are many many more Saints in Heaven that no one knows or remembers, we have the canonized Saints for every kind of example of how to grow in grace and love God.

    Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold to the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word or our epistle.
    -2 Thessalonians 2:15

    [I wanted to answer, but this is completely off-topic for this thread, so I don't want to keep up on this.]
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    This is very interesting, unless you are actively involved in Hillary's cause for canonization, then this might anger you.
    i googled this and found some other interesting things:

    1. Dr. Ted Noel is a board-certified physician with 36 years of experience — as an anesthesiologist

    That doesn't mean he's incapable of recognizing symptoms of Parkinson's disease, but consider this: If your primary care doctor suspected you had Parkinson's and wished to refer you to a specialist to confirm the diagnosis, it would be to a neurologist, not an anesthesiologist.
    i wouldn't want no anesthesiologist diagnosing my parkinson's. like does he ever say what kind of doctor he is even, as a disclaimer? seems kind of dishonest if he didn't. i can't be bothered to check.

    i personally found the head-bobbing video weird looking but meh. she has a running mate. medical records were released. i don't really know what else to do. perhaps trump has a super secret medical condition like brain cancer that will render him really stupid one year into his term.

    eta: wait. I FOUND IT.

    there is one candidate who has vowed to end alzheimer's disease by 2025 btw. and that candidate is hillary clinton. it may be her last heroic deed before she finally succumbs to her own neurological impairment.
    Last edited by marooned; 10-17-2016 at 03:58 AM.

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