Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
Oh, and since Adam posted some pics, here's my family. The photo was taken in Terrytown in 1900. It's picture of my grand-grand-grand mother and grand-grand-grand father with some other guy. I really have no idea who is who, I don't know anything about them. Judging from the character of my grandfather's family, they all seem be very strong Se valuers. https://imgur.com/a/KTQIMC0
Hi Fay, I know this is old but I started looking at this thread where i left off pages back. I was going to ask just where, when you first mentioned it was "near NY", but here you tell us Tarrytown [that is the spelling]. My husband grew up quite near there, and his best friend from childhood is a lawyer there now. When they were school age they both had working parents, but in those days kids could run free after school while their parents were at work; it was safe. And I take the bridge over the Hudson in Tarrytown often when traveling; I take it to avoid my GPS's directive to take me into New York City and over the terribly congested George Washington Bridge, instead. Anyway, it's a very beautiful area and it would have been quite a beautiful bucolic country town, nicely situated 25 miles from Manhattan, when your great-great-great-grandparents were there [I am calculating that is the right amount of greats to add to your grandparents if they arrived there in 1900]. It is an area made particularly famous by Washington Irving. My husband lived just off Sleepy Hollow Rd. Its still beautiful there. I wonder if you have old correspondence with a Tarrytown address? Because if so it would be interesting for you to Google and see it. I have addresses from my parents' old correspondence, and it has been interesting to see where they lived, by googling the addresses.

Your great-great-great-grandparents probably arrived in Tarrytown just about the very time my great-great-great-grandfather and his family emigrated to Toronto from London! His brother was a well known artist/sculptor. I have two beautiful drawings of his (he was not an artist by profession, but they are beautiful). This is his artist brother:
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