Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
I have not really decided on my own interpretation of @Ellyan's type yet, but I am gathering impressions from this thread. I am getting a Beta impression! I am also getting the real impression of IEI, yet, I get a distinctly stronger impression of Sensing than Intuition. Which makes SLE a definite possibility, since one can appear to be like one's Dual at times...

Omigoodness! I just checked Username history for you, Ellyan, after I saw how many posts you had here (), and see you are Aylen! Yup, so that's how I got the IEI impression. But are you thinking you are SLE now?? Seriously? Because then I am confused!

Can't be SLE. Are there any examples of SLE's that post as much and as fast as Aylen? I doubt it. SLEs have to be out doing things, while an IEI is more likely to sit and type, to purge all that stuff that is going on in their minds....
I am just playing with perceptions by putting SLE and sx/so to see how others will respond to me. There have been some interesting and mixed results. I have not changed my self typing though so you were correct.