This was posted as part of this thread:

And, as to reactions to people, I would like to explain something else. Temperament influences two parts of this:

1. How quickly you get an emotional/judgmental reactionwhich is either on of these two:
a. a strong and immediate reaction
b. a slow burn that takes time to build up

2. How long that emotional reaction lasts is either one of these two:
a. it wears off quick
b. it tends to stay and hold for long

There are four basic temperaments, that also Jung used as a basis in his theories, and each of these has their feeling/judgment reactions that work in this way, according to the above chart I just made.

Sanguine - 1a & 2a
Choleric - 1a & 2b
Melancholic - 1b & 2b
Phlegmatic - 1b & 2a

How accurate do you think this is? Does it work for you?

According to this, I would be between choleric and melancholy. From reading more detailed temperament descriptions, I think melancholy is more likely for me. It doesn't mean I'm sad all of the time but if I'm feeling hurt or upset, it can take me a while to pull myself out of it.