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Thread: I'd like to hear this from LSIs/ISTjs ...

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    Default I'd like to hear this from LSIs/ISTjs ...

    Since I've been trying to determine whether I'm an LSI or LSE, I'd like to ask a few questions to LSI's here.

    1- Do you feel like you are too serious in normal state of consciousness (by this I mean not drunk or otherwise euphoric).
    2- Do you avoid eye-to-eye contact when you're speaking in formal settings about important matters, or speaking about yourself, or in some other situation (please describe).
    3- Do you have teeth-grinding, problems with muscular contraction (on your back, neck or jaw usually) that lead you to realise usually late that you are straining your body too much when you feel pain in these areas?
    4- Do you trust more your own knowledge than others' and like to get to know about for example a medication a doctor prescribes for you, or do you have a handy bag of medications such as painkillers, or all sorts of, of which you read enough to know more than a doctor does or perhaps to the same degree?
    5- Do you interact with people usually being nice and kind and polite, as you feel you'd be more likely to receive a positive response, though you are on the inside actually very cool even cold, and somewhat emotionally void?

    Thanks in advance for any words here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Airman View Post
    Since I've been trying to determine whether I'm an LSI or LSE
    use IR for this

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    based on your signature i'd guess you're Fe and Ni valuing -> "This world is like a dream, a mirage, a rainbow -- very convincing and beautiful, but ultimately unreal."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lim View Post
    based on your signature i'd guess you're Fe and Ni valuing -> "This world is like a dream, a mirage, a rainbow -- very convincing and beautiful, but ultimately unreal."

    Yes it makes sense. I just don't see myself fitting into the Beta values except for the strong individuals part of it. I see Deltas cannot or do not care that much if a person is weak or strong in the psychological sense of the word, or adept enough for a certain task when they unite. Delta unity seems more rationalised on a socioeconomical basis, the rich and the poor will hardly be good friends. I see Betas much more open but one has to have one thing that stands out as being of interest, value or admiration to 'belong' in beta groups. While I'm aware though that many LSIs do not fit very much into the Beta-ish style of being, though they can walk with aptitude in a Beta environment and will often overwhelm all others in thouroughness and powers of observation of people and strategies. Right now most of my friends, and the closest, in this city I moved less than one year ago, are Betas. Did I just get crazy terribly or am I Beta? lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Airman View Post
    Since I've been trying to determine whether I'm an LSI or LSE, I'd like to ask a few questions to LSI's here.

    1- Do you feel like you are too serious in normal state of consciousness (by this I mean not drunk or otherwise euphoric).
    2- Do you avoid eye-to-eye contact when you're speaking in formal settings about important matters, or speaking about yourself, or in some other situation (please describe).
    3- Do you have teeth-grinding, problems with muscular contraction (on your back, neck or jaw usually) that lead you to realise usually late that you are straining your body too much when you feel pain in these areas?
    4- Do you trust more your own knowledge than others' and like to get to know about for example a medication a doctor prescribes for you, or do you have a handy bag of medications such as painkillers, or all sorts of, of which you read enough to know more than a doctor does or perhaps to the same degree?
    5- Do you interact with people usually being nice and kind and polite, as you feel you'd be more likely to receive a positive response, though you are on the inside actually very cool even cold, and somewhat emotionally void?

    Thanks in advance for any words here.
    1) If others remind me of it.
    2) If I have to think deeply I'll have to shut out sensory stimuli as much as needed but this is not specific to eye contact.
    3) I have very tense/tight muscles but it does not lead to pain :shrug
    4) I highly doubt I'd know more than a doctor as I do not have the entire framework they go by when diagnosing and treating you. I understand the most basic principles of how they look at things so I can see how complex the whole process is. The topic of how the brain works does interest me along with a general interest in biology and in how the human body works so in terms of that I may be interested in how some medication works, especially psychoactive drugs. I do have a drawer for a collection of medication related stuff, pills, whatever other things, but I don't often need to use any of it.
    5) Yeah

    Do you relate to Ti leading or Te leading in descriptions of them here:
    Last edited by Myst; 10-21-2015 at 12:40 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Airman View Post
    Yes it makes sense. I just don't see myself fitting into the Beta values except for the strong individuals part of it. I see Deltas cannot or do not care that much if a person is weak or strong in the psychological sense of the word, or adept enough for a certain task when they unite. Delta unity seems more rationalised on a socioeconomical basis, the rich and the poor will hardly be good friends. I see Betas much more open but one has to have one thing that stands out as being of interest, value or admiration to 'belong' in beta groups. While I'm aware though that many LSIs do not fit very much into the Beta-ish style of being, though they can walk with aptitude in a Beta environment and will often overwhelm all others in thouroughness and powers of observation of people and strategies. Right now most of my friends, and the closest, in this city I moved less than one year ago, are Betas. Did I just get crazy terribly or am I Beta? lol.
    I actually relate rather well to Beta quadra values. Except I don't express that much Fe most of the time, obviously, but it's still there too.

    Are your friends beta STs or beta NFs as well?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I actually relate rather well to Beta quadra values. Except I don't express that much Fe most of the time, obviously, but it's still there too.

    Are your friends beta STs or beta NFs as well?
    One of my closest, perhaps the closest, friend at the University is an LSI. There's a natural empathy between me and LSIs in general. And yes I have a good friend who's Beta NF, she's a she in this case, and we're good friends and help each other out. She's EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Airman View Post
    One of my closest, perhaps the closest, friend at the University is an LSI. There's a natural empathy between me and LSIs in general. And yes I have a good friend who's Beta NF, she's a she in this case, and we're good friends and help each other out. She's EIE.
    Well, belonging to the same club (ST) helps.

    The EIE, how do you know she's EIE? I'm curious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Well, belonging to the same club (ST) helps.

    The EIE, how do you know she's EIE? I'm curious.
    Beta values, gregarian, extraverted to the extreme, Class Representative, likes to lead the class and has a strong emotional display, when she speaks it's like she's enacting some sort of drama. To the point of being Histrionic perhaps. These factors are the ones I remember now for typing her EIE. I can see Se-HA very clearly in her, though a benevolent one.

    About your first remark yes all of my close friends in life have been STs and you just reminded me of that. Thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Airman View Post
    Beta values, gregarian, extraverted to the extreme, Class Representative, likes to lead the class and has a strong emotional display, when she speaks it's like she's enacting some sort of drama. To the point of being Histrionic perhaps. These factors are the ones I remember now for typing her EIE. I can see Se-HA very clearly in her, though a benevolent one.
    So you like your superego, hm, can happen. But if you think it isn't like superego, say more on why not?

    About your first remark yes all of my close friends in life have been STs and you just reminded me of that. Thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    So you like your superego, hm, can happen. But if you think it isn't like superego, say more on why not?

    It may be super ego and I defnitely see the qualities in people regardless their 'type' in socionics, for me typing is secondary to what I can actually see in people. They may be my 'conflictors' in socionics but I wouldn't regard it as a no-go for a serious relationship with a woman if she was IEI. So you see I see people and what and how they behave first and socionics remains always a background theory that I can apply for a specific use. One of the mistakes I made in my life was trying to type people and THEN follow a certain relationship with them. Human beings are all unique so what is true for one EIE may not be true for another. The IEs are what's most important when it comes to practically applying socionics So you see I relate better to someone who has Te-role than to someone who has Te-POLR, but even then there are exceptions. I am myself first and foremost a human being and I see human beings around me, not types. And of course though I'd venture in a relationship with some Beta then socionics would prove useful in letting me know how I could best handle some situations based on the IEs and where they fit into the scheme of Model A for a certain type once I am sure the person is that type. Then, and only then, socionics is useful. Until then, there's only human beings and I will treat and be open to them all and not trying to type them, but if they come in a close range then typing makes it easier to deal with people. I've met some LSEs I could really throw up just by their behaviour, and some SLEs I could admire for their behaviour. So you see socionics should be understood bearing in mind that we have unique human beings who will display different behaviours being the same type, and who will be your friends or your enemies regardless which type they are. This is one of the reasons I think 'duality' is a big myth designed to lure people into socionics. Very often same Club relationships are easier and more satisfying for both sides than in duality. But then I'm going off the road here. Enough.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Airman View Post
    This is one of the reasons I think 'duality' is a big myth designed to lure people into socionics. Very often same Club relationships are easier and more satisfying for both sides than in duality. But then I'm going off the road here. Enough.
    You kinda sound paranoid here. This is a complex topic, socionics theory does say same club is good for friendships btw.

    But yeah, that's a terrible idea about typing people first and then determining if you can have a relationship with them because this theory only deals with certain factors of many that affect relationships.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    You kinda sound paranoid here. This is a complex topic, socionics theory does say same club is good for friendships btw.

    But yeah, that's a terrible idea about typing people first and then determining if you can have a relationship with them because this theory only deals with certain factors of many that affect relationships.
    I was not being too serious imo that duality was 'made to lure people into socionics'. No I don't believe that actually. But it does serve the purpose of luring many people into socionics de facto. Just see some website terribly promoting duality as the key to paradise and all you have to do is give your credit card number and join the site. This is imo ridiculous. But I think this thread overall has ended because there is only an exchange between two people here and LSIs did not respond so best to close it or just not post anything here anymore. If you want to move this discussion partially to my 'type me' thread I'd be more than glad, Myst . Thanks , cheers.

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