Hi everyone! I'm a bit of a long time lurker, but decided to introduce myself today. I'm rien and I am ~80% sure that I'm an Ne INFj. Sometimes I take tests and get INFp, but because I find that too much Fe in my environment can be overwhelming for me, I don't think it's in my ego block.

I first became interested in personality theory after I took an MBTI test in one of my classes about a year ago. Getting the results was a life changing moment for me, because it emphasized many strengths I had that I previously saw as weaknesses to overcome. After digging around for a while, I found socionics and became fascinated with the way that it illustrates the values and functions of each type and analyzes how they interact with each other. I am still in the process of learning the basics though, and often get stuck on dichotomies. I haven't explored the enneagram yet, but I took a test just now and got 9w1.

I'm looking forward to chatting and getting more involved here! Thank you all for having me