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Thread: What's my type? 80Q

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    Here we go again @Myst ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikisocion Dual relations
    The SEE periodically makes statements about need to proceed forward, to act immediately and decisively, to overcome any difficulties, etc. The ILI attentively listens to these "program" statements and relates to them with understanding, occasionally turning to the SEE for advice over this function: "Who is able? Who has the means?" The SEE shouldn't be advised on this function; he will hardly tolerate this. Approaching him from the position of superiority may lead to competitive demonstrations from his side. Externally the ILI should follow the SEE in everything and submit to his will, while internally he may object and disagree. Main thing is to agree with everything that SEE says, following the principle: "Listen - but later do everything your own way." When there is open verbal exchange of information on this channel, the ILI plays the role of the one who is being led.
    What is it with all of these sources saying ILIs submit to SEEs? The above implies I'm SEE and it seems to contridict what Gulenko said here...

    Psuedo-Aggressors/Employees: LIE (ENTj) ILI (INTp)

    These are types who exhibit aggressive tendencies in their everyday life, and as a result tend to carry over these notions and temperaments into their romantic life...

    Aggressors/Employers: SEE (ESFp) ESI (ISFj)

    These types, like the conquerors, express their sexuality openly. In daily life they may tend to be rather submissive and as a result may tend to carry over these tendencies into their romantic life...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Thanks for the analysis . I'm not primarily focused on my inner emotional state but I am very away when my emotional state is out of balance and it can stop me from functioning. I am quite naturally aware of the emotional reactions of others and their motives as well.

    So what does it actually mean to "dualize" someone? Is it to simply develop their dual-seeking function by interacting with them with your base function? If I am ILI-Te could I dualize an EII with my strong Te?
    It's having a superid that gets supported well by the dual(s) and so you overall function better. EII is only the beneficiary of ILI, so not really the same thing.

    Tbh, as soon as I read the Fi function descrption from MBTI I knew it was definately one of my four functions, or in socionics terms I knew I valued it, even more so than Te. It's the percieving pair which has always made me question my type. Sure, the socionics and MBTI descrptions of Ni are probably the most contrasting of all the functions, but they're still both based off of Jung's original work and I don't particurly identify with Ni from Psychological Types.
    I know/have seen a few ILI's who don't identify that well with many Ni descriptions if they are made too "mystical". My guess is this is because the Ni is paired with strong practical logic (I find this issue is the case more often with ILI-Te's). Ni with F would be closer to those descriptions.

    She described it as "chasing someone down like a greyhound".
    That's weird.

    Yeah, one of the only reasons I still entertain INTJ/ILI is because I'm fairly sure I'm a type 1w9 in enneagram and INTJ type 1s are said to have quite high Te and Fi and but not particurly good Ni despite it being the leading/base function. Your friend sounds like a type 1 to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Here we go again @Myst ...

    What is it with all of these sources saying ILIs submit to SEEs? The above implies I'm SEE and it seems to contridict what Gulenko said here...
    Good question. Looks like other factors are mixed into the descriptions beyond just socionics. Look around this forum about SEE/ILI relationships as experienced/observed by people?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    It's having a superid that gets supported well by the dual(s) and so you overall function better. EII is only the beneficiary of ILI, so not really the same thing.
    Dual(s)? Would the SLE truly be considered the dual of the ILI? I'm quite interested in this one because I had an SLE friend who often tried to do little dominant things ,like jump in front of me when girls were around, and whatnot and I almost always ended up having to sort of drag the guy back and put him on a leech/bring him under control.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I know/have seen a few ILI's who don't identify that well with many Ni descriptions if they are made too "mystical". My guess is this is because the Ni is paired with strong practical logic (I find this issue is the case more often with ILI-Te's). Ni with F would be closer to those descriptions.
    Yeah, I used to be very skeptical of an "INxJ" claiming they fully relate to those descriptions of Ni, especially INTJs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Btw, do you have any insights into my enneagram? I am fairly sure that I'm a 1w9 but I also relate to 4, 5,

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Good question. Looks like other factors are mixed into the descriptions beyond just socionics. Look around this forum about SEE/ILI relationships as experienced/observed by people?
    I've taken a brief look and I don't really relate to being a victim. Sure, some of the stuff is true but a lot of the images these descriptions paint seem a bit off. For example, I'm not sure if you've watched the Chinese series "Three Kingdoms" but there are several acts of intense loyalty and submission shown in that show that moved me every time, and despite how much I despise the human race I just know that if someone did that for me I would have the highest respect for them and sooner die than betray them. I admire weakness in others and I tend to habitually ignore those with a lot of strength which is one of the major reasons I don't identify with being a victim.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
    Okay... Who is the most annoying person on the planet to you - as in an actress, movie character, etc.? If that function keeps popping up as annoying, it is probably your PoLR. What is your favourite actress, movie character, etc.? The same applies... Further, who are some people you really identify with? Is there a pattern there?
    For anyone who has not watched a short TV show called "Casshern Sins", I highly, highly recommend watching it if you enjoy seeing many different yet deep intertype relationships in one show. I wouldn't want to spoil such a great show for anyone so continue if you don't mind spoilers.

    It's important to mention that Casshern (the guy in white) is extremely depressed and suicidal because he killed Luna (the Jesus figure of the show) who was granting all robots eternal life, thus leading all robots to "ruin" (death). By killing Luna, Casshern was cursed with extreme regenerative abilities and immortality. At the start of the show, he awakes with amnesia, slowly finding out what he's done to the world while trying to find a way to atone for his actions, hence the title "Casshern Sins".

    Casshern and Dio

    Dio and Leda

    Casshern and Sophita

    Full interaction

    Casshern and Lyuze

    The most complicated relationship that I think can only be grasped by watching the series (only 24 eps).

    Any insights are welcome. I'll probably end up posting this again in a sub-forum more specific to this kind of post.


    I'm typing based off of my knowledge of Jung's Psychological Types, MBTI and my newly (limited) acquired knowledge of socionics so keep that in mind.

    Dio is some kind of aggressor, probably ILI or LIE as I think he is a Gamma and an enneagram type 8. He is the character in all of fiction that I relate to the most and see myself in. His relationship with Leda is what comes to mind when I think of Gamma duals. She has her own goals and she's using him to realize them. All Dio really wants is to prove his might, will and strength (Se Super-Id?) against Casshern who has always been one step ahead of him despite being his identical twin, but Leda slowly works him into wanting the same goals as her i.e. world domination and power. If you've watched the show then you'll know just how deep Leda's character goes.

    I'm convinced that Sophita is an SEE, possibly SLE but most likely SEE. She comes across as sort of infantile at times (Ne-role?) but she's consistently an aggressor for the most part, even going as far as to outright state her interest in Casshern as soon as she met him.

    Casshern and Lyuze are the two hardest for me to type and I go back and forth between a few types for each of them. I have a hunch on Casshern's type but would like to hear other thoughts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Dual(s)? Would the SLE truly be considered the dual of the ILI? I'm quite interested in this one because I had an SLE friend who often tried to do little dominant things ,like jump in front of me when girls were around, and whatnot and I almost always ended up having to sort of drag the guy back and put him on a leech/bring him under control.
    SLE is only a semidual.

    Btw, do you have any insights into my enneagram? I am fairly sure that I'm a 1w9 but I also relate to 4, 5,
    No idea.

    I've taken a brief look and I don't really relate to being a victim. Sure, some of the stuff is true but a lot of the images these descriptions paint seem a bit off. For example, I'm not sure if you've watched the Chinese series "Three Kingdoms" but there are several acts of intense loyalty and submission shown in that show that moved me every time, and despite how much I despise the human race I just know that if someone did that for me I would have the highest respect for them and sooner die than betray them. I admire weakness in others and I tend to habitually ignore those with a lot of strength which is one of the major reasons I don't identify with being a victim.
    I already talked about this before but I'll sum up again...

    You do understand Gamma NT is more like pseudo-aggressor. Victim just means Se superid, otherwise they can act pretty aggressor like.

    I don't see ILI-Te as a "victim" like IEI-Ni for example. Especially not if D in DCNH.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    SLE is only a semidual.
    Our friendship seemed more like that of supervision than duality. I have to reign him in often (not in an aggressive-dominant way) and I tend to end up scolding him on his lack of morality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I already talked about this before but I'll sum up again...

    You do understand Gamma NT is more like pseudo-aggressor. Victim just means Se superid, otherwise they can act pretty aggressor like.

    I don't see ILI-Te as a "victim" like IEI-Ni for example. Especially not if D in DCNH.
    You're probably right but a lot of material I've read online and quoted here do make them sound rather bitch-like and I don't mean to offend any Beta NFs by saying this but that's honestly what it comes across like. I remember EJArendee making a video about how INTJs are really weak little bitches inside and ENTJs deep down crave to be someone's bitch. It seemed pretty far-fetched at the time and I dismissed it but now I see where he was getting it all from.

    It's probably just best to totally ignore romantic styles when it comes to my type, I guess.

    Btw, have you had a chance to look at my post above your reply? I'm interested in your opinion of their types and whether or not I'm typing them correctly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Our friendship seemed more like that of supervision than duality. I have to reign him in often (not in an aggressive-dominant way) and I tend to end up scolding him on his lack of morality.
    So do you think the relationship is actually asymmetrical and it isn't just the usual semidual conflicts?

    You're probably right but a lot of material I've read online and quoted here do make them sound rather bitch-like and I don't mean to offend any Beta NFs by saying this but that's honestly what it comes across like. I remember EJArendee making a video about how INTJs are really weak little bitches inside and ENTJs deep down crave to be someone's bitch. It seemed pretty far-fetched at the time and I dismissed it but now I see where he was getting it all from.
    Wow alot of silly stereotypes.

    It's probably just best to totally ignore romantic styles when it comes to my type, I guess.
    Yeah, it would not be the decisive factor in typing.

    Btw, have you had a chance to look at my post above your reply? I'm interested in your opinion of their types and whether or not I'm typing them correctly.
    Sorry, I don't have time for watching it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    So do you think the relationship is actually asymmetrical and it isn't just the usual semidual conflicts?
    To put it simply; he would hit me over the head with an Se hammer and I would beat him with an Fi one. By this, I mean that if I started worrying about something or became unsure, you'd quickly hear him say something like "Who cares!?", or sometimes "hmmmm..." *roll eyes* which would help me realize that I was being ridiculous about something and all I needed to do was just be myself and act. On the other hand, the Fi hammer was something I used on him far more probably because he was like a poster boy for Fi-polr. His plans and actions are something I don't want to get into but I would typically react like "Wow, you did that? That's so messed up man..." or "What the hell is wrong with you?".

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Wow alot of silly stereotypes.
    Thanks to a lot of silly writers. Either they can't use the correct words to encapsulate their ideas or those stereotypes are actually accurate.

    Anyway, I already know which one it is and I'm confused as to why you insist they mean something other than what they wrote. I've watched the live lectures by Eleanor Berdutina and she even mentions how the SEE is drawn to "weak" people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Sorry, I don't have time for watching it.
    Yeah that's no problem

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