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Thread: What's my type? 80Q

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    negativist something
    I see, so ESTj, ENFp, INTj and ISFp. I don't think I'm ISFp because the person I mentioned in Block VIII is ISFp and we didn't think alike at all but we did build a friendship quite quickly which I've just checked is common for INTjs and ISFps. The issue is that I don't really resonate with Ti and I'm fairly sure that I'm Te-Fi.

    I guess I could be a really twisted ESTj/ENFp

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    I see, so ESTj, ENFp, INTj and ISFp. I don't think I'm ISFp because the person I mentioned in Block VIII is ISFp and we didn't think alike at all but we did build a friendship quite quickly which I've just checked is common for INTjs and ISFps. The issue is that I don't really resonate with Ti and I'm fairly sure that I'm Te-Fi.

    I guess I could be a really twisted ESTj/ENFp

    what aspects did you not think alike

    also which function did you relate to from the blog in my signature
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post

    what aspects did you not think alike

    also which function did you relate to from the blog in my signature
    Here's more stuff:
    - He was quiet but social while I am quiet and not social.
    - He values people and I don't really.
    - He finds it funny when people are strange while I find myself often making friends with them.
    - He was studying accountancy and one thing that I can't stand is number crunching even though I can be good at it if i try.
    - Despite being quiet, he was also sort of upbeat and would sing in the hallway.
    - He was very organized and didn't like to move things often to the point where he would have dust in places.
    - He used to side with society's views on what features are attractive while I believe it's down to the person.
    - He was hard-working while I've always been lazy I tend to work just enough to get what I aim for.
    - I'm bad socially...very bad. I often times just stay quiet because I'm afraid that I will insult someone by accident. For example, I met someone at work who checks the documentation for the apps I develop. I said to her that she need not worry as my documentation will not be anything amazing or complex. What I meant by this was that I am bad at documentation. She replied "I can't read anyway" when she can read quite well.
    - I always got the feeling he was trying to figure me out. He'd listen to all my ideas and theories while judging some as insightful and others as child-like.

    I'll give more information if you have any particular questions as this is getting quite long.

    I relate to Te, Ni, Fi, Ti, Ne, Se, Si and Fe in that order. It's difficult for me to see myself as a Ti-Fe user since I tend to be that guy who litters his posts with quotes, scans and other forms of evidence on debate forums. The thing which I can't really stand is when people post their theories to explain things but will outright refuse to acknowledge evidence that debunks it simply because it makes sense to them.
    Last edited by Resonare; 10-11-2015 at 09:25 PM. Reason: Additions

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    I do but I'm not too sure it's strong enough to be my dominant/base function.
    Do you find Te to be strong enough for that then?

    The LIE sounds a bit like me before I suddenly became very introverted. Back then I used to be externally focused and my mind was sort of void, but the answers to questions would just come to me. Nowadays I certainly relate more to the INTp description; when I first read this one I was convinced I was INTP (mistook it for MBTI).
    I've heard many people talk about such a change but the introverts stayed introverts and the extraverts stayed extraverts.

    So you're sure I'm in the gamma quadrant?

    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    I'd appreciate it if you can state the differences

    P.S. I noticed your posts emits a sense of confidence and decisiveness which I like
    ILI is a bit lost in the world and can get paranoid about simple things due to that; ILI likes to analyze things deeper than the LIE, otoh LIE is very open to all kinds of new information (=read that as "facts") and more proactive about getting around in the world. Also they are not so blatantly Se seeking as the ILIs are

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    I don't see Ni base. anything of time sensitive material makes Ni ili seek people out like a greyhound. another info you give here is acting on assumptions. i think you're in ne valuing
    I don't think you can tell that from this one single and not enough specific situation.
    Last edited by Myst; 10-11-2015 at 10:58 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Do you find Te to be strong enough for that then?
    I looked into leading/creative Te from here and bolded below what a related to strongly.

    this person is very confident in his own knowledge. He lives by external rules or "charter" that he has thought up himself. He imposes his vision of the correct "order of things" in external situations and is conservative in this vision (his assessment of who should be doing what, etc.). Everything must be in its place; moving anything makes him want to put it back where it belongs. Has a strong notion of "my territory", of "ownership". Those who create a mess on his territory irritate him - everyone should know their place. Does not seek to change this status quo. If one asks why something should be done in this way and not another, he will reply that this is just how things are done without giving any reasons for it. It is as if he lives by that which he creates in the environment with his own hands; any changes made to this are seen as attempts to change his person. Once he has learned a certain rule, he will follow it throughout his life (2x2=4). Existing order must remain unchanged; if it is replaced by a new one, for him it is worse by default. Restoring order on his territory is self-affirming for him. He is well versed in the rules, the order of things: if you wish to get something done, he can tell you how you should act, which order or sequence of steps you should undertake, where you should go, what documents you should bring, etc. He knows how to assemble and disassemble anything and is confident in his ability to do so. Can spend hours with a soldering iron and parts, taking apart complex mechanisms. “If in my world there are stable and invariable rules and order, then I can live. If not, then I don't exist.” On his own territory, he acts as the boss and does not tolerate opposition. If his notion of territory is more widely delineated, his control may be extended to anyone who is on it. Their home is their fortress. If you try to explain something to him, sooner or later he will say "I got it" and interrupt you since he doesn't aim to attain an understanding. They are interested in facts of objective reality - these are not to be understood, but rather memorized, learned, evaluated, and implemented. For example, if one wishes to assemble and disassemble vacuum cleaner, there is no need to understand but only to remember how to do it, which part goes where. If the facts of his objective view of the world are changed, this irritates him, because he will need time to reevaluate and rebuild. His main criteria of activity is objective benefit that can be achieved. Living with such a person on his own territory can be done only in accordance to his rules, and sometimes he attempts to extend them to nearby territories, as expansion of borders is viewed as a useful activity from point of view that a person lives by this, meaning that by this expansion he will "exist" in even greater extent. To go elsewhere, to someone else's territory, and start dictating who is supposed to do what or how something should be done is fairly typical for him. Communicating with such person there is a persistent impression that he is always in the archetype of the boss - he likes to give orders even if he has not been empowered to it: "take this shovel, you will go dig up potatoes". He does not like those who spend their time irrationally and unproductively. He likes to confirm the factual basis of anyone's argument.
    this person very skillfully uses knowledge and facts, applies them creatively, an ideal lecturer, excels at giving instructions (he can, for example, teach skills needed for auto-maintenance). He can creatively and originally manipulate external objects that require hands-on work, assembly and disassembly. Many people of this type, as children loved construction toys. Fixing complicated household items is their favorite hobby, as this, after all, requires active application of objective logic. If such opportunities are not present, he may even deliberately break or deconstruct something and then proceed to fix it. At times, they may use an object not for the purpose that it was intended (e.g. using a microscope to drive nails). Such people are ideal as specialists for modernizing or upgrading anything, especially in the physical sense, as such a person has a keen eye for trends and laws of the objective world and knows how to isolate them and use them well. Sometimes he will move to a place where objective knowledge is scarce, somewhere far from civilization, where he will have a chance to demonstrate his knowledge and skill. He is well versed in the current laws and order, their advantages and disadvantages, and skillfully maneuvers within them. If he is stuck in traffic, he might plot a very original route using roadsides and sidewalks, and feels like a duck in water in this activity. Capable of holding a multitude of facts of the objective world and putting them to use. A very practical person, able to improve and modernize anything in surrounding territory, as to make it better and higher quality, "a jack of all trades." Such people have a set of rules for themselves, but they are very flexible - some of them can be gleaned over, some of them can be substituted - there is a somewhat manipulative view of these. He might follow one rule in the morning, but in the evening follow a very different rule, simply because the situation has changed. Because of this, it is very difficult to negotiate (do business) with him. If there is a contract, he may at some point cancel it, simply because it is no longer favorable for him. That is, he views rules as something that can be changed at any time upon request of the parties involved. Because of this, it is often difficult to deal with such people in a business capacity, as in the business sphere a contract is a contract, it is not subject to revision every day or week. But here, dealing with him, it must be a contract without penalties in the event of dissolution. It must be established beforehand that it is something impermanent - a temporary solution adopted for some short period of time.
    The leading Te is very hit and miss while there are some half-truths in the creative that I didn't highlight.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    The leading Te is very hit and miss while there are some half-truths in the creative that I didn't highlight.
    Yes and that matches my impression of your questionnaire. I never really considered LIE for you based on that.

    Btw, this is a terrible way of thinking from my POV: "They are interested in facts of objective reality - these are not to be understood, but rather memorized, learned, evaluated, and implemented. For example, if one wishes to assemble and disassemble vacuum cleaner, there is no need to understand but only to remember how to do it, which part goes where"

    Lol, really basic Ti vs Te conflict there (I'm a Ti valuing type)

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Yes and that matches my impression of your questionnaire. I never really considered LIE for you based on that.

    Btw, this is a terrible way of thinking from my POV: "They are interested in facts of objective reality - these are not to be understood, but rather memorized, learned, evaluated, and implemented. For example, if one wishes to assemble and disassemble vacuum cleaner, there is no need to understand but only to remember how to do it, which part goes where"

    Lol, really basic Ti vs Te conflict there (I'm a Ti valuing type)
    I actually think the writer has overstated his case in his description of Te-doms. I really do know how a vacuum cleaner works, and could easily tell if one were assembled incorrectly, because every part, rather than having a position, has a function.

    (I once heard a story of a woman who wanted to have her washer fixed by a company repairman. Her husband told her that he could fix it for less money, and took the washer apart to discover the problem. While it was apart and he wasn't looking, she threw some extra nuts and bolts into the pile of disassembled parts, so that when he reassembled them, he had some left-over parts which he could not account for. So, he called the repairman. I never understood that story. Apart from her lack of support (!?!), how could a person reassemble something and not be confident that it went back together correctly? If you correctly assume that the manufacturer didn't add any parts just for fun, then any parts which are left over once the system is put back together must have come from someplace else.)
    In other words, I have never thought in terms of fixed-positional memorization, but rather in terms of process.

    If I had to come up with a definitional difference between Te-doms and Ti-doms, I would say that Te-doms are more interested in the process of getting something done, and what steps are required to do that. Ti-doms appear to me to be more interested in fitting external facts into their internal theories of the world. So. for example, if a research team were trying to figure out a way to replace cotton insulation on electrical wires with a plastic coating, and the coating was not sticking to the wire as the wire was continuously run through the vat of liquid plastic, the Ti-dom might research the many characteristics of plastics and their respective surface tensions, as modified by the presence of metallic copper and its oxides, because this could not only solve the present problem but would have far-reaching consequences across many future processes, while a Te-dom might just kick a bucket of floor cleaner into the vat to see what happens, and might find that the next days run of insulated wire works as desired (due to modifications of the surface tensions that the soap film produces on the wire as it passes through the soap film on its way into the vat of plastic.)

    It seems to me that a Ti-dom values theory and the predictions that a well-proven, logical system can make about the world. If every fact isn't accounted for, though, then you don't have a correct theory. A Te-dom doesn't much care about theory because he thinks that no theory is complete (especially when people are involved), and so they can't reliably predict everything. Instead, the Te-dom values process and whatever works to accomplish that process and is more willing to gloss over minor details that might be discrepant to the plan. Gravity could stop working tomorrow, and the Te-dom would just deal with it without wondering too much about why it stopped working.

    That doesn't mean that each person doesn't appreciate and see value in the way that the other thinks. On the contrary, I believe they see great value in each other, because I personally have found that when Ti and Te are operating together, no problem can long resist an attack by combined extroverted and introverted thinking.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst
    I don't think you can tell that from this one single and not enough specific situation.
    @Maritsa, can you respond to the situation you presented me with earlier with an answer an Ni type would give without making assumptions (you said that's Ne-valueing) or implying that they are nosey, irrational people?

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst
    Yes and that matches my impression of your questionnaire. I never really considered LIE for you based on that.
    What about SLI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst
    Btw, this is a terrible way of thinking from my POV: "They are interested in facts of objective reality - these are not to be understood, but rather memorized, learned, evaluated, and implemented. For example, if one wishes to assemble and disassemble vacuum cleaner, there is no need to understand but only to remember how to do it, which part goes where"

    Lol, really basic Ti vs Te conflict there (I'm a Ti valuing type)
    My learning style when I was in school was a bit like Ti. I would go to class, actually pay attention and seek to understand what the teacher was explaining. I'm not sure if this is relevant information but many of my teachers said that I often didn't look like I was paying attention to what they were saying when I actually was. I used to write down a moderately low amount of notes but I rarely used to actually go over them. I struggled with English and History in school but excelled in mathematics and the sciences.

    Nowadays, I feel no need to understand how it all works; I simply just program, and if a problem comes up then I search the web for an answer or stumble across it when changing what I think may be the problem. I naturally come up with ways to improve whatever is around me based off of what I see being a potential problem that could (realistically) occur at some point down the line. In MBTI terms, I thought this was inferior Ne as it's to do with potentials but I'm starting to see how I would confuse this with ILIs being negativistic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange
    I actually think the writer has overstated his case in his description of Te-doms. I really do know how a vacuum cleaner works, and could easily tell if one were assembled incorrectly, because every part, rather than having a position, has a function.

    (I once heard a story of a woman who wanted to have her washer fixed by a company repairman. Her husband told her that he could fix it for less money, and took the washer apart to discover the problem. While it was apart and he wasn't looking, she threw some extra nuts and bolts into the pile of disassembled parts, so that when he reassembled them, he had some left-over parts which he could not account for. So, he called the repairman. I never understood that story. Apart from her lack of support (!?!), how could a person reassemble something and not be confident that it went back together correctly? If you correctly assume that the manufacturer didn't add any parts just for fun, then any parts which are left over once the system is put back together must have come from someplace else.)
    In other words, I have never thought in terms of fixed-positional memorization, but rather in terms of process.
    Part of me wants to believe that if I were the man in your story then I would react by doubting myself and considering the possibility that I put it back incorrectly, but I'm pretty sure my reaction would actually be to accuse somebody of "magically" (as my family/friends like to put it) placing the extra parts there. I mentioned in my questionnare that I can come across as being very paranoid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange
    If I had to come up with a definitional difference between Te-doms and Ti-doms, I would say that Te-doms are more interested in the process of getting something done, and what steps are required to do that. Ti-doms appear to me to be more interested in fitting external facts into their internal theories of the world. So. for example, if a research team were trying to figure out a way to replace cotton insulation on electrical wires with a plastic coating, and the coating was not sticking to the wire as the wire was continuously run through the vat of liquid plastic, the Ti-dom might research the many characteristics of plastics and their respective surface tensions, as modified by the presence of metallic copper and its oxides, because this could not only solve the present problem but would have far-reaching consequences across many future processes, while a Te-dom might just kick a bucket of floor cleaner into the vat to see what happens, and might find that the next days run of insulated wire works as desired (due to modifications of the surface tensions that the soap film produces on the wire as it passes through the soap film on its way into the vat of plastic.)
    I identify more with Te but in your copper wire example I would sit for a bit thinking about what may be causing this to happen, then I would research it if I can't successfully deduce it myself. I know that I won't dig deeper into the solution since I avoid doing the same thing when I'm programming.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange
    It seems to me that a Ti-dom values theory and the predictions that a well-proven, logical system can make about the world. If every fact isn't accounted for, though, then you don't have a correct theory. A Te-dom doesn't much care about theory because he thinks that no theory is complete (especially when people are involved), and so they can't reliably predict everything. Instead, the Te-dom values process and whatever works to accomplish that process and is more willing to gloss over minor details that might be discrepant to the plan. Gravity could stop working tomorrow, and the Te-dom would just deal with it without wondering too much about why it stopped working.
    I certainly value theory that is at least not opposing known facts. In terms of predictions, i tend to think about whether the events that lead up to the event in the prediction are feasible or not. I agree that no theory is complete since it would then cease to be a theory but instead become a fact. I'm definately the type that thinks about the "why" in the background while solving a task.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange
    That doesn't mean that each person doesn't appreciate and see value in the way that the other thinks. On the contrary, I believe they see great value in each other, because I personally have found that when Ti and Te are operating together, no problem can long resist an attack by combined extroverted and introverted thinking.
    Ti seems more like the function behind the process I go through when everything else isn't working. I just stop what I'm doing, peel my eyelids back and stare at each and every part of something, trying to understand what each bit does until I see where I made the mistake.

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    I think that the Se/Ni quadrant .members are far less likely to act on assumptions as they are realists
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    I think that the Se/Ni quadrant .members are far less likely to act on assumptions as they are realists
    Still, would you mind showing me how an Ni/Se user would respond? I'd like to see the difference so I can be sure that I wouldn't act that way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    What about SLI?
    Not really, the Ni answers were much stronger than the Si ones.

    My learning style when I was in school was a bit like Ti. I would go to class, actually pay attention and seek to understand what the teacher was explaining. I'm not sure if this is relevant information but many of my teachers said that I often didn't look like I was paying attention to what they were saying when I actually was. I used to write down a moderately low amount of notes but I rarely used to actually go over them. I struggled with English and History in school but excelled in mathematics and the sciences.

    Nowadays, I feel no need to understand how it all works; I simply just program, and if a problem comes up then I search the web for an answer or stumble across it when changing what I think may be the problem. I naturally come up with ways to improve whatever is around me based off of what I see being a potential problem that could (realistically) occur at some point down the line. In MBTI terms, I thought this was inferior Ne as it's to do with potentials but I'm starting to see how I would confuse this with ILIs being negativistic.
    I don't see anything Ti specific here.

    Ti seems more like the function behind the process I go through when everything else isn't working. I just stop what I'm doing, peel my eyelids back and stare at each and every part of something, trying to understand what each bit does until I see where I made the mistake.
    Interesting, Ti demonstrative?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Not really, the Ni answers were much stronger than the Si ones.
    I do some odd things when it comes to time. For example, the time on my phone is set to 12 minutes early because I find it comfortable for some reason. I originally set it to 8 minutes but it's somehow increased to 12 over the last year or so.

    I also easily lose track of the date although I do have a knack for knowing what time it currently is without having checked for a while. I'm also good at knowing when the time on a digital clock is going to change.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Interesting, Ti demonstrative?
    The description here sounds about right, especially the part about rejecting overly complicated theories in favor of simple ones that are easily understood and observed. For this reason, I find myself often thinking the person attempting to explain their theory in an over-complicated way is trying to appear more intelligent. I often end up thinking "right, so it's basically this; why did she take up a whole page using indirect language to explain something which is really so simple".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    I do some odd things when it comes to time. For example, the time on my phone is set to 12 minutes early because I find it comfortable for some reason. I originally set it to 8 minutes but it's somehow increased to 12 over the last year or so.

    I also easily lose track of the date although I do have a knack for knowing what time it currently is without having checked for a while. I'm also good at knowing when the time on a digital clock is going to change.
    Lol, well, funny.

    The description here sounds about right, especially the part about rejecting overly complicated theories in favor of simple ones that are easily understood and observed. For this reason, I find myself often thinking the person attempting to explain their theory in an over-complicated way is trying to appear more intelligent. I often end up thinking "right, so it's basically this; why did she take up a whole page using indirect language to explain something which is really so simple".
    Yeah that description is cool.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Lol, well, funny.

    Yeah that description is cool.
    Another thing about me is when I lose something I tend to imagine seeing that object everywhere when I'm trying to find it. I can also show intense anger toward inanimate objects and accuse them of being against me if I can't use them to do what I want.

    I've also read that ILIs are Ne-ignoring yet I tend to test quite highly in Ne on cognitive function tests. Would you (or anyone else) mind explaining the ILIs Ne and how it differs from valued Ne?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Another thing about me is when I lose something I tend to imagine seeing that object everywhere when I'm trying to find it. I can also show intense anger toward inanimate objects and accuse them of being against me if I can't use them to do what I want.
    Yah, idiosyncratic traits? I like kicking objects that get in my way, too Tho' I don't accuse them of anything specifically

    I've also read that ILIs are Ne-ignoring yet I tend to test quite highly in Ne on cognitive function tests. Would you (or anyone else) mind explaining the ILIs Ne and how it differs from valued Ne?
    Read up on function dimensionality. Ignoring Ne will be still 3D. Also, why do you bother mixing MBTI with socionics.

    As for valued/unvalued:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Yah, idiosyncratic traits? I like kicking objects that get in my way, too Tho' I don't accuse them of anything specifically
    Or maybe we're both just crazy

    Another thing which I've noticed about myself (that may be relevant) is this feeling of pleasure I sometimes get when I'm aware that I'm running late but not doing anything about it. I also notice that I have a habit of claiming space subconsciously but easily surrendering it unless I consciously (and nervously) try to hold it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Read up on function dimensionality. Ignoring Ne will be still 3D. Also, why do you bother mixing MBTI with socionics.

    As for valued/unvalued:
    I see...that certainly did help clear a few things up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    I think that the Se/Ni quadrant .members are far less likely to act on assumptions as they are realists
    To be honest, chasing you down like a greyhound would be a bigger assumption to make, would it not? If you are no longer expressing interest in getting insurance then surely desperately seeking you out to would require a bigger assumption than taking your lack of interest to mean that you simply don't care about it anymore?

    Anyway, I'd just like to thank those that took the time to read my answers to the questionnaire and reply with their conclusions. I will go with the general consensus of ILI and potentially re-evaluate my type when I delve deeper into socionics.

    I'm open to anymore suggestions if anyone thinks this is wrong or if anyone would like to agree.

  18. #58
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    Skimmed and I see static/se valuing. Logic > Ethics, although I could consider ESI, because they seem to score surprisingly high on Logic areas.

    "I don't think people can truly change but I do believe they can learn to mask it. I tend to be indifferent towards these masks as I tend to let the right people into my life while the people I don't let in usually show their true colors at some point down the line."
    Reminded me of:
    1. Perceive events in an episodic manner – discrete states rather than continuous changes.
    2. More inclined to talk of properties and structures of reality.

    According to definitions from classical socionics, static elements capture "snapshots" of reality, while dynamic elements track events in process. Static aspects of reality tend to remain more or less fixed over a significant period of time, while dynamic aspects are changeable and constantly evolving.
    I promise if you keep searching for everything beautiful in this world, you will eventually become it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deer Woman View Post
    Skimmed and I see static/se valuing. Logic > Ethics, although I could consider ESI, because they seem to score surprisingly high on Logic areas.

    "I don't think people can truly change but I do believe they can learn to mask it. I tend to be indifferent towards these masks as I tend to let the right people into my life while the people I don't let in usually show their true colors at some point down the line."
    Reminded me of:
    He seems Dynamic overall to me. Don't just pick one statement from a long text to determine such dichotomies. The whole text needs to be considered for trends.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deer Woman View Post
    Skimmed and I see static/se valuing. Logic > Ethics, although I could consider ESI, because they seem to score surprisingly high on Logic areas.

    "I don't think people can truly change but I do believe they can learn to mask it. I tend to be indifferent towards these masks as I tend to let the right people into my life while the people I don't let in usually show their true colors at some point down the line."
    Reminded me of:
    I relate more to a dynamic than a static but some of the static things were true. I remember once back in school when my father was unhappy with my grades, I told him him it was an ongoing process that would improve while rolling a hand to which he replied "What? Improve them now" which is something that makes me thing I'm dynamic, but I do see some similarities between the way I present my sentences and the grammatical construction of sentences by statics but this could be down to me having no enthusiasm anymore.

    Also, the part about people not changing is to do with me being bullied in the past and what I've observed. Similar to how personality doesn't change, I believe there are certain aspects of every person that do not change but people simply cover them up for their own convenience. I've seen people show prejudice toward other people, befriend and even date people with the same appearance as those they are prejudice against, and then go on to later re-surface their prejudice. Perhaps I have just encountered some rotten people but I honestly do not believe that people can completely change.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Also, the part about people not changing is to do with me being bullied in the past and what I've observed. Similar to how personality doesn't change, I believe there are certain aspects of every person that do not change but people simply cover them up for their own convenience. I've seen people show prejudice toward other people, befriend and even date people with the same appearance as those they are prejudice against, and then go on to later re-surface their prejudice. Perhaps I have just encountered some rotten people but I honestly do not believe that people can completely change.
    Gamma values here

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Gamma values here
    I'm going to start researching the theory of quadras soon; are there any questions you (or anyone else) would like to ask before I attain a better understanding of it?

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    Introverted intuition in ILIs is predominantly characterized by pensive, detached demeanor. ILIs, (especially Ni-ILIs) can spend a great deal of time in their mind, imagining potential scenarios.
    Extremely true as I tend to reflect over recent events and imagine possible ways things have gone. It might be from a general social interaction or be from an opportunity I had to talk to a girl.

    Most ILIs somehow manage to spend most of their time in their minds regardless of the responsibilities and seem lazy, skittish, and lackadaisical when it comes to fulfilling their duties.
    True but I normally do fulfil them in the end. I sometimes wonder if I am MBTI ISTJ but I'm fairly sure after all this analysis that I'm not SLI.

    The focus of ILI's imagination is usually reflecting on scenarios, pondering bodies of information, and assorted concepts of interest. Due to this distancing, ILI ideas may at times come through as unrealistic, erudite - but too quixotic and nonsensical, elaborately constructed - but too artificial and fragile.
    I don't believe this to be true but I know others will say this about me. A lot of my friends are sensors in MBTI and tend to call out my rational thinking and ideas as being unrealistic.

    The mind of an ILI is an oasis of sorts where knowledge is treated as a toy or even a vehicle that allows them to visit mental landscapes that are shaped and continually revised by new information.
    I don't relate to the first part of this. My mind is very much like being in the center of a black sphere, by default. As I think, I either create images or scenarios inside of this sphere or it remains blank as I process. This lack of a rich inner world makes me consider being an extravert. Most of the fictional characters that I relate to are MBTI ENTJs and I find it easy to understand them. I had an ESTJ friend and it was similar except he thought I was weird and often times didn't get what I was trying to say.

    Nonetheless, an ILI is likely to find the process of accumulating new information tiresome and requiring too much of their energy; consequently, new information is often accumulated and updated in a rather lethargic, periodic, and occasionally incomplete fashion.

    ILIs are often stereotypically represented as reclusive scholars, artists, and philosophers. The ILI, with their often unusual perceptions, may come across as unreachable, esoteric eccentrics. Some ILIs are prone to excessive daydreaming (especially intuitive subtype). Some ILIs have novelistic tendencies where they create intricate plots, characters, and places, though many ILIs may be generally unmotivated to display such creativity.
    The bolded is true. The daydreaming description is so-so but I generally stay grounded in reality. I tend to sit in one place thinking deeply rather than daydream. I do make stories in my head but they tend to never finish and be few in number.

    Because ILIs are confident about analyzing the implications of the knowledge that they have gathered, ILIs often appear perceptive, especially in fields of interest, and commonly tend to view the ideas of others with skepticism and scrutiny.

    ILIs are given into predicting inevitable disasters and generally negative outcomes of events. ILIs have a general dislike of expressing or reinforcing positive attitude. To an ILI, it may be easier to predict pessimistic results - why unnecessarily subject oneself to the uncertainty of possible disappointment?
    This is true but I wonder how much of it is down to me being depressed.

    ILIs act very tentatively. In many situations they are inclined to hesitate prior to taking any action or making important decisions. They may commonly be pervasively plagued by gnawing doubts on any topic that they contemplate. They may also prefer to observe a situation for a long period of time, rather than actively participate.
    Absolutely true. In high school, we took turns leading our team through new obstacles and I literally just stood there trying to gain an understanding of it while everyone was just waiting for me, to which they eventually proceeded without me. I definately look far before I leap but I do, sometimes, enjoy immersing myself in the moment. I get gnawing doubts constantly about things that I am quite certain on which can immobilize me if I'm not careful.

    I won't go into the rest of the functions as I generally agree with their positions but it's the leading Ni stuff that I'm not sure about and would like further help with. I relate to the traits but not so much to what the internal processing is meant to be like which is, from what I understand, the key difference between socionics and MBTI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    I'm going to start researching the theory of quadras soon; are there any questions you (or anyone else) would like to ask before I attain a better understanding of it?
    Not by me

    True but I normally do fulfil them in the end. I sometimes wonder if I am MBTI ISTJ but I'm fairly sure after all this analysis that I'm not SLI.

    I don't relate to the first part of this. My mind is very much like being in the center of a black sphere, by default. As I think, I either create images or scenarios inside of this sphere or it remains blank as I process.
    I know ILIs who said the same about their internal processing. They are definitely ILIs with Se DS.

    The rest you say also sounds like ILI, not LIE.

    I relate to the traits but not so much to what the internal processing is meant to be like which is, from what I understand, the key difference between socionics and MBTI.
    I think what you described fits Ni just fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Not by me

    I looked into quadras and you appear to be right as I relate to; Gamma, Delta/Beta and Alpha, in that order. I seemed to define logic in a gamma way...

    Quote Originally Posted by 16types
    • Gamma types take a longer-term view regarding efficiency and profitability, giving lower priority to the short term. Likewise, they tend to aim at the broader benefits of decisions, rather than only at those affecting themselves, giving them an inclination for self-sacrifice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare 80Q
    Logic is the process of derivation based on truth. If I have x and I also have y where y is a copy of x, then logic is what tells me that I have 2x/2y. Logic is also what tells me to sacrifice an action I would have made in favor of another action that I want to make instead but won't be possible without the sacrifice.

    I know ILIs who said the same about their internal processing. They are definitely ILIs with Se DS.
    I'm quite possibly Se seeking; my closest friends from school (and at the moment) are ISFj and ESTp.

    The rest you say also sounds like ILI, not LIE.
    It's not that I believe I'm LIE; it's more to do with me possibly not being ILI. I think my depression has deeply affected my personality to the point where I'm not sure if I am truly being myself or something I've become in order to cope with life. I answered the questions honestly but it just seems like ILI is the type which most of the depressed would mistype as.

    I think what you described fits Ni just fine.
    I'm still not completely convinced of my Ni-ness. Maybe there is something in my posts which is convincing all of you but before my depression I was never really one to plan deep into the future; I always just thought about what was coming around the next corner, not so much what was coming in the next few years. I also tend to communicate in a direct manner (as you've all probably noticed) which I understand is more of a sensing trait than intuitive.

    It must sound as if I'm in denial...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    It's not that I believe I'm LIE; it's more to do with me possibly not being ILI. I think my depression has deeply affected my personality to the point where I'm not sure if I am truly being myself or something I've become in order to cope with life. I answered the questions honestly but it just seems like ILI is the type which most of the depressed would mistype as.
    I don't see ILI as a depressed type and that's not how I typed you ILI.

    I'm still not completely convinced of my Ni-ness. Maybe there is something in my posts which is convincing all of you but before my depression I was never really one to plan deep into the future; I always just thought about what was coming around the next corner, not so much what was coming in the next few years. I also tend to communicate in a direct manner (as you've all probably noticed) which I understand is more of a sensing trait than intuitive.

    It must sound as if I'm in denial...
    A direct manner and Te ego work well together too.

    I don't know how old you were before your depression, I wouldn't expect a kid to think ahead that much. I don't really see how depression would cause one to focus on future based thinking more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I don't see ILI as a depressed type and that's not how I typed you ILI.
    A lot of descriptions say that ILIs have an innate sadness and sorrowful look about them. I certainly have this but I'm think that it may be due to depression.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    A direct manner and Te ego work well together too.

    I don't know how old you were before your depression, I wouldn't expect a kid to think ahead that much. I don't really see how depression would cause one to focus on future based thinking more.
    My depression is based on my prospective future. I don't want to elicit sympathy from anyone but I have a condition which is not too much of a problem right now but will be one day and I have already resolved myself to end it at that time. I've spent 3 years of my early 20s in what many in this age would consider isolation because of this. I was born different and every time I accept my abnomalities a new one appears as if life itself enjoys spiting me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    My depression is based on my prospective future. I don't want to elicit sympathy from anyone but I have a condition which is not too much of a problem right now but will be one day and I have already resolved myself to end it at that time. I've spent 3 years of my early 20s in what many in this age would consider isolation because of this. I was born different and every time I accept my abnormalities a new one appears as if life itself enjoys spiting me.
    I don't know what condition you have but it's highly likely you've blown it out of proportion based on the way you talk about it. An ILI-Ni friend of mine recently did end his life over such an issue that he blew out of proportion. It was a problem that was resolvable actually, he just didn't see that due to being stuck in his own mind. I suggest you reconsider how you evaluated your issues before you do anything like that if that's what you meant by "end it".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I don't know what condition you have but it's highly likely you've blown it out of proportion based on the way you talk about it. An ILI-Ni friend of mine recently did end his life over such an issue that he blew out of proportion. It was a problem that was resolvable actually, he just didn't see that due to being stuck in his own mind. I suggest you reconsider how you evaluated your issues before you do anything like that if that's what you meant by "end it".
    No, I'm not blowing it out of proportion. My issues haven't just been evaluated by myself but also by professionals and there is no cure for it.

    Anyway, I'm not trying to get sympathy or life advice; I just thought it would heavily affect how you all may type me so I ought to mention it so it's taken into account, especially since people who think they are Ni-dominant seem to be so frequently mistyped. I question whether I'm an introvert at all because I tend to stragnate when I turn inward for too long but progress when I turn outward. I read that introverts tend to turn outward under stress but I turn inward and I'm sure I do this with the aid of an intuitive function and an introverted rational function.

    Is there really nothing that suggests another alternative type other than LIE? Maybe ESI is possible?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    No, I'm not blowing it out of proportion. My issues haven't just been evaluated by myself but also by professionals and there is no cure for it.

    Anyway, I'm not trying to get sympathy or life advice; I just thought it would heavily affect how you all may type me so I ought to mention it so it's taken into account, especially since people who think they are Ni-dominant seem to be so frequently mistyped. I question whether I'm an introvert at all because I tend to stagnate when I turn inward for too long but progress when I turn outward. I read that introverts tend to turn outward under stress but I turn inward and I'm sure I do this with the aid of an intuitive function and an introverted rational function.

    Is there really nothing that suggests another alternative type other than LIE? Maybe ESI is possible?
    By your definition I would be an extravert too :shrug

    If you find you easily stagnate like that and then need to turn outward to progress, that actually points towards you being an introvert.

    As for the stress thing, I don't think it's that clearly correlated with I/E.

    I really do not see any other type for you, just gamma NT, and more ILI than LIE. I won't be able to speculate further on this for you, sorry. If you have specific questions, ask and I or someone else can try to answer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    By your definition I would be an extravert too :shrug

    If you find you easily stagnate like that and then need to turn outward to progress, that actually points towards you being an introvert.

    As for the stress thing, I don't think it's that clearly correlated with I/E.

    I really do not see any other type for you, just gamma NT, and more ILI than LIE. I won't be able to speculate further on this for you, sorry. If you have specific questions, ask and I or someone else can try to answer.
    Ok, I'm going to go with the concensus here and type as ILI. Again, if anyone wants to chime in at a later point regarding my type then feel free to do so.

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond.

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    @Myst We can now rule out ILI since I think I'm an aggressor not a victim.

    - I absolutely loathe the idea of being physically vulnerable around anyone to the point where I can't stand wearing less layers of clothing around people.
    - I don't deny romantic interest in someone when my friends ask me about it.
    - I may not approach romantic interests but it's never been made clear to me by them that they are interested.
    - People tend to mistake me for being a weak person but are surprised when I quickly confront them.
    - I don't disgust weakness in others like victims are said to. Instead, I actually tend to open up and show kindness to those who submit to me and I am moved by great acts of loyalty.
    - In my ideal relationship I am very much the dominant one.
    - I prefer to be chased to a certain point before becoming the chaser myself.

    I know ILIs/LIEs are also referred to as "psuedo-aggressors" but even that doesn't seem to cover it as they still have a lot of victim qualities that I don't relate to.

    Any insights into this matter are more than welcome.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    @Myst We can now rule out ILI since I think I'm an aggressor not a victim.

    - I absolutely loathe the idea of being physically vulnerable around anyone to the point where I can't stand wearing less layers of clothing around people.
    - I don't deny romantic interest in someone when my friends ask me about it.
    - I may not approach romantic interests but it's never been made clear to me by them that they are interested.
    - People tend to mistake me for being a weak person but are surprised when I quickly confront them.
    - I don't disgust weakness in others like victims are said to. Instead, I actually tend to open up and show kindness to those who submit to me and I am moved by great acts of loyalty.
    - In my ideal relationship I am very much the dominant one.
    - I prefer to be chased to a certain point before becoming the chaser myself.

    I know ILIs/LIEs are also referred to as "psuedo-aggressors" but even that doesn't seem to cover it as they still have a lot of victim qualities that I don't relate to.

    Any insights into this matter are more than welcome.
    If you have never fixed something let's say idk a refrigerator and it doesn't come with instructions. What do you do? First, is it something that you enjoy?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    If you have never fixed something let's say idk a refrigerator and it doesn't come with instructions. What do you do? First, is it something that you enjoy?
    I think I'd first check that it's actually on. I'd then check for anything that might indicate why it's not working e.g. damaged wire, a lit symbol etc. After that I would probably do a quick search on google to see if I'm experiencing a minor or major problem. I might try and fix any minor problems myself but I would call someone to repair it if it's a major problem, or just get a new refrigerator if it would be cheaper.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    I think I'd first check that it's actually on. I'd then check for anything that might indicate why it's not working e.g. damaged wire, a lit symbol etc. After that I would probably do a quick search on google to see if I'm experiencing a minor or major problem. I might try and fix any minor problems myself but I would call someone to repair it if it's a major problem, or just get a new refrigerator if it would be cheaper.
    These questions were a lot easier to ask when people didn't' have an option to seek a replacement
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    These questions were a lot easier to ask when people didn't' have an option to seek a replacement
    Well, with no option to get a replacement I'd be more inclined towards calling someone to repair it unless the solution is something simple to me since the repercussions of attempting to fix it and causing further damage are magnified without the option of simply just buying a new one.

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    You seem to me to be a sensory type again I don't see Ni. Ni especially in ILI can't help it to forecast things and worry about the far off future and future possibilities of bad things happening and raising questions on how one might deal or prepare for them. You seem to live in the near future. Well you think of things in the short term and any long term you said would cause you to get depressed. Either this or you avoid Ni making you base Ne. so let's go on Base type Ne or Sensory type as a possibility
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Well, with no option to get a replacement I'd be more inclined towards calling someone to repair it unless the solution is something simple to me since the repercussions of attempting to fix it and causing further damage are magnified without the option of simply just buying a new one.
    That seemed like a useless question. What I wanted to get at was if you don't have a user's manual are you likely to improvise and cover the gaps in knowledge or declare that you don't know and move on.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    You seem to me to be a sensory type again I don't see Ni. Ni especially in ILI can't help it to forecast things and worry about the far off future and future possibilities of bad things happening and raising questions on how one might deal or prepare for them. You seem to live in the near future. Well you think of things in the short term and any long term you said would cause you to get depressed. Either this or you avoid Ni making you base Ne. so let's go on Base type Ne or Sensory type as a possibility
    Yep, I would say that I tend to live in the near-future and that I only think about the negative long-term future possibilities and I generally ignore the positive. If I see a long-term negative future prospect and if I can't prevent it then it just makes me depressed and unwilling to participate in life until it has passed. Unfortunately for me, what I'm dealing with won't come to pass for a long time and I find myself unable to live my life in this time between now and then, with "then" most likely being the end. This is why I wanted to make it clear that I'm depressed and my type may very well likely not be what it appears to be on the surface.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Yep, I would say that I tend to live in the near-future and that I only think about the negative long-term future possibilities and I generally ignore the positive. If I see a long-term negative future prospect and if I can't prevent it then it just makes me depressed and unwilling to participate in life until it has passed. Unfortunately for me, what I'm dealing with won't come to pass for a long time and I find myself unable to live my life in this time between now and then, with "then" most likely being the end. This is why I wanted to make it clear that I'm depressed and my type may very well likely not be what it appears to be on the surface.
    I understand you have my empathy. Every since I've learned about your depression I haven't been able to approach this topic because I just feel like even though this is fun and interesting it's not life and it's not that important.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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