Quote Originally Posted by TJay View Post
Yup, prob. just harmonizing LII-Ne. I think the focus on logical correctness is more of an online phenomenon, where many just want to conform to the stereotype because if you aren't as stereotypical as possible people will doubt your type and call you an F of some sort. They are just puffing their brain out. I bet many are much more accommodating in real life. Of course, the other stereotype is to say the fuck with any and all stereotypes and act how ever you feel, which is more courageous.
Here’s something that has been on my mind lately. When someone posts something I find rude or harsh, I feel offended by it and I feel like I have to call out that person on it, to tell them it’s rude or inconsiderate. This has happened several times on online forums when someone says something that kind of pisses me off, that I think is a hurtful comment. Furthermore, I get bothered when it seems like no one is taking my side on it. When no one comes to say I’ve raised a good point or ‘likes’ the post I made. Then I wonder if it’s even valid to be thinking such a thing when no one seems to agree. Also, when the person who makes the comment doesn’t even apologize. At least say, ‘yeah, you’re right. I went a little too far in that comment. I’ll try to be more careful next time.’ Usually it's things like 'your type descriptions are terrible' or 'how can you be so ignorant to not know your type after studying the system for 2 years?"

It’s true I’m hypersensitive to criticism and harsh comments, even if they’re not directed at me personally, I can feel them as if they were. I imagine how I’d feel if the comment was directed at me. Most people probably aren’t as sensitive themselves so as a result maybe they don’t see things as being offensive where I would see it as such? Anyway, this is the one thing I hate the most about myself, that I would change in a heartbeat if I could. To be thicker skinned. To let criticisms and slights just roll right off my shoulder. To not care so much what other people think? I mean what practical benefits do I get from being the way I am? I suppose it makes me a kinder and more considerate person, but that benefits other people. It’s not benefitting myself. It’s not making me a happier person.

So based on this, can I still even be an LII? Because this sounds rather un-LII-like. Most LIIs I know, do not get worked up over such comments like these. Most LIIs are less emotional and thicker-skinned. Most LIIs don’t seem to care enough about ethics to get involved in debating about such things. This sounds more ethical. Whether it’s more Fi or Fe, I’m not sure. I think it could be both. Fi if it’s emphasizing the ethics and morals more. Fe if it’s more about mood and atmosphere. I am considering both EII and SEI as possibilities. I think the former is more likely because I do think I have strong Ne and weaker Si but I’m open to SEI or any other type.