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Thread: Gamma Duality

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    LIE-ESI Duality.

    Chris Isaak - male ESI. Helena Christensen - female LIE

    From the YT video's comment section:

    1911HeadBanger 5 months ago (edited)
    This song was written from the heart. Chris Isaak said in an interview that there was a girl he was absolutely crazy about, but hadn't told her yet. They were innocently flirting here and there, but secretly he was wanting to be very serious. One night she called him up and said she was wanting to date Chris, but she only wanted casual sex and no strings attached, for whatever reasons, such as career and education. Chris turned her down, because he felt he would absolutely fall in love with her if they became sexual, but she wouldn't want to be in a relationship, but only casual sex. He wrote the song immediately afterwards. Now you can listen to the song and understand. The heartbreak of wanting someone so badly, yet they only wanted casual sex. But you turn them down to avoid the heartbreak you would be suffering, knowing they would never feel the same way you felt about them.
    What do you think he means by "nobody loves no one..." In the end?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
    What do you think he means by "nobody loves no one..." In the end?
    Here is what I think:

    First, I'm going to assume that Chris Isaak is an ESI and that he actually wrote the song, as stated in the comment.

    Second, I'm going to assume that ESI's have certain traits. (This is based on theory and my own personal experience.)
    The first trait is that ESI's, being Fi-doms, feel things deeply. They prioritize their feelings the same way that LIE's prioritize logic. In fact, once they come to like or love you, it is hard to change their minds, but if they do change, it goes all the other way. Black or white.
    The second trait is that ESI's are very self-referenced. This is an Fi-thing, they are making value judgements based on the way they feel, not the way the group feels, and it manifests itself in discussions in chat where they will make references to people without naming them specifically, because they just assume that you, like they, know whom they are talking about, because they have a hard time getting outside themselves into Fe. So when they feel something, then naturally, they think that everyone feels that same thing. Or should. This is what you are seeing when you see an ESI (or any Fi-dom) projecting their feeling onto the group. LIE's in turn make their own incorrect assumptions and would be saying, "Of course you see the logic of this! Anyone could see this."

    ESI's also have low Ni, which means it is hard for them to project possibilities into the future and see which one is the most likely case. Which is OK, because their duals can do that, but it makes ESI's very guarded when they first meet someone. Every ESI I've ever met, even the ones who approached me, was very, very guarded. It is a defense strategy against falling deeply in love and then finding out that the object of their attention is a bank robber/cannibal/jerk who doesn't love them back.

    So, we have Chris Isaak falling for this women, and falling pretty hard. He wants the whole deal, but she just wants a side-dish. She doesn't feel about him the same way that he feels about her, and if that mutuality, that equality, isn't in place, then he can't participate in the relationship. Maybe if he just wanted casual sex from her, then it would be fine, but since his Fi has been deeply triggered, he's not going to settle for second-best.

    He has to tell himself a story to explain why he won't accept her terms. She doesn't love him, so he tells himself that he doesn't love her, either, even though he does. And then the self-centered Fi projection occurs. Not just, "I don't love her and she doesn't love me", but rather "No body loves no one...."
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-20-2019 at 07:57 PM.

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