Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
Aggressor Female with Victim Male
Indeed, it's so hard to run into a girl who both knows what she wants and goes for it in a rather direct manner. I blame the current culture, everyone expects the "extroverted" aspects to come from the male side. Meaning everyone expects the male to be either an aggressor or an infantile. Sadly, this means society looks down upon the "introvert" males who gladly fill the roles of Caretaker and Victim.

It's not like the male had much choice in this department. People like what they like and nobody truly wants to *be* the "weird" kid in school, you just so happen to end up being the weird kid. It sucks yes but you also can't just stop being who you are. If that lands you on the wrong end of a mob intent on inflicting a swirly on you well, not much you can do short term. Long term? Well, let's just say that upper management filters for high I.Q and nerds tend to have that on lock .