Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
A thread to share images and related media that remind you specifically of Gamma Duality.

I'll start with a few pictures reminiscent of male LIE - female ESI pairings.

I find the last image captures the Victim/Aggressor dynamic between ESI-LIE perfectly. Have not found a better image for that yet. The LIE is holding a gun, which technically would make him the more "powerful" one; it indicates his Pseudo-Aggressor-ness. However, the "real" Aggressor is the female ESI, who is sitting on top and holding him by his tie with a slightly commanding look in her eyes; she's in control. The LIE looks back with both a slightly startled but respectful glance that shows his true Victim-ness. It seems like he is awaiting demands from her for him to execute.
2 and 3 seem good examples of aggro/victim. This never happens to me when I wear a tuxedo or carry a gun.