Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I'm looking for an ESI, and I may have found one working as a contact person at an entrepreneurial center. She is attractive, nearly within the eight-year age difference that I have set for myself, tall and slender, and probably single. She has long legs which put her about three or four inches above me, but she wears flats and so might be trying to minimize this feature.

To see if she is really an ESI, I made up some excuses to talk with her. I asked her if she could show me how I could make coffee, and I liked her walk (not ESI related) and she kind of scrunched up to be shorter and she went through the demonstration so fast that I had to ask her to repeat it. (I was distracted by her ring with a blue stone on it, not on her ring finger.)

I later asked her if she knew of any places nearby where I could get a late lunch, and while she told me, she held up her left hand, fingers extended with palm facing her, and rubbed the back of her hand with her right hand. So, she somehow knows I'm looking, and is a sensor. (I purposely avoided looking straight at her fingers - I already knew she didn't have a ring on her ring finger. In any case, some married women don't wear rings.)

When I returned from lunch with some leftovers, I asked her if anyone could put food in the refrigerator, and she said Yes.

Near the end of the day, I approached her to ask if she thought my car was parked in a spot where I would get a ticket (it was two-hour parking, I'd been there longer - the sign didn't say THIS MEANS YOU) and while normally she has the very direct gaze of an aggressor, she kept her eyes on her desk as I approached so I would have to work to start the conversation. And when I told her I had called the center earlier and just got a recording, she gave me her business card with her direct number on it.

So, she's a sensor and an aggressor who won't directly initiate.

For my part, I'm not sure of my interest in her. I need to know more about her. I'm a bit older than her and she's taller than me, and she might reject me for those things. I'm not sure how smart she is, although she writes the center's contracts. I'm thinking far ahead, and wondering if starting a relationship that ends would be too emotionally damaging. I need to know more about her.
I think this is a classic description (from Erotic Attitudes) of Victim behavior. Lol.

And so, Dear Reader, you just got an open window into an LIE's thinking when approaching a potential relationship with an ESI.
daily reminder this is %100 LSE Te Si detective work in action

its also the exact opposite of aggression pseudo or otherwise