From the beginning I showed a talent for being able to type the big picture all at once (socionics, enneagram, stacking). It was insane. Because when I first started posting I only knew stuff like "you're a joke". I got put on moderated user hardly had i even shown up and then a one day ban for calling eliza a name. Absurd even said once to me something like "where the hell did you come from....weren't you the guy that was banned" meaning the 1 day ban back in the day. This around the time I got thread banned by Kim and then argued my way back onto getting the ban lifted so I could return to the thread and finish things off. I was so far away from this place. I had no idea that I would someday rise up like that. Hell, my dominance over enneagram also includes trifix and stacking. If you told me I would do that at the time, I would've been like Hell NO, I'm all set with 16types and you couldn't pay me money to stick around. I think it's just in my blood or something. Like how some people have a special ear for music. I have it for your personality types.

All that "butt hurt typing" stuff is trivial to me. A lot of the people out there like that are still trying to figure out what type is, understand it, discuss it. I’m at a level beyond that. Ten levels beyond it. After I crushed Absurd, I put together the most comprehensive enneagram type list I think in this forum’s history (The List) and definitely the most comprehensively accurate enneagram type list. I wasn't supposed to be the one to make the list but it didn't turn out that way. It just clicks for anybody looking at the list honestly and contains history for those that were here for a certain period of the board. When Mens asked me to elaborate on my typing of him I had a lengthy argument to make, of distinctions that you won't find on any of the cheesy tests. And some people are still trying to figure out how I made it all come together like that, others trying to duplicate its success. Nobody thought it would be me to do the premier pinnacle list encapsulating all the periods since 16types' inception. I guess, I was the one. It's still not a 100 percent comprehensive. There's still 2w1 sx/so I don't have a template example for, and a few others, but that will eventually be filled.

I haven't come across many genuinely well-developed people. Those that claim to be well-developed usually have more layers in hell to fall through before finding bottom. Certainly there's no question that being well-develped is the most common self-image people are out there trying to maintain ('the adult,' for example). the more well-developed a person is the less invested/interested they are in being well-developed. A truly, but rare, well developed person would be the hardest to type in both the enneagram and socionics. Its like that Tolstoy line all happy families look the same. Each enneagram type has a cognitive distortion...and the more metastasized that distortion is the easier it is to see. Socionic types are based on cognition, but within that cognition there is a PoLr that makes the individual wholly incompetent when it comes to cognizing certain areas. This would be presumably more balanced out in a well developed person and thus making them harder to identify. Enneagrammatically, well-developed people are usually 3w2s that excel at presenting themselves as healthy and competent. 1w9s can get pretty bent on being well-developed. What's well-developed for a 3 will depend upon what the culture values and what's well-developed for a 1w9 will be based more in their own principles. 1w9s will also look for ways to drop the punitive 'ban hammer' on those that come in as poorly developed according to those principles.

Bad news is every board has its village quacks. That goes without saying. This board is no exception and has had a few in the field of typing: silke in the enneagram and maritsa in socionics. They studied in the same school under the tutelage of grandmaster quack. Silke is the maritsa of enneagram and maritsa is the silke of socionics. Both are INFj. Both are double daddies (enneagram 1 and 2 are the daddy triad). Both are plagued by the same literalness that renders them horrendously incompetent at typing both celebrities and board members. And Maritsa has correctly typed me in socionics. So you know I’m not saying this about her because I want to get her back. This is bigger than any one typing. It’s a really interesting situation when you have two people one step away from running around the board trying to argue with people about what their astrology sign is. Minde hardly ever posts here. Thanks to silke the enneagram sub-forum here is now the enneaspam sub-forum. The double orientation to father makes them significantly handicapped at grasping the types in real time.

Good news is the list lays out a basic template that can be used for typing anybody’s enneagram anywhere — specifically, people on other boards. The list can be found in my archives. When you read those members read them under the types that I have designated them as on the list and you will gain deeper, realistic insights into the types. They are the prototypes for that particular type. All knowledge about that type branches out from them. Not only does the list get used to type new members arriving here at the board, but you and others from other boards can now use the list to attempt to type others on any typology board once you have a better sense for those members' personalities. Maybe you'll want to look at opportunities for retyping these butt hurt typers. I have a feeling a lot of them are themselves mistyped. I’ve impregnated the forum with my seed through a multiplicity of examples and pioneered some essential shortcuts for typing (along with a plethora of examples). Ultimately, all the typology forums need to be rebuilt around the list any thing that gets in the way of the list, torn down.