Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
I see her as vulnerable and at the complete mercy of the dragon.

That is why she is clutching her breast in a protective gesture and her wings are tucked back and down like the downward laying ears of a dog in submission. She is also reaching out with one arm and opening her eyes wide simultaneously, which shows she is curious about the dragon. Fear and wonder are what she is feeling. Her mouth is in a classic open gaping gesture which denotes surprise. What is surprising her in this moment? She is staying very still as can be seen with the dragons saliva dripping on her leg. Is she aware of the drip and choses not to pay attention for fear her movement will startle the beast? Does she chose not to move because she is so mesmerized and locked in a enthralling dance of fear and curiosity? I believe the artist is asking us to wonder.

There is a hint of amusement in the dragon's eyes...
Your observation is interesting as well. Everyone will interpret it different, if socionics holds any water. That's what's interesting, your take is different from Aylen. You notice details and CONTEXT. Aylen mentioned physical and emotional PRESENCE. Everyone is hugely different, even in a simple art thread. Not typing anyone, just saying we all see shit different. Socionics fascinates the shit out of me.l