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Thread: Member Questionnaire (LK4D4)

  1. #1

    Default Member Questionnaire (LK4D4)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (LK4D4)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty? Um, colorful things? Shiny things? Aesthetically pleasing things? Like nice cars I guess, I love those (in a mechanical way). Love's an attraction between two creatures that want to mate. A less edgy explanation would be it's when two people find specific qualities about one another enticing enough to, be, together..? Yeah.
    What are your most important values?
    Don't be prejudiced in your actions towards others. Don't do anything that you know would bring harm to others. Don't put yourself above others.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War's lame, and I don't waste brain cells on it. Armed forces are there because other armed forces are, everything would be easier if people realized what they're throwing away.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Anything, really. Game mechanics (video games), Socionics, wrestling (the dumb awesome kind), everything. I've always liked video games, especially Mortal Kombat, Metal Gear, and the older Tom Clancy games. I used to be into WWF/E cause it's ridiculous and campy, and exciting (Even today I can appreciate it). I typically don't watch TV as it's so passive and boring but when I do it's Adult Swim, or Top Gear (Jeremy Clarkson is my spirit animal). Biology is what I'd say if you asked me for a desired job at this point in time. When I was a kid my grandpa gave me medical books to explain his cancer, so I always thought science was cool.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I don't like taking medicine, I prefer to let my body deal with it. Now I go to the gym and pay attention to myself, because I dislike being fat and unhealthy. Not worth it.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Ha, haha, ha. Too lazy to do those. I would if I felt a sense of ownership or responsibility over my environment though. Like if it was my house.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    Favorite movies are the ones in the Three Flavors Cornetto trilogy. That British humor. Borat's also pretty funny, vulgar if nothing else. And as trashy as it is I like the Jackass movies, Superbad, all that.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Thinking of if I'd be a disappointment to those who built me up and passed. Aside from that, Metal Gear Solid 3, full disclosure. Smile? Everything, everything's funny. Why? Cause being sad's a waste of time to me.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Do I have to feel a sense of belonging? Does anyone belong anywhere? No offense. Am I being too arrogant? I hope not. Here, I guess I'd say around my friends, there I'm not worried 'cause I know what's cool and what isn't with everyone.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Too impulsive. Blame it on bad parenting, letting me play and watch all that violence, I was a bad kid, hurt other kids. Now I'm pretty hardline against such things. I dislike my inability to do things I don't wanna do. And my inability to read people. I never know what they really think of me.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Funny? Smart? I do good on tests, like really good, without much effort. I hate when it's brought up though, there's so much more I'm shit at that I'd enjoy being better at a lot more. Sorry about the language.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    You know, I don't know. Dealing with people? Calming down? It's not easy to produce an answer to that. I wonder why. Maybe look at the weaknesses? Oh! I know! Being nicer to other people. Sometimes I'm a d*** and I only realize it after the fact. Obviously I regret it then, who'd want to be a d***?
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Having nothing to do. I get bored and antsy really quick. I react by pacing around my room, asking other people to do things, etc. Or getting increasingly annoyed if all else fails. Listening to loud music can be a good distraction but I have to wonder if it'll be worth it down the line.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I like it when people are nice. I don't like a-holes. I also like smart people, but who doesn't? And that's such a simplified quality. Yeah, I like people who don't ruin the mood, and who have a good sense of humor. Oh and I hate overly controlling people. I get along with everyone, really. I have a reputation for being a coo-coo head due to my attention whoring behavior, and luckily it works across the board. Most people laugh at my savage behavior, so I keep it up to get along with as many as possible.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Too young to be concerned with sex, I was a high school child, believe me there are many reasons that's a bad idea in the modern world. In a partner? I want them to compensate for my weaknesses without annoying me. And to entertain me, I like that. They gotta like me, too. I don't know though, honestly I haven't considered it.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I'd make sure they weren't prejudiced. Sorry if I'm a broken record but like hell would I let my kid be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. I'd want to make sure they pursued their own path, not the one I want them to take. It's their life, not mine. Oh and no hitting. Not from them, or from me. Not sure what measures to take, I'd try to interest them in science I guess but if they don't care then they don't care.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Sarcastically and arrogantly put down their opinion. Either that or engage them in a discussion about it if it's interesting enough.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    Long as society provides for me I'll provide for it. People can be many things, no use in blanketing them under one view. A social problem? That's real funny. We've got a lot of those, but you've heard about them a million times already, so I won't waste my breath. Or, like, keystrokes. Yeah.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    If they like me I like them. I behave normally around closer people, show my real self. I cool down a bit, only go crazy when needed.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    A combination of nutcase and awkward. Shields you from any sort of attack if you look like a lunatic. Now if this is public or someplace you can't act like that, then polite, the usual. Like at restaurants, for example.

  2. #2
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    I'm going to take a stab here and say ILE. I see evidence here of ego, polr, irrationality, devalued , and 1D . Also, doing well on tests like that is, I think, an Alpha NT thing (I can take a test for a subject I've never studied and get like an 80%, so can my ILE dad).
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  3. #3


    That was one of the two I picked between myself, that and SLE, but, I have no idea what the difference between the Se and Ne is. If you don't mind, where's devalued Se in there? And what indicates Ne Ego?

  4. #4
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    Evidence for base:
    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why? Anything, really. ...
    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    Too impulsive.
    Also just the overall feel of your writing. It seems like there's a new thought dragging you in a new direction every 3 seconds.

    Evidence for role:
    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    War's lame, and I don't waste brain cells on it. Armed forces are there because other armed forces are, everything would be easier if people realized what they're throwing away.
    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    Ha, haha, ha. Too lazy to do those. I would if I felt a sense of ownership or responsibility over my environment though. Like if it was my house.
    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    I dislike my inability to do things I don't wanna do
    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    Oh and I hate overly controlling people.
    Some links that may help with understanding the difference between and :
    information elements (I find the "States of mind" section particularly helpful)
    extraverted sensing
    extraverted intuition
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    Quote Originally Posted by tejing View Post
    I'm going to take a stab here and say ILE. I see evidence here of ego, polr, irrationality, devalued , and 1D . Also, doing well on tests like that is, I think, an Alpha NT thing (I can take a test for a subject I've never studied and get like an 80%, so can my ILE dad).
    It could be Ne role. His very first answer in the whole questionnaire sounds like Se and a few other things too.

    I'd like to know more if OP studies for those tests or not. Because that was not clear from his wording. I never needed much time to study compared to most people but that's just due to high intelligence, not due to easily picking up on concepts with Ne. I basically just Ti'd the whole thing and learned all the details of the study material that way. I definitely would not get 80% on tests that I didn't study for (I did study for everything to avoid that issue, though). My LII-Ne friend is just like you too, though. That's some crazy skill from my POV and does sound like an Alpha NT thing in this way.

    Overall, I'm not convinced on ILE but I totally agree on Fe HA. It also does look like that OP is closer to Alpha than to Gamma, so it's ILE or SLE-Ti.

    But, what seemed 1D Si to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by tejing View Post
    Evidence for base: War's lame, and I don't waste brain cells on it. Armed forces are there because other armed forces are, everything would be easier if people realized what they're throwing away.
    To me this answer seems way too simplistic to be 4D Ne. That question overall is not correlated strongly enough with Se valuing/Se devaluing to use it as evidence for anything. Though the part about people realizing what they're throwing away does sound out of touch in reality in a way that could point towards Ne>Se. That, or OP didn't think this through too much.

    The nutcase thing: again too ambiguous.

    The impulsivity: EP or NTR.

    Ha, haha, ha. Too lazy to do those. I would if I felt a sense of ownership or responsibility over my environment though. Like if it was my house.
    The second part actually sounds Se to me.

    I dislike my inability to do things I don't wanna do
    General Irrational temperament. Depending on further specifics, it can be Se role.

    Oh and I hate overly controlling people.
    Who wants to be overly controlled?

    Also just the overall feel of your writing. It seems like there's a new thought dragging you in a new direction every 3 seconds.
    EP temperament.


    Please tell me more on how you did so well on tests without effort. Also tell me about what other things you are shit at that you'd like to be better at. Also describe how you are a nutcase around people.

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    @Myst You misquoted me there. I put that under evidence for role, not base. As for the 1D , I based that on his answer to the health/medicine question. It's not strong evidence, I know, since you could look at it a different way and say it's ignoring.

    I'm not convinced about ILE either, it's just my best guess atm, but I am convinced he's either that or SLE. The rational functions all line up with those too well to be anything else.
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    Quote Originally Posted by tejing View Post
    @Myst You misquoted me there. I put that under evidence for role, not base. As for the 1D , I based that on his answer to the health/medicine question. It's not strong evidence, I know, since you could look at it a different way and say it's ignoring.

    I'm not convinced about ILE either, it's just my best guess atm, but I am convinced he's either that or SLE. The rational functions all line up with those too well to be anything else.
    I didn't misquote you, I just didn't feel like quoting every line of your post, otherwise I was aware of which parts were about Se role just fine. When I indicated his response was actually Se, I meant that it seemed Se in ego if that's what threw you off.

    Yes as I said I agree he must be xLE.

    His answer to the health question did not seem like unaware Si DS, honestly. He explicitly says he pays attention to himself. He knows what it means to let the body take care of things. (Though I don't know if he takes it to the extreme too much with not taking medication. But if he just meant he doesn't pop a pill for every little thing then I totally get his reasoning.)

    Anyway will see OP's answers first before I say more.

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    I know you didn't misunderstand me... I just think someone reading the quote could be confused. It's not a big deal, just me being pedantic. :-)
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  9. #9


    Sorry in advance for how long this is, feel free to skim or ignore it. Not that you'd need my permission.

    Sir yes sir, sorry if I take too long. I do well on tests because, well, I'm not sure. I'm not stupid? I mean, everyone wants to say that, so take it with less than salt grains, but I pay attention to what I actually give a, rear end, about. Aside from that I guess it's just absorbed, I don't believe in cheating as a rule so that's probably helpful too. Well, cheating in school, 'cause that's how the asshats get 32's on their bio tests (which is hilarious but not for me). To be honest I could be more diligent in school but I, well, don't care, even if I know where it'll get me. Maybe it's the ADHD I don't take meds for but that stuff made me feel freaking awful, and ruined my discipline with sleep since passing out never ever ever happened. Weirdly there are certain things I try hard at. Like certain games (video games, not, I dunno, football). Or arguing. Or the gym (kinda? It's an energy outlet, a great one, but I don't harass people with douchey noise or obnoxious slamming, plus I follow my friend's lead on what to do). Oh, and external motivation really helps. Not money, more so, if I'd let someone down by failing, it loses its viability as an option.

    More stuff I'm crap at? Well, my grandmother (ESE, always offering food, good lord stop. But I appreciate her attitude, she's one of the few people I've met who I really think has kindness. Her and my grandpa who I idolized for actually being a dad, and buying me those medical factbooks) says I'm too stubborn, and she knows me well. If she takes a decision in a direction I dislike I usually lose my temper, not in a way where I want to hurt anybody, but in a sort of, "stop trying to be so clever, don't you remember last time?" way. I know it's really immature, I have to work on it. I'm s*** at apologizing to people, or accepting when I've done wrong. I also dwell way too hard on interpersonal decisions (does this person like me? Probably not.) which leads to inaction where it probably would've been harmless. My best friend (IEI by the descriptions, creepy at times, and moody, but we can have fun) fired at me that I can never admit wrongdoing, but he gets so darn touchy. But that right there may been an example, see? Always with the second guessing, too, that's why I asked other people what my type was.

    Uh, the nutcase thing? Well, it might be cause I was a messed up child, and it carried over. But you asked HOW. So, getting real creepy, seeming like a mess, talking about things nobody expects you to say, cause who the hell would start talking about that? Acting creepy (repeated myself), I like doing that, until a friend spoils it by going "he's harmless" or telling them I can act normal, a-holes. It's called being in character, come on! When I was younger, aside from violence at others, probably due to my fanboyism of dudes like Mick Foley, I'd get really good at running into stuff and making hard falls, if that counts. That's probably what did a number on my knees, in retrospect. Man, when you consider what you just did, it sounds, bad. But for some reason you do it again later. Well not you, that's bad writing, or projection, or something. I mean me. Another weakness for you. But yeah, in short, I act like an ill person. It actually manages to piss some people off, too. Believe it or not some people go,"You're so smart, stop acting so stupid!" But see those are the people you act extra stupid for. This is dragging on, uhm, ending? Yeah there we go. Or no, ending now. Sorry I love talking. But this is typing. But, but, oh fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    Sorry in advance for how long this is
    Ok well the only thing I can say is Fe superid is obvious. Leaning towards alpha NT now.

    What is it in Se and Ne definitions that you identify with? Did you read @tejing's links. That mind states stuff is really good and is short enough for an ADHD brain too to read through.

    Also check Se and Ne here:

  11. #11


    Oh crap missed those, will do.

  12. #12


    In favor of Se: "Find it hard to be in a situation where nothing can be done, nothing can be changed, to be placed in "limbo", to just wait for the right moment for action, not "blurt out" everything at once. They are always accompanied by restless activity, by workaholism. Not a minute without action, which means sometimes the incapacity to stop and think. If there is a pause, then it has to get filled. If they are talking, immediately come up topics of problems and action."

    (I can't sit down, and when I sit down, I have to stand up and run around, or do something. The only time I'm lying in bed is when I'm dying of lack of sleep, and if I lay down for too long I feel dead anyway. I go to sleep by passing out, nothing else. Really awful, don't care.)

    "He wants to make all decisions himself about what he will do, wear, eat, look like, etc., and resents any attempts by others to make these decisions for him. However, he is willing to make use of other peoples' ideas, advice, and creativity, as long as he plays the most visible role."

    (Most annoying thing is having someone try and buy me something cause they think the surprise is cute, no, I wanna pick what I want. Why would anyone else ever be better at that than me? It's ridiculous)

    He enjoys testing his will in challenging situations and views life as a sort of obstacle course, full of adversity and challenges, that must be weathered and conquered.

    (I hate easy video games, if they're afraid to tell you you suck then what's the point? There should always be an opportunity to fail, to keep you on your toes. I don't play games to delude myself that I'm god or something)

    In favor of Ne:

    They make an impression of being unique - no one knows what will originate in their mind in the next moment. And this love of impermanence they make a standard - it's a typical behavior for them, a constant point of attention.

    (When I'm being a wacko, it's to keep people on the edge thinking what'll happen next. Heck, even I don't know, it's usually whatever comes to mind. This worked horribly in my earlier years, someone usually ended up hurt, which I'm very sorry for, believe me.)

    "It can be difficult to debate or negotiate with him because he is, as if, constantly maneuvering while moving through life: "this can be that way, but also another way."

    (The difference of perspective is something I kind of value. If you don't consider the other side, it's kinda gonna bite you in the ass.)

    Actually, I realized the games I'm interested in might reveal something. I always liked Need for Speed, especially most wanted. The scenario is you, a car, and like, 40 cops trying to stop you. And you just smash through all of them listening to their radio as they all panic, it's funny as hell. They do come back though, if you lead them on too long, oh god they do. Then of course the wrestling games because beating people (fake ones) is satisfying, as is the impact from hits. Plus the desire to win grows as you go. I could spend 30 minutes in a match that Kane (favorite wrestler, powerhouse type) isn't good at (submission) against a bad ass submission dude, cause like hell am I quitting, I just have to keep going and be extremely careful. I also love stealth games, because they emphasize taking down a far more powerful enemy force, through indirect means. Charging head on is dumb. But carefully crafting a trap, planting explosives, knocking out dudes, sending a dog to attack, adjusting camouflage and using the environment, it's awesome. The beginning kinda sounds Se, actually, since it seems to focus so much on winning, and I like winning. But isn't stealth kinda, Ne, or Si, cause it devalues the direct approach? I always loved Metal Gear, one because Ocelot's funny as hell in MGS3, and two because of the pacing and attention to detail.

    That's another thing, I love good graphics, if a game has great lighting, reflection, color, solid textures, and impactful sounds, it works. If your hits sound like ass, however, it ruins it. Mortal Kombat (2011) is awesome as hell because the X-Ray's have the best damn sound design, those bone crunches are so damn brutal. Like seriously. I watch them just to fulfill my weird violence thing. Plus MK's intro's always devolve into huge fights where people are just knocking the shiz outta each other with little reason or direction. Sorry if that helps 0% but since gaming is my primary pastime I figured the psychology behind it would be helpful. Also, I've come to dislike strategy games playing with a certain (apparently ILI?) friend. He's always trying to snake his way out of difficulties, restarting with bad starts. Also I hate how long it takes and how underhanded it all seems. It drains me, I have no idea what's going on. That seems to favor Ne, because Se would notice the power dynamics behind what's going on, right? Right? But I can floor him in chivalry (high difficulty melee combat, you either hit hard or miss) so it's all okay. Plus that game is funny as hell so it helps, I dislike taking things so seriously, which is why these Ti subtypes you guys mentioned sound weird.

    Something needs to be cleared up for me then, if I hate politics, it's flippin' boring as hell, that's a mark against Se. Also, I'm not one for vulgarity, seems those types use that a lot. But, in games, I like the fast paced ones, especially adversarial games. I don't spew shite talk during matches though, Se doms sound like they get mad. I don't get mad when I play, it's just a game. Sure, I intend to win, but yelling in a textbox =/= win. Win = win. But I love customization, finding something unique to me, sounds like Ne. If my play-style I developed kicks behind, it's far more satisfying. Linearity (games with one path and one method) is lame. Also, while my gaming attitude sounds aggressive, I could never play football or wrestle (the real thing), I just don't wanna get hurt, I've got better outlets for the same aggression, "fake" or not.

    Hmm... TL;DR might be in order., for those long ass paragraphs. 1. I love games with impossible odds, where loss is ALWAYS a danger. 2. Presentation is a must too. 3. But aggression in reality, does not happen. At all. I don't want to be the best in the real world, it just won't happen. 4. I don't connect with the claims of seriousness and subtly (God no! haha) in the descriptions for Ti subtypes.

  13. #13
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    You sound a lot like my cousin who is ILE-Ne. He even has a thing for fighting games such mortal kombat, street fighter and injustice as you mentioned. Do you like the batman arkham games? I've never seen a bigger batman fan than him lol. You definitely seem the type of person (alpha NT) whom I could talk to and hang out with if this was real life.

  14. #14


    Yeah actually I just read for Ne now that you say that, sounds pretty accurate. And Batman Arkham? I played Arkham City but it seems to rely on being a huge Batman fan (which I'm not) and the gameplay's kinda.. reactionary? I do become a huge fanboy over things, though, that's for sure, so I can see the connection.

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    See my comments in italics

    In favor of Se: "Find it hard to be in a situation where nothing can be done, nothing can be changed, to be placed in "limbo", to just wait for the right moment for action, not "blurt out" everything at once. They are always accompanied by restless activity, by workaholism. Not a minute without action, which means sometimes the incapacity to stop and think. If there is a pause, then it has to get filled. If they are talking, immediately come up topics of problems and action."

    (I can't sit down, and when I sit down, I have to stand up and run around, or do something. The only time I'm lying in bed is when I'm dying of lack of sleep, and if I lay down for too long I feel dead anyway. I go to sleep by passing out, nothing else. Really awful, don't care.)

    I wonder how much of this is attributed to EP temperament? Overall this is the highest energy temperament, the temperament that has the hardest time just staying still.

    "He wants to make all decisions himself about what he will do, wear, eat, look like, etc., and resents any attempts by others to make these decisions for him. However, he is willing to make use of other peoples' ideas, advice, and creativity, as long as he plays the most visible role."

    (Most annoying thing is having someone try and buy me something cause they think the surprise is cute, no, I wanna pick what I want. Why would anyone else ever be better at that than me? It's ridiculous)

    I am exactly the same and I'm Se PoLR. Except that I don't always need to be playing the most visible role. I'm more of a behind the scenes person but I resent anyone trying to make decisions for me. I find gift giving awkward too. I'd much rather receive money and just buy what I want with it.

    He enjoys testing his will in challenging situations and views life as a sort of obstacle course, full of adversity and challenges, that must be weathered and conquered.

    Now this part of Se doesn't appeal to me. I would prefer life to be easy with minimal conflict and strife. I do like some challenges- more intellectual and creative ones where they are more optional and personal challenges and not things I must be 'forced' to endure.

    (I hate easy video games, if they're afraid to tell you you suck then what's the point? There should always be an opportunity to fail, to keep you on your toes. I don't play games to delude myself that I'm god or something)

    I like video games that are challenging enough so that the risk of failure is always immenent but not so difficult that you keep failing over and over again. Part of the fun is leveling up and making progress. It's no fun to have to keep repeating the same section over and over again.

    In favor of Ne:

    They make an impression of being unique - no one knows what will originate in their mind in the next moment. And this love of impermanence they make a standard - it's a typical behavior for them, a constant point of attention.

    (When I'm being a wacko, it's to keep people on the edge thinking what'll happen next. Heck, even I don't know, it's usually whatever comes to mind. This worked horribly in my earlier years, someone usually ended up hurt, which I'm very sorry for, believe me.)

    This sounds alot like Ne and perhaps a good example of what base Ne is like. The latter part about people being hurt from it could be due to your Fi PoLR if you are ILE. I'm Ne creative, either LII or EII, it's a little different for me. I'm not really trying to keep people on the edge. I'm not that unpredictable but I do manage to amuse people with my Ne ideas and tangents at times. I hardly ever hurt other people (or if I do I'm not aware of it).

    "It can be difficult to debate or negotiate with him because he is, as if, constantly maneuvering while moving through life: "this can be that way, but also another way."

    (The difference of perspective is something I kind of value. If you don't consider the other side, it's kinda gonna bite you in the ass.)

    Same here

    Actually, I realized the games I'm interested in might reveal something. I always liked Need for Speed, especially most wanted. The scenario is you, a car, and like, 40 cops trying to stop you. And you just smash through all of them listening to their radio as they all panic, it's funny as hell. They do come back though, if you lead them on too long, oh god they do. Then of course the wrestling games because beating people (fake ones) is satisfying, as is the impact from hits. Plus the desire to win grows as you go. I could spend 30 minutes in a match that Kane (favorite wrestler, powerhouse type) isn't good at (submission) against a bad ass submission dude, cause like hell am I quitting, I just have to keep going and be extremely careful. I also love stealth games, because they emphasize taking down a far more powerful enemy force, through indirect means. Charging head on is dumb. But carefully crafting a trap, planting explosives, knocking out dudes, sending a dog to attack, adjusting camouflage and using the environment, it's awesome. The beginning kinda sounds Se, actually, since it seems to focus so much on winning, and I like winning. But isn't stealth kinda, Ne, or Si, cause it devalues the direct approach? I always loved Metal Gear, one because Ocelot's funny as hell in MGS3, and two because of the pacing and attention to detail.

    I like speed games too, the wrestling and stealth ones not so much. I guess with wrestling, maybe I just don't see much point in beating others for fun even in a game? The stealth games make me too anxious and require too much waiting around and patience. If you mess up you have to do the whole section over.

    That's another thing, I love good graphics, if a game has great lighting, reflection, color, solid textures, and impactful sounds, it works. If your hits sound like ass, however, it ruins it. Mortal Kombat (2011) is awesome as hell because the X-Ray's have the best damn sound design, those bone crunches are so damn brutal. Like seriously. I watch them just to fulfill my weird violence thing. Plus MK's intro's always devolve into huge fights where people are just knocking the shiz outta each other with little reason or direction. Sorry if that helps 0% but since gaming is my primary pastime I figured the psychology behind it would be helpful. Also, I've come to dislike strategy games playing with a certain (apparently ILI?) friend. He's always trying to snake his way out of difficulties, restarting with bad starts. Also I hate how long it takes and how underhanded it all seems. It drains me, I have no idea what's going on. That seems to favor Ne, because Se would notice the power dynamics behind what's going on, right? Right? But I can floor him in chivalry (high difficulty melee combat, you either hit hard or miss) so it's all okay. Plus that game is funny as hell so it helps, I dislike taking things so seriously, which is why these Ti subtypes you guys mentioned sound weird.

    I'm more about the gameplay itself than the graphics but good graphics are always a big plus for any game. And humor is always good.

    Something needs to be cleared up for me then, if I hate politics, it's flippin' boring as hell, that's a mark against Se. Also, I'm not one for vulgarity, seems those types use that a lot. But, in games, I like the fast paced ones, especially adversarial games. I don't spew shite talk during matches though, Se doms sound like they get mad. I don't get mad when I play, it's just a game. Sure, I intend to win, but yelling in a textbox =/= win. Win = win. But I love customization, finding something unique to me, sounds like Ne. If my play-style I developed kicks behind, it's far more satisfying. Linearity (games with one path and one method) is lame. Also, while my gaming attitude sounds aggressive, I could never play football or wrestle (the real thing), I just don't wanna get hurt, I've got better outlets for the same aggression, "fake" or not.

    Okay, sounds more Ne than Se. I don't think all Se types are necessarily vulgar though. I'm also with you on customization and dislike of linearity in games.

    Hmm... TL;DR might be in order., for those long ass paragraphs. 1. I love games with impossible odds, where loss is ALWAYS a danger. 2. Presentation is a must too. 3. But aggression in reality, does not happen. At all. I don't want to be the best in the real world, it just won't happen. 4. I don't connect with the claims of seriousness and subtly (God no! haha) in the descriptions for Ti subtypes.

    Okay, I think ILE is more likely for you than SLE.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Does this game look fun to you or frustrating?

    A little clarification in case it's unclear: your character's hitbox is tiny, but if you're hit, you die instantly. So it puts a high value on perfection in choices, and essentially no value on acquiring resources or strength, which makes it pretty over (at least I think so).
    Valued | Devalued
    < | < | Conscious
    < | < | Unconscious

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    Clear focus on Sensing. Fe is valued for sure.

    Not sure about a particular type though. People says xLE here. You can't be ILE, if I had to choose I would say SLE. You value Fe, but at the same time it doesn't seem very strong. I've seen no clue about intuition.

    Your answer to the first question is quite interesting. We can see that you think firstly about sensations. They seem external though. Yeah, SLE makes sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    (I can't sit down, and when I sit down, I have to stand up and run around, or do something. The only time I'm lying in bed is when I'm dying of lack of sleep, and if I lay down for too long I feel dead anyway. I go to sleep by passing out, nothing else. Really awful, don't care.)
    Nice ADHD EP temperament

    So what do you do running around when you are not playing video games?

    He enjoys testing his will in challenging situations and views life as a sort of obstacle course, full of adversity and challenges, that must be weathered and conquered.

    (I hate easy video games, if they're afraid to tell you you suck then what's the point? There should always be an opportunity to fail, to keep you on your toes. I don't play games to delude myself that I'm god or something)
    Why is it good to keep yourself on your toes?

    (When I'm being a wacko, it's to keep people on the edge thinking what'll happen next. Heck, even I don't know, it's usually whatever comes to mind. This worked horribly in my earlier years, someone usually ended up hurt, which I'm very sorry for, believe me.)
    I see the same theme here, keeping people on their toes, eh?

    "It can be difficult to debate or negotiate with him because he is, as if, constantly maneuvering while moving through life: "this can be that way, but also another way."

    (The difference of perspective is something I kind of value. If you don't consider the other side, it's kinda gonna bite you in the ass.)
    Does it not annoy you then if someone can't clearly state things instead of "can be this way but then maybe another way"?

    Actually, I realized the games I'm interested in might reveal something. I always liked Need for Speed, especially most wanted. The scenario is you, a car, and like, 40 cops trying to stop you. And you just smash through all of them listening to their radio as they all panic, it's funny as hell. They do come back though, if you lead them on too long, oh god they do. Then of course the wrestling games because beating people (fake ones) is satisfying, as is the impact from hits. Plus the desire to win grows as you go. I could spend 30 minutes in a match that Kane (favorite wrestler, powerhouse type) isn't good at (submission) against a bad ass submission dude, cause like hell am I quitting, I just have to keep going and be extremely careful. I also love stealth games, because they emphasize taking down a far more powerful enemy force, through indirect means. Charging head on is dumb. But carefully crafting a trap, planting explosives, knocking out dudes, sending a dog to attack, adjusting camouflage and using the environment, it's awesome. The beginning kinda sounds Se, actually, since it seems to focus so much on winning, and I like winning. But isn't stealth kinda, Ne, or Si, cause it devalues the direct approach? I always loved Metal Gear, one because Ocelot's funny as hell in MGS3, and two because of the pacing and attention to detail.
    Well what do you get out of these stealth games, is the primary focus on winning or on crafting these game strategies to get around?

    That's another thing, I love good graphics, if a game has great lighting, reflection, color, solid textures, and impactful sounds, it works. If your hits sound like ass, however, it ruins it. Mortal Kombat (2011) is awesome as hell because the X-Ray's have the best damn sound design, those bone crunches are so damn brutal. Like seriously. I watch them just to fulfill my weird violence thing. Plus MK's intro's always devolve into huge fights where people are just knocking the shiz outta each other with little reason or direction. Sorry if that helps 0% but since gaming is my primary pastime I figured the psychology behind it would be helpful. Also, I've come to dislike strategy games playing with a certain (apparently ILI?) friend. He's always trying to snake his way out of difficulties, restarting with bad starts. Also I hate how long it takes and how underhanded it all seems. It drains me, I have no idea what's going on. That seems to favor Ne, because Se would notice the power dynamics behind what's going on, right? Right? But I can floor him in chivalry (high difficulty melee combat, you either hit hard or miss) so it's all okay. Plus that game is funny as hell so it helps, I dislike taking things so seriously, which is why these Ti subtypes you guys mentioned sound weird.
    I only mentioned SLE-Ti because that's closer to Alpha than SLE-Se.

    You seem to be doing Asking type of questions a lot btw, though I'm not sure how reliable the use of Asking/Declaring dichotomy - in Reinin dichotomies -
    is for typing. That would point towards ILE though.

    This focus on fights and whatever in those game intros, I have to wonder why it's satisfying to you. I'm not at all sure that would be something for Se ego due to it being not actually real. The fact you can't follow the Ni way of thinking could mean weak intuition tho'.

    Something needs to be cleared up for me then, if I hate politics, it's flippin' boring as hell, that's a mark against Se. Also, I'm not one for vulgarity, seems those types use that a lot. But, in games, I like the fast paced ones, especially adversarial games. I don't spew shite talk during matches though, Se doms sound like they get mad. I don't get mad when I play, it's just a game. Sure, I intend to win, but yelling in a textbox =/= win. Win = win.
    So you know Se doms? How do you find you are different from them other than this?

    But I love customization, finding something unique to me, sounds like Ne. If my play-style I developed kicks behind, it's far more satisfying. Linearity (games with one path and one method) is lame.
    Eh, hard to say if that's just Irrationality or outright Ne.

    Also, while my gaming attitude sounds aggressive, I could never play football or wrestle (the real thing), I just don't wanna get hurt, I've got better outlets for the same aggression, "fake" or not.
    Why are you so afraid of getting hurt?

    3. But aggression in reality, does not happen. At all. I don't want to be the best in the real world, it just won't happen.
    Why not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LK4D4 View Post
    Oh crap missed those, will do.
    Did you check the mind states?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    You sound a lot like my cousin who is ILE-Ne. He even has a thing for fighting games such mortal kombat, street fighter and injustice as you mentioned. Do you like the batman arkham games? I've never seen a bigger batman fan than him lol. You definitely seem the type of person (alpha NT) whom I could talk to and hang out with if this was real life.
    Yeh I'm starting to get tired by the uh, tangents.

    In any case, an unfocused - actually dx'd with ADHD - Irrational EP with inert subtype being doubly EP.

    Quote Originally Posted by tejing View Post
    Does this game look fun to you or frustrating? (...) A little clarification in case it's unclear: your character's hitbox is tiny, but if you're hit, you die instantly. So it puts a high value on perfection in choices, and essentially no value on acquiring resources or strength, which makes it pretty over (at least I think so).
    Haha, I clicked on it and it's frustrating right away, just one crappy little game, I might as well waste my energy for real life goals.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Yeh I'm starting to get tired by the uh, tangents.
    Your polr really shows.

    This one was immediately obvious to me so I didn't see the need for serious analysis. Notice his emphasis on things that "interest" him such video games, movies, science. This to me screams leading Ne, and the strong demonstrative Te/Creative Ti can be seen in his wide array of knowledge about those interest. I'm not seeing that hallmark SLE "get real" attitude anywhere in his post. I saw a lot of myself in his post except for the whole not being able to sit down thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Your polr really shows.

    This one was immediately obvious to me so I didn't see the need for serious analysis. Notice his emphasis on things that "interest" him such video games, movies, science. This to me screams leading Ne, and the strong demonstrative Te/Creative Ti can be seen in his wide array of knowledge about those interest. I'm not seeing that hallmark SLE "get real" attitude anywhere in his post. I saw a lot of myself in his post except for the whole not being able to sit down thing.
    Haha about your comment on me. Yes Ne for OP makes sense, though had some good Se expressions too in the questionnaire answers. But overall it makes sense that there is more emphasis on Ne than Se. You do have a very good point that he does not seem like the type who'd give the "get real" sort of advice to people. Not being able to sit down btw is a typical ADHD symptom too.

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