After hanging out with my LSI-Se cousin and ILE-Ti brother yesterday, I've noticed how much they put my Ti usage to shame, haha. Meaning, their display of Ti competency has humbled me a lot. I've realized we tend to overestimate the strength of our mobilizing function, especially when we are of the Inert subtype.

In my case, I have developed a slight arrogance in terms of me using my Ti. Basically, I thought I was much better at it than I really am. I can see most people having this slight blindness when it comes to their HA. In comparison with others of your type, or those who are weak at your mobilizing function, you may think you are competent at it. But once you see people employing this function to the best degree, it is apparent how much mistaken you were.

I give you the task of hanging out with at least one person, preferably more, who's got your mobilizing function as their first (best option) or second function. And observe how much more proficient their use at it is, in comparison to you, haha. Besides that, how have been your interactions with people who are strong at your HA? And I am talking of "real life" interactions here.