Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post

Shows an interesting side (I'm just learning about this guy). He seems pretty upset to have been considered, even briefly "alt-right". Almost like the feeling of realizing that one's been misunderstood despite all of one's efforts to the contrary. I'm not so sure he'd appreciate being typed on a forum like this. I could be wrong, but it seems to go against what he works for.
That's interesting, what leads you to believe that?

Regarding his association with the alt-right: he seems to (from an outsider's perspective) walked into that blindly. Like it was as innocuous as drinking lemonade on a hot day. But the toxicity of everything about the alt-right's image (including its relations to others from those others, esp. media or emotion-led demonizers) seems to have never occured to him as an issue, like he was just getting invitations to talk to people who were curious about what he had to say.

While this is in line with his individualist, apolitical philosophy (and if done consciously, it's a brave and poignant move), it seems to show a striking ignorance of how other people are going to react to his image and his associations or a disinclination to put his beliefs into context.